Author Topic: Paul goes to China  (Read 27837 times)

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Offline Ed W

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2009, 07:37:15 pm »
Good to hear you arrived safely and your introduction was so nice. Good Luck to more enjoyable times!
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline Bob

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2009, 12:19:47 am »
Have a great time in China, when you have the chance please post some pictures for us :icon_biggrin:

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2009, 11:53:12 am »
Hi guy's
Ming Zhi's daughter (age 23 and not married) got me an adapter thingy today so I'm up and running!
I decided before I arrived here not to move into Ming Zhi's house straight away but to wait until after the wedding. This took the pressure off us both and gave us a bit of space. Got me lots of good boy points too!:angel: So I'm in a pretty smart hotel for a week just around the corner, no rush. We have been on web cam most days for the last 7 months so when we meet there were no real shocks  but it's a big change from seeing someone on the computer screen and giving them a hug!
On the first evening we went out to the "Monkey God Mountain restaurant" a dam fine place but the exterior is made of fiberglass to look like a pile of rocks, don't ask me why. Ming Zhi, her daughter Xrong, the translator Mindy and the driver came along. We had a private room and that's when, lets feed the skinny white guy started and they haven't stopped yet. Man these people just won't stop putting food in front of me and it would be rude not to eat it! Not too sure what everything is but it tastes great.
The next morning Ming Zhi's at the door to take me home and guess what the first thing she does is, yes starts cooking. My first taste of home made dumplings, lets say I liked them so much that tonight I made and cooked them for the three of us. Ok maybe they were  not all the same size or had the same amount of filling in each one but ,it was the subject of much laughter around the dinner table. Photo's of the master cook at work were also taken. I'm sure over the next few days all the family will get copy's. Wish I had a photo of there faces when I started doing the washing up. They tried to take the plates off me, so i took them right back.
Today we went to the British embassy in Beijing.One hour on the bullet train for 45rmb's Before I left the UK I got my notice to marry cert from the registrars office, took 21 days  but not the single cert, seemed to me to be one and the same thing. Handed this over to a very helpful woman there. She took this off me as well as 725rmb's and told me to come back on Monday that's the next working day and she would have all the paper work done with copies in English and Chinese every thing needed by the Chinese to get married here. No notaries or sending stuff to the FCO and then the Chinese Embassy in London its cheaper too, so guys from the UK take note! It only took 15 mins to set it up!
After that we set off for a hotel not far away in which a family member was the main man and was bought a fantastic lunch and then on to Tianimen square for a marathon photo taking session, I tell you if it didn't move I had my photo taken in front of it. At my request we took local buses around Beijing, folks here are really helpful and friendly, we only took one taxi and that's after getting lost taking the bus. Then back home in time for me to do the dumplings!
Hand in hand every where we go, lots of hugs and kisses. I've never meet anyone quite like her ,we sort of fit together, if that's possible. This evening xrong called me papa, my eyes just filled up.
It's family dinner time tomorrow I think about 10 of them or so, don't quite know how it's all going to be set up or where for that matter, but I do know that Ming Zhi and I are off food shopping at 10 in the morning. Asking too many questions just complicates things, these people know how it all works far better than I do so let them get on with it and I'll learn stuff as I go along.:sleepy:

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2009, 12:40:49 pm »
Well done Paul , sounds like all is going to plan for the 2 of you and also the wonderful reception from her daughter , so just keep dumpling along , seems all the women in China are very organized , I just roll along behind and take it all in my stride , so no  hassles and a happy lady makes for sleepless nights , regards Robert .:blush:
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Irishman

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2009, 12:49:25 pm »
Great to hear you are having a good time over there Paul, keep the updates coming!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Martin

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2009, 02:16:15 pm »
Great sounding trip Paul.  I am enjoying your updates.  Keep your eyes open, and enjoy yourself.

Offline Rhonald

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2009, 03:41:30 pm »
Paul you have posted many wonderfull and informative articules. It's nice to see that you are enjoying the fruits of your labour. Best wishes.
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2009, 11:16:56 pm »
Paul , with you having such a good time so far , I think we are starting to tilt the scale in our favour . Having more happy incounter's ... then not . I think we are all learning very well from this Forum and it shows .
Continue having a great Dumpling of a time Paul . " Photo's wanted "

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2009, 03:56:55 am »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='15498' dateline='1252120616'

Paul , with you having such a good time so far , I think we are starting to tilt the scale in our favour . Having more happy incounter's ... then not . I think we are all learning very well from this Forum and it shows .
Continue having a great Dumpling of a time Paul . " Photo's wanted "

I know you have not heard from me for many days now but I may be tilting the record backwards again.  Or does a second one not count against the percentage I put up a few weeks back.   Put myself into trouble with the second girlfriend here by asking her something really stupid and even the 24 hour rule is not going to help me on this one. I have until next Saturday to know whether our 8 week relationship has ended or not.

I really hope it continues but that is out of my hands now.  Wish me luck and Mike say a pray for me.


P.S. Has anyone heard from Ted he should have arrived in Guangzhou four days ago.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2009, 10:45:37 am »
Now Willy , what can a Man tell or ask a Woman ... that can get you into this much of trouble ???
Oh ... never mind that would take hundred of pages . Haha
Hope it's not too late .... but , I send my prayer for you already .

