Author Topic: Re: The ladies are in on the scam.  (Read 18032 times)

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Offline cHi

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2009, 01:44:07 pm »
Oops, forgot to mention a couple of things:

Most of the people I know directly that have taken languages in school have forgotten almost all of it, with the exception of basic necessities like "hello" "good bye" etc.  I have a natural affinity for languages, so I have retained quite a bit of my spanish fluency, and have a broken understanding of portuguese, french, japanese, and now mandarin.  However, this is not normally the case.   For the most part, language knowledge (like many other specific areas) is a use-it-or-lose-it skill.  Aside from that, how many Americans spend 12 years in English and grammar classes, but can't speak or write worth a darn?  English is a very disjointed language.  Just because a class is mandatory in grade school or college does not mean the student will retain those abilities through the years unless they have been used consistently.  How much would you wager you would fare on a test in Algebra? Geometry? Trigonometry? English? Biology? Physics?  Things that we don't use every day, we tend to lose sight of.

On top of that, I'm not old, so I guess I don't fit the stereotype.  I simply know what I want, and I have the means to get it.


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2009, 01:56:16 pm »
Vince G you said you can find anyone's email off asian friend finder if so please let me know i just found my one form chnlove but would not want to put here for someone wrong might see it

oh thank you thank you rush

i sound like a little kid now
hopefully away from somewhere

i didn't want someone from another group finding these and start chasing the girls for money


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2009, 04:18:29 pm »
no burst Vince i did get to send the email to her but from another site now just waiting to see if she get sit


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #48 on: May 01, 2009, 05:01:44 pm »
Geordie..I feel the need to address some of the things I have read.

You have said in another post that most other people on earth think this is a scam..

You guys do realize that nearly everybody on the planet OTHER than you thinks this stuff is a scam?

From talking to the owner of the agency I met my wife through, she told me Chnlove has approximately 25000 male members. This is not her agency..this is chnlove. She is attended 10 marriages in the month of April, with one of them being mine...and the next day, traveling north from Chenzou to Wuhan to attend another. 10 weddings in a month does not sound like a scam to me. Just because people are meeting in a very unconventional way, does not make this a scam site.

Before I payed for anything here, I wanted to know what I was paying for. I was paying for a translator to go over my letter, and translate it into Chinese character, or verbally translate it to my lady in Mandarin. This is a very specialized field. At first, i was not sure I liked the idea of a third party reading my letters. But I bit the bullet, and went with it. I am happy I did, because I have also made a new friend with my translator.

I have tried to use Google Translate, and Yahoo Babelfish. I still use these when I talk to my wife on MSN or QQ. And I also know that these translation tools mess up quite often. I do not mind now, because we have developed a relationship...but had I tried to use these in the beginning, we would never have gotten off the ground. So I personally needed the use of a translator. Look in the phone book, and try to find a translator for the same price as a chnlove translator.

I am getting tired of you running down everything we are doing here. If you don't want to be a part of chnlove, then go elsewhere. We know where to find the conspiracy theory sites, so if we have a change of heart about chnlove, we will happily join you over there. But until then, please let us live in our imaginary world of make believe, because some of us actually like it here, and still believe this is all real. Some of us are happily married, and are happy with the services that chnlove provides.

So I am asking you nicely, either post elsewhere, or start posting something more positive. We are a support group for male members of If you really want to have a proper debate on this, email chnlove directly, and leave us be.

Thank you

Martin (AKA Mading...Mading Bear...Dinger))


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #49 on: May 02, 2009, 01:51:13 am »
Yeah , what kind of name was Geordie anyway . He's the Coward ! At least I don't hide my name from anyone . What has he to find here anyway ?
Fake Forum , fake Women , fake Agencies ... fake fake fake , yes you are the fake here my friend .