Author Topic: Paul goes to China  (Read 27841 times)

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Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2009, 06:08:03 am »
Well yesterday was a surprise. I was told that we were off to get the wedding photo's taken. So at 10am we arrived at the studio. Now having read I think it was Martin's blog I knew I was in for a long day. The place was quite flash all chrome and lights. We were led up to a dressing room, just loaded down with all kinds of outfits. the first change of clothes had MingZhi in light purple silk wedding dress and me, well I felt like a cross between a Colombian coke dealer and a 70's disco star. I won't describe my clothes other than to mention a pink shirt was involved.  Then it was off to make up!  This took the best part of 2 hours for Ming Zhi, hair ,make up , to be chosen and about 10 mins for me to have  a light coating  of something put on and to have my hair brushed. Then it was off in front of the photographer for about 40 mins. You can imagine the routine hold hands, stand up , turn and smile ,sit down.
Round two saw Ming Zhi in a stunning red wedding dress and me with still a hint of disco fever but the pink shirt had been replaced with a black and red one, unfortunately feathers were involved. Then back in front of the lens.
 The whole establishment seemed to be run by young ladies dressed in very short black skirts so the wait for the make up to be done was not as bad as it may sound.
 Round three saw a change of style, luckily for me. It was a sort of 30's black and white movie image. With Ming Zhi in a fantastic red chongsam and me in a black Tang suit, Got to admit I did quite get into this  bit. Yes after a couple more hour of make up back to the camera man.
 Then for me it all went hideously wrong. Ming Zhi had decided that the last photo shoot would be in old style traditional clothes. Now Ming Zhi looked just as wonderful in this style as in every other, even with a very large blue hat on with gold tassels. As for me I always felt a kind of unease dressing in another countries national dress and absolutely ridiculous in a red silk "dress" with super long sleeves and the most ludicrous hat  you could image. The wings on the side of it were so wide I had to walk through doorways side on, not to mention the blue batman ears on the top. How everyone in the place kept a straight face I will never know, especially when I had to sit in the window to have my trad make up done!
Only 9 hours latter and I was free to go. It was a good day but now we have to wait 10 days before we can collect the 80 photo's. One being about 5ftx3ft that she wants to hang on the living room wall............. I do hope it's not one of me in that hat!

This is all standard stuff for a Chinese wedding so get use to the idea because it will be you in the make up chair next!

Offline ahkiwi

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2009, 07:28:32 am »
Thanks Paul, nice write up, interesting too.

What were you doing while waiting for your better half?
I take it they let you out to feed, drink etc :icon_biggrin:
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Offline Ed W

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #62 on: September 16, 2009, 08:06:13 am »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='16795' dateline='1253095683'

So at 10am we arrived at the studio. Now having read I think it was Martin's blog I knew I was in for a long day.

LMAO.. I dont remember Martin having the studio pics taken but I remember I sure did. It was long and painful and starving to death by the time we could go.

I'd imagine a couple days and you two will be going back to choose out the keepers. It's not over yet. LOL! Thankfully, that should only take about an hour.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2009, 08:19:22 am »
There was "free" tea and coffee. A nice lunch and snacks were also provided. As for passing the time I was watching all the pretty Chinese girls busying themselves around the place, they were also happy to sit with me and practice there English. There were other Chinese couples doing the same thing so endless amusement, and shared embarrassment/pride. They really do a fine job the girls look fantastic, after all it's there day. The photo's will be shown to family and friends for years to come. Do not underestimate how important they are! This whole thing is not cheap, we spent 400 pounds for the photo's. If you want to go out on location,like say the mountains or the beach cost rise up to about 1200 pounds for the day
Ed ,
I wasn't told I have to go back!!!!but that nothing new! Just an hour, that sounds good to me. It is a long ,long day. How many changes of clothes did you do? I have meet people here who have done 6!!!!!. It's a great feeling to leave the place! I was glad to leave too
« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 08:26:13 am by Paul Todd »


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2009, 10:06:10 am »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='16804' dateline='1253103562'

There was "free" tea and coffee. A nice lunch and snacks were also provided. As for passing the time I was watching all the pretty Chinese girls busying themselves around the place, they were also happy to sit with me and practice there English. There were other Chinese couples doing the same thing so endless amusement, and shared embarrassment/pride. They really do a fine job the girls look fantastic, after all it's there day. The photo's will be shown to family and friends for years to come. Do not underestimate how important they are! This whole thing is not cheap, we spent 400 pounds for the photo's. If you want to go out on location,like say the mountains or the beach cost rise up to about 1200 pounds for the day

Ed ,
I wasn't told I have to go back!!!!but that nothing new! Just an hour, that sounds good to me. It is a long ,long day. How many changes of clothes did you do? I have meet people here who have done 6!!!!!. It's a great feeling to leave the place! I was glad to leave too


I think you left out the most important thing to this whole story.  It is a question I need to ask just make sure even thought I already know the answer and it makes me tremble.  Who paid for this? :angel::s:dodgy:

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2009, 10:33:50 am »
we pay for the privilege of letting our future wives dress up for the day. They absolutely love it. It's worth every penny and it does mean an awful lot to them. I think the cheapest package I saw there was about 200 pounds. Most of the famillies I have visited here all pull out the wedding album to show you. I expect in years to come so will we.:icon_biggrin:


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2009, 11:00:46 am »
Wow, that sounds a great experience. If I got to that stage and saw my girl in a chongsam I think I would faint. Maybe when I get the bill I will also faint :s.

