It's been a while since I last posted anything. I've been working 16hr days for the last 10 weeks and now I'm sitting at the airport waiting for the flight to Beijing! No more 4.30am starts, can't remember the last day I had off! I finished last night,too many beers and not a lot of sleep. Oh well.
I got a direct flight from London to Beijing 10 hours 15 mins for 444 pounds with China Air return, so at 1.40pm I should be there! My good lady will be there with the translater and a driver to take us home to Baoding.
Can't put my feelings into words sort of nervous, excited ,sad at leaving my grown up kids,just all kind of mixed up. Got the family presents,got all my ducks in a row.
Guess you guys got me this far, so now it's up to me. Hope the training works.
Well they just said my flight is boarding so here we go!!!!