Author Topic: Paul goes to China  (Read 27842 times)

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #120 on: September 26, 2009, 06:53:36 am »

I would say good luck but I think you have already had that with your choice in women.  What I will say is enjoy yourself as you move into the best time of your life.  You are such an encouragement to those of us who are still looking and hoping to find that one special lady.  God bless you and Ming Zhi in your wedding and future life together.



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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #121 on: September 26, 2009, 09:43:31 am »

Yes, good luck to both of you tomorrow and of course beyond... Let's hope you remember everything with these little prompts and digs ..haha!!

Thank god i won't have to go through all this palaver, especially the fancy dress thing!! lol!!
Having said that, i haven't a clue what Lucy is organising for our little celebration thing in China in the New Year?? But i don't think i have to worry too much, we are both not into very much tradition and pomp. So hopefully just a big dinner with a few speeches, and it'll be all done and dusted ..haha!!

Best of British luck to you again Paul, it all Starts for both of you tomorrow!!!



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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #122 on: September 26, 2009, 09:46:47 am »
Paul  have you be told already that you should NOT drop the rope????:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::angel:

Some more good news before your big day...Liverpool won 6-1 against Hull   Lucky
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 12:14:24 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #123 on: September 27, 2009, 01:29:10 am »
Well the big day is here!  
The house is full of women lots of laughing and joking going on, I have the uneasy feeling that a lot of it is about me. Especially when the new red bedding was revealed and laid out for inspection. Eyelashes are being curled and new clothes are being tried on. The mobile has not stopped ringing since about 9 this morning and the living room is full of sweets and stuff put into hundreds of small red bags that I think I have to throw after the ceremony . Ming Zhi is loving every minute of it, well it is her day.  As usual I'm a bit irrelevant to the proceedings, but my time will come!  At the moment I'm keeping a low profile and trying to stay away from the beer in the fridge. Thanks for all the kind words and I will do my best not to drop the rope! Thanks Rob! ..... How can I fail I have my lucky red pants on!........Beer would be nicccccce..............

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #124 on: September 27, 2009, 04:40:47 am »
The house is quiet, all the girls have gone off to have there hair and stuff done. I'm being collected at 5 and being taken to the wedding venue. It's 4.30 now and I have stricked instructions to clean my teeth and brush my hair before I leave, so I best go and do it. Who knows whats going to happen, I sure don't but I'm going to find out, and soon.:icon_cheesygrin:

 Thanks guy's for getting me this far, you know who you all are.:angel: Could not have done it without you. Took me about 10 months and without this group of misfits I would never have managed to pull it off. Cheers guy's from Ming Zhi and myself!


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #125 on: September 27, 2009, 08:15:43 am »
Who you calling a misfit.....:@


Offline maxx

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #126 on: September 27, 2009, 09:34:50 am »
good luck and best wishes to you and Ming Zhi.MAy this be what you truly hope it will be.

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #127 on: September 28, 2009, 03:45:15 am »
Just got back from Mama's house after a marathon dumpling eating session. I think this is the last time for a while that the whole family will sit down to eat together. Lots of laughter about last nights wedding and sharing of photo's and swapping of stories.