Offline Irishman

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2009, 08:26:23 pm »
Paul please share some of the finished pics when you get them. Am mighty curious to see them Rhonald posted some of his and they were great.

I really love the whole idea of dressing up in different costumes for a day and having that as a memory for years to come. So much better than the usual boring outside the hotel and church photos we have here on wedding day.
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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #68 on: September 17, 2009, 06:30:54 pm »
Yes Paul we Love seeing pics as Irishman mentioned. It was a long day for us and I had my son intow (good thing he had his PSP), but now I am glad I did it and wish to do it again. Playing dress up is fun - and ya I hated the pasley flower shirt they had me wear for some shots. Only kept 1 of those shots. We had the cheaper package at about 400 Cdn dollars and keeping 40 shots, 2 photo albums, 1 big picture, cd set to music, and a crystal cube with 4 pictures in it that rotates.
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Offline Neil

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #69 on: September 17, 2009, 07:28:49 pm »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='16795' dateline='1253095683'

  The wings on the side of it were so wide I had to walk through doorways side on, not to mention the blue batman ears on the top. How everyone in the place kept a straight face I will never know, especially when I had to sit in the window to have my trad make up done!

I would love to see some pictures.  I know I'll be doing that eventually too. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #70 on: September 17, 2009, 07:56:32 pm »
Greetings Brothers,

Paul, first of congratulations to you and the missus on your wedding!!  Sounds like you are having a great time.  Also thanks for the heads up on the picture thing.  If everything goes according to plan Zhen and I will marry on valentines day 2010 which is also apparently chinese new year, so a great day for a wedding.

It sure is true about spending time with the kids and not just the adults, congrats on the foresight to do that.  I can also relate to the wife taking over your life and arranging everything from the schedule to meals to your socks, but for me its a wonderful feeling to know someone loves you enough to care about all the little things that they care about.

Again congrats from Zhen and I,

Zhen and Brian

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #71 on: September 17, 2009, 11:23:29 pm »
"cd set to music, and a crystal cube with 4 pictures in it that rotates." ooooo I want one of those!!! Do you think they would let me choose the music!!!!!!.
There were also some photo's of me on one knee offering up a single rose.and ones of us making heart shapes with our hands. Ming Zhi thinks it would be a good Idea to post the most embarrassing ones. I sort of console myself with the idea that it would be a lesson to us all. So when they arrive I will put them up. In about a week I think.
Brian, your so right it is a wonderful feeling to be cared for and loved so unconditionally
and one I'm not used to. If I get bitten by a mosquito she takes it personally.
I know in my posts I mess about a bit but in reality I would not change a thing I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am right now.[ You can tell she reads these post now can't you!}:icon_biggrin:
Neil, as for the hat,well it was a bit tight and oval shaped, because of it's size it tended to  sort of  fall to one side or the other and the cameraman's assistant would come running over between shots to straighten it up. Then they gave me this large fan to hold. between the hat dropping to the side and being told I was not holding the fan in the correct manor it was not the best of times. My advice, don't go for the traditional photo shoot. Unless of course your wife wants you to do it !
Well today were off to check out the wedding venue. It's at the "Gourmet Hill Hotel" I'm sure it's nothing like the pictures I have in my head! I will let you know latter!

Paul Todd

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #72 on: September 17, 2009, 11:50:02 pm »
Don't get me started on chopsticks. I'm quite good with them but I've never encountered such slippery food! And when you drop one of your dumpling in the bowl of sauce it does make one huge splash. Anyone in range in a white shirt is defiantly in trouble!!!!


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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #73 on: September 18, 2009, 04:06:37 am »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='17033' dateline='1253244209'

...and ones of us making heart shapes with our hands....

... If I get bitten by a mosquito she takes it personally.

...Well today were off to check out the wedding venue. It's at the "Gourmet Hill Hotel" I'm sure it's nothing like the pictures I have in my head! I will let you know latter!

Keren sent me a picture with her hands made into a heart shape Paul...and I wondered why???:s

Hehe I know I ain't gonna get on Mings 'bad side'...Hehehe:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::angel:

'Gourmet Hill'...Mate is this 'Gourmet' as in Duck tongues, Chicken feet, fish eyes etc etc....LOL:icon_biggrin:

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RE: Paul goes to China
« Reply #74 on: September 18, 2009, 05:20:34 am »
hey duck tongues are pretty good actually, they just make you feel like you're comitting genocide ... :icon_cheesygrin:
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