Author Topic: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'  (Read 22795 times)

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #105 on: January 03, 2012, 02:53:09 pm »
 :o  ??? :-\     please tell ....please tell !!!

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #106 on: January 05, 2012, 10:42:29 pm »
here is a part of the book that mentions some of you guys, it can be found in the chapter 'Chnlove', I would like to say a few words about the membership of at present as I have mentioned we have over four hundred and sixty members.  Of that there is a ‘core’ of around thirty people that contribute more

than the rest.  Without this core, there would only be speculation and hearsay about China and it’s ‘true’ culture and people.  On the forum I talk about, I like to think

I have contributed towards helping others in their quest.  Each person, Elder statesmen or newbie are treated no different.  Of course there are rules to follow when

you sign up to it.  But like everything else there are rules to follow, so in that respect this site is no different.

There are Moderators to make sure these rules are followed.  The Forum staff are as follows:Maxx, Global Moderator;  Irishman/Ronan, Tech Guy;  Martin,

Administrators; Chong,   Rhonald, and Arnold,    These three are Moderators.  There have been others but they gave the job up or ended up leaving the site for

reasons best known to themselves.This forum has become like a family of sorts, so much so that someone called it a ‘brotherhood’ and this name has stuck.   Like a

family each member has a role to play, and each member different than the rest.  You have those who are strong minded and those that are more sympathetic.

Maxx for example is looked upon as being the father. He concocted a simple rule to follow and every, Member knows this rule it is ‘Maxx 24 hour rule: Live it; love it;

learn it.

This is the rule The 24 hour rule says,
No matter what crazy thing your women says to you in a letter, webcam, chat or on the phone you are not to comment on it for 24 hours.
24 hours gives you a chance to slow down to think about what the lady said. It also gives you a chance to post the question or situation here where the other members can discuss it amongst themselves. After 24 hours you will have a much better idea how to reply to the lady.
24 hour rule works good as long as the members remember to use it. 9 out of 10 times it is just a missed communication between the lady and the man Or a difference in custom and culture.
There have been many occasions that this rule has saved a relationship. And will do again

that’s for sure.

Martin I think is seen as the one who deals out the warnings etc.  He is seen as the devil in Carnate, but I think (even although I’ve had run INS with him) he is

probably a nice guy.  Irishman is the one who deals with the technical stuff for the website. He is a very nice guy. Rhonald is the poet of the group. Arnold I think is

seen as The calm one in the group. I have the honour of including him - like Rhonald,  as one of my real friends, even though we have not met.  Chong seems also a

nice guy, have not had many dealings or talk with him so I cannot say much about him.  Of these people four of them are married to Chinese women, one has

suffered a divorce (I think) I do know that they have definitely split up from one another. Others in the group include mpo4747 Mike as he and Shaun are the

religious conscience of the group. RobertfromAustralia, Philip, and Paul Todd are the Teachers, education specialist’ Vince is the one person who really thinks things

through.  Willy the Londoner is more like the ambassador in China now that the role was made vacant by ted that has since left the group.  David E is seen as the

voice of reason.

Of these, fourteen people that I have mentioned I would like to think that they or most of them are close friends of mine.  I am sorry if I have not mentioned you

please do not take offence.  Most of these guys are married to Chinese ladies.  Some are living in China; others are waiting on their wives getting visas into their

respective countries.  I could go on and name everyone on the site but I have made too many friends to do this, suffice to say each one I do talk with through other

mediums i.e. QQ, Skype, Yahoo, telephone.  There has been people that were on the website and have been banned for one reason or another, I still chat with them.

David5O, China Shark Mike, Biggie to name just a few. Mostly these were banned for being too aggressive towards other members who disagreed with them. As you

can possibly gather, the site is a goldmine of information, all this valuable information Because these people are willing to share their stories good or bad.   When I

start to read posts from all the guys it, is not just them that come to mind, it is also their wives too.  These are the best bunch of individuals I have ever had the good

fortune to know.  And I got to know a lot of people in my life!

There are many more people like for example ‘Hajo’ ‘Nick’, ‘Ed’, ‘Wilsbrough’, ‘Ron’, ‘Vic’ then  there are the relative newbies who have contributed also.  There

seems to be a trend however, we seem to be getting more and more Chinese females joining.  This of course is a good thing.  Because it means we have a better

insight, because we get info from first-hand knowledge of The Chinese perspective.  However, it also can be viewed as a bad thing to happen.  Everyone who is

involved with dating a Chinese lady, or has visited the country has something of value to input.  That is why it is important that the regulars, the newbies and

everyone posts.  One member came onto post a few weeks ago, he said that he had been in the background for many weeks reading up on everything. He found the

information to be of real value and felt ‘maybe’ he could contribute.

