I received this in a letter yesterday:
hey ... dear man , I feel like I can tell you anything. Sitting here writing how I feel bring tears to my eyes because of the warmth you cause to radiate from my heart makes me happier than I have been for a long time.There are not enough words to describe the effect you have on me.you make it easy to be myself, and its you who set me free.you are just so lovely man , I can't believe how good you make me feel.I was scared this was only just a dream, but you assured me this was real.When you told me how you really felt, I had difficulty trying to breathe.every word that you wrote, made me want to be with you so much more. I long to be with you , like we envisioned for our life one day .The thought of your arms around me , with your hand in mine is just so sweet. We connect on many levels , not yet of the physical, but the mental.
I was completely blown away, gobsmacked even, had me misty eyed.