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Norb Smith:
Hey thats great to hear Mike, hope you are having the time of your life there, as I am looking forward to my trip here real soon just havent got everything together yet so that I can make the final arrangements but am hoping with from reading your story that things get better and better for you and Jessica and of course hope to hear that Sharon wants to call you Pappy

Mike please tell them big congrats from us at the brotherhood...

I hope Danielle has a wonderful life mate...

Thanks Mike for sharing that with us . It's funny to see Photo's of the very spot's Qing and I were standing only month's ago . I'm glad they having a good time . I also love Hutong , we also had a very funny driver ... he would look back at us more then where he was going . There are wonderful places to eat , most of them near the water .

Mike, thank you for this story, Zhou pointed it out to me, she says this beautiful thing and I agree with her, I hope that the child, Danielle will be happy with her new family.


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