I have two younger sisters, my Mum and a friend that is more like a brother, my daughter, and my son, my youngest sister is for the most part" go and do for you", she also loves Zhou, the older of the twop sisters still will not talk to me or Zhou which is her lose, My Mum was dead set against me going to China, meeting a Chinese mail order bride :icon_cheesygrin:, let alone marrying a person from a communist country, then, three days after we were married we went to see my Mum and Zhou did a tea ceramony for her, now, you better not say anything in front of Mum unless its nice about Zhou and her grand daughter Lili, my daughter is like where the hell were you when I was a little girl and need a Mom, but sure she is happy Zhou is here now and delited to have a little sister, my son calls her Mom and refuses to talk to his mother ( which just burns her a$$, yeah ) and my best friend, he is in China right now, he's been there for two weeks now and will be there for another 2 weeks, he's talking about he's in love and doesn't want to come home, all the rest of my so called friends from before, well they're not my friends :icon_cheesygrin: