Author Topic: Natural Photo Records  (Read 5762 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Natural Photo Records
« on: September 07, 2009, 04:22:06 am »
Would it be possible to compile a list of ladies CNLove numbers of those that our membership has natural photo's of.

I have two at present and the heavy photo shopped versions on Chnlove do not bear much resemblance to the real persons.

I know that we would be in possible breach of copyright to put the Chnlove ones on this site but maybe the name and number of the woman together with the details of the brother who has the naturl photos and they could be passed to other interested members as and when requested.

Then maybe a little money would be saved and a big shock prevented when you finally meet.

I have those for P368159 and P368295 and the difference is amazing.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 04:27:34 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2009, 08:26:56 am »
I have both agency and natural photos of my lady. I'll maybe show them on here when we leave chnlove.

She hasn't got any studio shots though, her profile pics were all taken on company outings and vacations. The agency pics haven't been modified much, if at all.

I am joyous to report that my lady has had minimal photoshopping done :angel:. Having said that, she's only 30, although she looks more like 20 :icon_cheesygrin:.

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2009, 09:49:31 am »
sorry...this is not to put anybody down..has any of you ever seen a model? If the answer is yes, have you ever seen a model without make-up??? TBH(To Be Honest) I feel many of you have gone overboard with this photoshop deal... These agencies will spruce up the lady with neccessary make-up and sometimes use certain lighting to bring out a nice appeal...JUST LIKE MODELS!!!! Does not mean they are all using hacked versions(Im kidding) of photoshop to bring out this appeal!!! There will be slight differences in their looks face to face...some maybe more than other...but I have yet to see a picture that is untrue! Eye make-up is a big thing that really changes these ladies appearances. Most of them do not wear make-up or use lipstick and stuff for their eyebrows! I would imagine most of you have seen, in real life, a Chinese woman!:dodgy:

If you look at my avatar you will see, in my picture, they used certain lighting to bring out my sexy appeal!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 09:51:54 am by dude »


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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2009, 09:57:45 am »

''All'' profile photo's go through a photoshop, and i do mean ALL!!  ....''FACT'' ...Some obviously need more work than others, but they DO all go through that photoshop!!

If you don't believe ask Willy to send the photo's he has .... believe me you would walk right past her at the airport, or you would be wondering who the hells grabbing my arm here??  hahaha!!

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 10:07:27 am by David5o »


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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2009, 10:05:32 am »
I'm also convinced that any photo sent via EMF always go through photoshop, as they're lacking in EXIF information, unlike most of the photos my lady sends me directly. I'm not sure how much editing they do, but soft focus and good use of flash can be incredibly flattering.

I would also recommend you see your lady on webcam before you make that expensive trip to China! Also you should hear her speak as well, you're going to get an awful lot of nagging by that voice in the next few years :dodgy:.

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2009, 10:08:54 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='15779' dateline='1252331865'


''All'' profile photo's go through a photoshop, and i do mean ALL!!  ....''FACT'' ...Some obviously need more work than others, but they DO all go through that photoshop!!

If you don't believe ask will to send the photo's he has .... believe me you would walk right past her at the airport, or you would be wondering who the hells grabbing my arm here??  hahaha!!


Well with the women I know, this isnt the NO to ALL photos going thru photoshop! I did not have a problem, at the airport, like you did...LOL Actually, I am sorry you did, this is most unfortunate!:icon_cool:

I'm curious David, since you claim to know this...have you ever been to one of their photo takes???
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 10:12:26 am by dude »


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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 10:42:13 am »

You have misunderstood i think.....  I was talking about the woman in Willy's pictures, ie, you would ''Not'' of recognised her at the airport and would have walked right passed her,... and wondered who the hell, ...was this woman pulling on your arm and smiling at you!!  I didn't have any such problem myself, i met my lady while living and working in China, no photoshopped photo's anywhere to be seen. haha!!

It's not really done at the agency's, ...only some of the photo shoots are done at the agency or if green areas are local , some are done in that green area. Most are done at an actual photo studio that the agency has an account with, normally in the same building for convenience. I wont go into the whole story right now, but my lady has in-depth knowledge with 2 of these agencies ..... Neither of which (thankfully) have i ever seen any bad reports about on this Forum, but from what i know of there dealings, how long that will be for, .....i don't know haha!! But i stand by my posting that ALL profile photo's are photoshopped.....  

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 10:44:50 am by David5o »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2009, 12:32:33 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='15788' dateline='1252334533'


You have misunderstood i think.....  I was talking about the woman in Willy's pictures, ie, you would ''Not'' of recognised her at the airport and would have walked right passed her,... and wondered who the hell, ...was this woman pulling on your arm and smiling at you!!  I didn't have any such problem myself, i met my lady while living and working in China, no photoshopped photo's anywhere to be seen. haha!!


If ABIGBUTT wants to see what we are talking about maybe he should send me his email address and i will send him  privately the photos we are talking about.  Anyone else want to see them then send me your emails as I will only send them privately.  David has seen them already as a well as a couple of others.  These INCLUDE a photo taken 7 weeks ago and a copy of the current chnlove profile photo.  I would be safe in offering free viagra to anyone who can definately identify  

Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2009, 01:04:21 pm »

Another thing to remember here, that in China it is quite normal to have your normal photo's, photoshopped as a matter of course. Strange i know, but that's the way the Chinese like to have there photo's. It has been the same throughout my time in China.  I even read somewhere here, that when seeing a photo of there lady as a baby, it was obvious that the photo had been through a photoshop, because of the fake Rosy red cheeks. ...Just accept it abigbut,'s just everyday normal practice in China!!!

It does make things a little difficult for us westerners, trying to guess what they really look like, that's why it's always a smart move to request straight snapshots of ladies, ...your always going to see some difference between the two. How much, just depends on the level the photoshop guy thinks the photo needs!!!

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 01:07:16 pm by David5o »

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2009, 02:59:49 pm »
Yea Willy, maybe I should see what your saying...I was pointing out that I seen no difference! Maybe you guys have! I asked the question about models and none of you have answered...I have known models and have seen the major difference from pic to what I see with no make-up! I have seen these hole-in-the-wall studio's in Wuhan. Also, this is why I pointed out about hacked versions of photoshop! Yes, I am sure it is being used...BUT NOT ALWAYS! Again, I will point out the difference from night and day....tons of make-up verses no make-up! I have seen the MAJOR difference! I am happy to know that you did not have the negative experience, David! LOL ...If I did, I would've been bummed!!! Then again, those of us that have lived with women(married or gf's) know what I am saying! They don't quite look the same from night to morning! My small China experience(compared to yours, David) they don't need the make-up...they looked good always!:icon_biggrin:


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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2009, 03:14:43 pm »

Hmmmm. Seem's your not convinced, what can i say?? you'll just have to find out for yourself i guess!! The rest of us are convinced!!!!

There's a bloody big difference between heavy make-up and photoshopping, the latter always looks natrual, while the make-up looks exactly what it is, ...Make-Up, and there is the big difference between the two!!

No the Chinese ladies don't need make-up, i quite agree , but then most western women don't really need it either. It's the make-up companies that say they do, and convince them very successfully too!!!


Offline Hans

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 03:32:17 pm »
I am pretty fed up with the Photoshopped pictures, to be honest. If I could do it all over again (and maybe I will) I would only look for girls with real pictures in their profiles (as real as they get around here). The problem is, of course, that there are so few of them! I had contact with a real cutie last year, she had only real pictures in her profile. I gave her up and decided to talk with another girl - a mistake, as it turned out.

I can understand that they want to look beautiful and attract men and I can  confess that I was fooled at the beginning. The first lady I was in contact with was gorgeous in her Photoshop pictures and when she sent me the real ones taken in her home town I was extremely disappointed. It wasn't even close! What do they expect when finally get to see the real pictures, when we have our first webcam chat or when we meet IRL? I mean, there is hardly any way of hiding their looks by then...

Gosh I'm tired of dishonesty and fake appearences in the world...:icon_confused:

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 03:37:19 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='15823' dateline='1252350883'


Hmmmm. Seem's your not convinced, what can i say?? you'll just have to find out for yourself i guess!! The rest of us are convinced!!!!

There's a bloody big difference between heavy make-up and photoshopping, the latter always looks natrual, while the make-up looks exactly what it is, ...Make-Up, and there is the big difference between the two!!

No the Chinese ladies don't need make-up, i quite agree , but then most western women don't really need it either. It's the make-up companies that say they do, and convince them very successfully too!!!


hmmm David, seems you will not answer my question, either! I have seen both! Please don't make me out as somebody living in a closet all my life and walked out yesterday to see the light. You apparently did not read everything I wrote either! Then based your answer on an assumption! I have read your posts here and like what I read....AGAIN, I will point out, that I have known models that look much different with and without make-up!!!!!!!!! I even know a woman that was in playboy and seen the difference...this was before photoshop was ever out! I will disagree with you on "EVERY" photo being photoshopped! I will agree, that there are photoshopped pics...again, I was pointing out the obvious...MAKE-UP! :icon_cheesygrin: Many Women here(in the U.S.) do need the make-up...LOL...a sad fact! I guess, after a six-pack of beer they will look good no-matter-what!


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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 03:48:57 pm »

There all photoshopped, .... it doesn't mean that they always deal with the face, it could be to make her look smaller or taller, thinner or fatter, but the profile photo's are always photoshopped, it's just a matter of course for the agencies. Some shopping of the photo's can actually make the lady look worse, as far as the eyes of a westerner. ...How many times have we heard from the guy meeting there ladies for the first time, coming out and saying. ... She looked different to how i imagined her and her photo's.... but to me she looked even better than in her photo's. So they by no means get it right all the time.....

But your right in what else you have to say here, They should be posting non photoshopped photo's of there ladies, but i think you'll have a hard job convincing them.... As i said above, always a smart move to ask for natrual everyday snapshots of the lady your starting to communicate with.....


Vince G

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RE: Natural Photo Records
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2009, 04:00:12 pm »
Quote from: 'Hans' pid='15828' dateline='1252351937'

What do they expect when finally get to see the real pictures

I say the same thing. If they get the photos looking like a different person? WHY? What do they expect? It's a disappointment right off the bat. I can see a little touch up here or there, but some take it to far.

Jim, (abigbutt - sorry I have a problem addressing someone like that). I know what you mean about models and real looks. I've seen it and them in real life. It's something that makes you look at the photo then at her, back to the photo?

Years ago I was involved in auto shows and conventions in NY. So I did meet models. Hired some as well. So yeah, I know exactly what your saying.