Another person mentioned that he felt unsure about posting, because he thought people would shout him down, until he saw someone else ask a question that he had

wanted answered.  It was answered by a few people and he realised we are a good support group, unlike any other website  he has been a member of. I have

mentioned three guys in passing, But I would like to discuss them in a little more detail.  Let’s start with Willy the Londoner.  I first encountered Willy as early as 2008

when I joined the official site.  I read a few of his posts on there.  Now I don’t know if it was because I have an aversion to London as you know, I really do not like

it. Any way I sort of had a little argument about something and nothing with him while on the site.  When he joined the site we are on now, I started to read

everything he was saying and soon realised he was a very intelligent guy.   As I got to know more about him, it quickly became apparent that I had been wrong

about Londoners.  Anyway, when my relationship with Kathy started to break up, he called my home one night to offer his support and our friendship has grown

stronger since then.  He is one hell of a nice man, a truer friend you could not wish for.  To me, he has been better and closer to me than my own brothers and for

that I am thankful.  This is strange because we have never met in person.  We have talked on the phone and Web-cammed, but we have never met.  I hope to be

meeting up with him during the early months of 2012, my next intended visit to China.

The second person is ‘Wilsbrough’.  We are not really close friends, but we have chatted on the phone a few times.  When I had the misfortune of my last trip,   Again

I have never met this feller face to face. I hope one day to do so I want to shake his hand to show my gratitude.

The last person I wish to talk about is David E. I am not sure if the other members know his second name, so I will not mention it.  David is a Welshman, who

migrated to the good old land of Australia. I am not quite sure what nationality he claims to be especially when the Aussies play the Poms at cricket. It’s a win , win

situation for him I suppose ha ha.  Anyway After my debacle with Kathy, David offered to pay for a trip to China – when the time was right, for me.  At first I refused

 his offer, and then refused a second time.  However as time was passing me by, I finally accepted a third offer from him.  I could not believe that this stranger was

paying so much money for someone he had never met.  On talking with him through private messages I discovered his reasons for doing so.  This I will not go into.

David, myself, Willy, Rockycoon, Ron and David50 used to come online and sit chatting and having a good laugh in the main forum page, where there is a shout box

that people can talk in.  Anyway back to the story.  My failed trip to Zhucheng where I ripped my plane ticket up and needed financial help to get back to the UK,

David stepped in and bought my ticket home.  This man is truly a friend and a half, he will never be forgotten by me or mine.  I know you don’t want it mate, but

thank you very much.  Without you and Willy you are both a life savers. I would not be here today if it were not for real friends like you two.  Thank you

both from the bottom of my heart.  One day I will get to Australia to visit you and Ming. I really want to shake your hand.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 11:03:19 pm by Scottish_Robbie »
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill


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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #107 on: January 05, 2012, 10:55:39 pm »
" Friends " are the Flowers in the Garden of Life . Without them , there is "No" Garden !

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #108 on: January 05, 2012, 11:12:02 pm »
Get the eyes tested mate. We passed 666 a few days ago. I was wondering who the devil was member 666 at the time. :o

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline David E

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #109 on: January 06, 2012, 04:41:35 am »

Pleae tell everybody that when I made these offers I was drunk as a skunk  ;D ;D ;D

If you dont do something to restore my image as a Godless, Thoughtless, non-caring Aussie Okker...I will have to sue you for libel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #110 on: January 06, 2012, 05:09:30 am »
Guy, he was as drunk as a wallaby :D :D :D He cares not a jot about anyone, as he mentions himself, he is a godless, thoughtless creature, and will most probably end up sitting next to saten . :D :D

There you go mate done
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 05:13:40 am by Scottish_Robbie »
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

Offline shaun

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #111 on: January 06, 2012, 05:28:31 am »
David  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-\ :-\ :-\

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #112 on: January 06, 2012, 09:14:31 pm »

Pleae tell everybody that when I made these offers I was drunk as a skunk  ;D ;D ;D

If you dont do something to restore my image as a Godless, Thoughtless, non-caring Aussie Okker...I will have to sue you for libel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You join the queue David. He called me Intelligent and Nice.  Now how do I get over that?


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #113 on: January 06, 2012, 09:20:49 pm »

You join the queue David. He called me Intelligent and Nice.  Now how do I get over that?


Now William you know deep down your a big softie teddy bear ;D ;D ;D
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #114 on: January 06, 2012, 09:33:11 pm »

Pleae tell everybody that when I made these offers I was drunk as a skunk  ;D ;D ;D

If you dont do something to restore my image as a Godless, Thoughtless, non-caring Aussie Okker...I will have to sue you for libel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha David when i started writing the part about this site, i got you mixed up with David50 i said you were i know you would have sued me for that hahaha
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #115 on: January 10, 2012, 05:02:27 pm »
hmmm...I think I smell a law suit coming up.  Devil Incarnate?  HAHAHAHAHA  I don't think I have ever been called that before.  Too funny.

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #116 on: January 10, 2012, 06:55:48 pm »
Hey if we are talking lawsuites here.I want to be a lawyer.I don't care whitch side I represent.I just want to be part of the action.Martin I think he called you that.Because of the Uncle Fester smile.

Offline shaun

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Re: Scottish Robs Book entitled 'It's a height thing'
« Reply #117 on: January 10, 2012, 08:27:04 pm »
I can see Martin under cross examination.  The lawyer asks, "So Martin...  Why did you start this website?"  Martins reply, "The devil made me do it."  I don't care who you are that is funny.

Rob, I have been reading a little more of your book as time permits.  Interesting.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 08:47:44 pm by shaun »