I do not know why I was worried about the ceremony, it was a fantastic night, everyone there was up for a good time. They are such good natured people. It started with Ming Zhi and I meeting and greeting all the arriving guests. This turn out to be hilarious, everyone was excited to meet me and have there photos taken with the happy couple.  Weddings here are not as formal in the way people behave, as in the west. It was good to see all the kids running around in a pack causing havoc, I must admit to encouraging this. Even Lester the Australian English teacher was there! Then it was into traditional clothes for the ceremony, went off without a hitch.Well almost I got a bit carried away with the bow and arrow bit and hit the chandelier first go, but no one seemed to mind. Ming Zhi look stunning though out, I can't believe this wonderful woman is my wife ! At the end of the ceremony Ming Zhi 23yr old daughter gave a speech in English saying she was very happy that I was her new father, brought a tear to my eye that one.
 Then as the last of the photo's were being take up pops Lester to sing an old classic love song, and he did it pretty well too! Much to his credit he managed to slip me a cold beer when no one was looking [its a long night so be prepared]. Then it was off round the tables to thank everyone and to drink a toast or two. We had managed to swap the maitai for water, when I say we, I really mean Ming Zhi. So we managed to keep it together. Ha, but there's always one isn't there! This guy fills up two tumbler's with beer and says that if we touch glasses it means that we have to down it in one. Well I had been good, and not had a beer all day apart from the one Lester slipped me.It went down very well along with the next two, after which this guys wife steps in to halt the proceedings, shame I thought I knew who was going to hit the floor first!:angel: Ming Zhi looked a little worried but said nothing. Then it was off to a table full of women who were Ming Zhi's closest friends. They said that we had to sing a song or play a game of there choosing, we chose the latter. This involved us eating a piece of fruit held by one of the guests. At the same time. Well of course every time we went to eat it it was whisked away and we were left kissing. This went down very well with hoots of laughter all round and Ming Zhi blushing in a very fetching manor. This sort of set the scene for the next few tables, sing a song or play a game, the best one involved a chopstick floating in a plastic bottle filled with orange juice. If you squeeze the bottle the chopstick would rise about an inch above the neck of the bottle, likewise if you failed to squeeze the bottle it remained below the bottle neck. Aim of the game to remove the Chopstick with our tongues one on each side, no use of hands allowed. Of course every time we tried the chopstick just sank leaving us in a very embarrassing situation, much to the delight of the guests. At this point I was glad Ming Zhi had swapped the alcohol for water. I must admit to having a really good time and I think everyone else did too.

You can not just sit back at these events the more you throw yourself into it the more every one gets out of it. The generosity of these people can not be underestimate ,we received many red envelopes,which more than payed for the entire wedding!
We get the photo's in a couple of days so I'll post them up then.


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #128 on: September 28, 2009, 03:56:00 am »
BIG CONGRATS to both of you mate...:icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin:

It sounds like it was a lovely time was had by all.  Looking forward to seeing the photo's.  That was a nice touch from Mings (your) daughter saying what she did in English.

Isn't it funny how in most of the weddings they seem to play a lot of games, so much different than the Western wedding, I'm well pleased for you mate...:icon_biggrin:

Offline MLM

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #129 on: September 28, 2009, 07:28:58 am »
Paul & Ming , Congratulations !!!, very happy for you, isn't it great, these weddings I mean, now we have to have your name and Mings moved to the married list with the rest of us that are in training :icon_cheesygrin:, enjoy your holiday together.
Best of luck,
Mike & Zhou
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 01:16:09 pm by MLM »

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #130 on: September 28, 2009, 07:47:03 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Wow Paul and Ming sounds like you had a fantastic time at your wedding!!  Congratulations from both Zhen and I to both of you and also your new daughter.  Its nice to hear she has accepted you into their lives also.

Our best wishes and hopes for a happy and prosperous future together.  Well Done!!

Zhen and Brian


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #131 on: September 28, 2009, 07:48:19 am »
Wow, congratulations! I hope I get to that stage someday!


Vince G

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #132 on: September 28, 2009, 08:50:51 am »
Congratulations!!!  I guess you didn't drop the ROPE ?


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #133 on: September 28, 2009, 09:09:20 am »
Vince ...DID anyone tell him that he had to be careful with it????

Offline Rhonald

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #134 on: September 28, 2009, 11:15:53 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='18382' dateline='1254142251'

Congratulations!!!  I guess you didn't drop the ROPE ?

Safer then dropping the soap.......:-/

Yes congrats Paul, and I can't wait to see the pictures.

Uuhm of the wedding...not of dropping the soap.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 11:16:39 pm by Rhonald »
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