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2009, 11:22:45 pm »
hi guys

Today was meet the family day. It started with a shopping trip to the mall to buy food for everyone, it's a custom I was told. First was a cake shop and the challenge seemed to be how may different cakes you could fit in a shoe box size red box, we managed just under 3kg with any remaining space filled up with sweets. Then drinks, mainly milk? and then on to the cooked meat shop. we bought chicken wings and drum sticks,so far so good. I noticed two big dishes of chicken feet one quite small not bad looking yellow ones ming zhi got a bag of these and also a bag of large gray ones that I was none to keen on especially when she turned and smiled at me and said these are for you my darling ! Fantastic I thought to myself and returned the beaming smile as I pushed the trolley out to the car. Then off to mama's house.
I was relaxed about the whole thing,everyone I have met so far have been kind and caring so why should this be any different. Mama is 78 and about 5ft tall with a wicked glint in her eye. She said she had been practicing saying "Hello" for 4 days and then forgotten it! with a giggle. I gave her a box of locally produced biscuits from my home town with both hands and much to my surprise she gave me a red envelope with cash in it. I did not open it but put it straight into Ming Zhi hand bag, come to think about it its still there, no idea how much it was. For her sister Ming Fang I gave a pot of face cream, this went down well, Thanks for the tip Arnold! For her sisters husband Tien Dung it was a bottle of apple brandy also from my home town. For the kids Roo a beautiful 12 year old girl it was sweets and the same for there son err forgotten his name. They were all really good loving people. Taking time to put me at ease. Dung said relax in my mothers house and urged me to put my feet up on the coffee table if I wanted too! of course I didn't do so.Then out came the camera's, family photo's I was told to mark the occasion. The plan was for us all to go to a restaurant for lunch but this soon changed to a family meal cooked at home. While all the women busied themselves in the kitchen Dung and I got to know each other better. he knew a little English and with my basic Mandarin we got along just fine, again lots or fun and joking around.These people have a real good seance of humor. Rung, Ming zhi's daughter had a translator called an "Ozing" with a write pad on it so If we got stuck that cleared it up. After maybe half an hour I was summoned to see Mama in another room and it all got very very serious. She told me that she approved our marriage. I thought this had all ready happened! Well maybe it had who's to know. Then she made me promise to love her daughter and no one else and to treat her well. She seemed pleased with my response and it was all fun and games again.
We all sat down to a noisy and boisterous family meal with me being told the more I eat the happier Mama would be. I ate like my life depended on it! After two full bowls Mama seemed happy so I had another one, This should seal the deal I thought, but Mama looked at me and said I should eat faster! so I did. Basically what ever she said I jumped to do. Everyone at the table just fell about laughing.
I must have done well because when we got back to Ming Zhi's house she pushed me straight into the bedroom. They don't hold back, these women
Got up about 6.30 had a shower and was told we had be invited to her brother and sisters house that evening for a meal.
Dung is a good man, we hit it off straight away and Ming Fang is just one of the most naturally funny people you will ever meet. Her English is not so good but she physically plays out situations that had me crying with laughter and she's a fine cook. At lunch I had given the kids a selection of English coins and explained there value. When I arrive at Dungs house the kids had laid out coins from Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and china and took great delight in showing them off to me.I was given the tour of there new apartment all 200sq meters of it and during this tour in err still forgotten there 8yr old sons name I noticed a full drum kit in his bedroom! Turns out he's been having lessons for 2 years, more of this latter.
The meal was of course fantastic never got to empty my bowl before it was piled high again. Conversation just flowed
 along with the laughter, they really are wonderful people with values we seem to have lost over in the west. I promised to give the children English lessons and was told with howls of laughter that I had to teach the whole family! and in return they would all teach me Mandarin. Turns out Dung is a Liverpool football team fan and since I was born there, I am too. Dung was overjoyed about this and Ming Fang just rolled her eyes as if to say "men what are they like" Dung brought out some cans of "Blue Star"beer and said that they were brewed in Baoding. I was suitably impressed so he filled up my rucksack with cans smiling and said they for me to take back, such a generous people.
After dinner we sat down to watch a DVD of his son playing drums at the local university in front of a large audience. It wasn't simple stuff he was playing there were some complex beats going on, it wasn't perfect but it was near enough. The boys got talent and his parents are backing him all the way without being pushy.Good to see. Then out came the family photo albums after they explained to me what a loving and supportive family they all belong too. Ming Fang said that now I was one of there family they would love me as much as there sister, no less and no more, the same. I have been excepted as one of there's and that was that. I have never met such people ever in my life before and i felt very humbled by it all, if its like this for all Chinese families guys this is the best move you will ever make!
3 hours latter I had a good understanding of who was who, every ones life history, good places to visit and had made dates to play badminton with Dung and ping pong with Ming Fang who said she was an expert in the game. She may well be but she might just be rubbish as well, hard to tell is she was just messing with me or not. Time will tell!
I think Sunday is a lazy day, but what do I know! Monday on the other hand is not. We have to go to Beijing and pick up the paperwork from the British embassy and then head off to another city to get married. Baoding is too small to handle international marriages I have been told.As usual I don't know where this city is and the name did not ring any bells but we can get there do the deal and get home easily in one day,so who am I to argue!
So tonight I'm cracking open a few of those Blue star cans and coming to terms with the events of the day.

Offline maxx

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2009, 01:44:27 am »
Paul wow what a great story and a great post.Looks like it's working out for you.I'm happy to here that.

Offline Bob

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2009, 02:08:28 am »
Paul, CONGRATES ! :icon_biggrin: nice to hear everything is going well for you and Ming Fang. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Curious,,,,do you think you could send us a picture?


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2009, 04:49:19 am »
Paul...What a story!!!

Really pleased for you both mate....Another one for the UK I think guys....LOL

I am really looking forward to getting there with Keren, and that was a good thing to know about the coins etc mate...:icon_biggrin:

Offline MLM

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2009, 08:43:58 am »
Paul, isn't it great to meet people like this?, I hope your having a great time, good luck and best wishes, Zhou ask me to tell you, you have good Feng Shui.
Have fun , ohh uhmm.., have more fun then :icon_biggrin:.