Author Topic: What do your family/friends think of your lady?  (Read 3984 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: What do your family/friends think of your lady?
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2009, 10:58:02 am »
I have four sisters

The eldest tells me ' to follow the dream' :icon_cool:

The second eldest 'do not get into trouble'  christ at my age just what 'trouble' can Willy get into???? :icon_cheesygrin:

The one closest in age says ' Dont let those Chinese women take advantage of you!!!:angel:

The youngest one says ' What are you doing in India':icon_confused:

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Hans

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RE: What do your family/friends think of your lady?
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2009, 03:16:29 pm »
I don't talk too much about it anymore because basically no one understand me anyway. I have one friend with whom I like to talk about girls. He is curious because we have very different views of what makes a woman attractive. Not only a woman's looks but also her inner qualities. I've told him about my attraction to Asian women in general (I would call it a fetish, really). He doesn't understand it but is always curious and asks me questions. I do the same. Other friends (and "friends") just joke about it or ignore it. When I told one friend that I am communcating with a Chinese girl and that I study Mandarin at the university, he finally said: "Shit, you'll end up in China one day!" :icon_cheesygrin:

My mother wants grandchildren, too many tragedies have struck her life and I am her only "hope" now. And she wants me to be happy. I hope I can fulfill both. :-/

As for the rest, they probably think I am desperate and tragic.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 03:17:19 pm by Hans »


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RE: What do your family/friends think of your lady?
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2009, 09:11:34 pm »
I just found out that my mother knows about what I am doing yesterday. My sister told her.  Mom calls me which she never does, it is MY job to call her. Her suggestion?  Why don't I move to her house in Oklahoma, stay there a while, and look for a job.  Secretly she will send women to me to woo me. She did that years ago when I was in my early 20's.  Sometimes it was quite fun, sometimes I would want to disappear from the earth.

Funny thing is that she was the main contributor to my fascination with Asian people. Our house was decorated with many Japanese furniture and decor items.  Mom had several Asian friends.  I grew up in El Paso, Texas and the only grocery store she went to was owned by a Japanese family.  Mom gave their children piano lessons.

Mom seems to be the most worried about this.  She is asking a lot of questions, hinting around the subject but not trying to be direct. For now I am letting her struggle with it without saying anything like, "I know that you know and I understand what you are doing."

It cracks me up.

Offline MLM

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RE: What do your family/friends think of your lady?
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2009, 10:48:54 pm »
I have two younger sisters, my Mum and a friend that is more like a brother, my daughter, and my son, my youngest sister is for the most part" go and do for you", she also loves Zhou, the older of the twop sisters still will not talk to me or Zhou which is her lose, My Mum was dead set against me going to China, meeting a Chinese mail order bride :icon_cheesygrin:, let alone marrying a person from a communist country, then, three days after we were married we went to see my Mum and Zhou did a tea ceramony for her, now, you better not say anything in front of Mum unless its nice about Zhou and her grand daughter Lili, my daughter is like where the hell were you when I was a little girl and need a Mom, but sure she is happy Zhou is here now and delited to have a little sister, my son calls her Mom and refuses to talk to his mother ( which just burns her a$$, yeah ) and my best friend, he is in China right now, he's been there for two weeks now and will be there for another 2 weeks, he's talking about he's in love and doesn't want to come home, all the rest of my so called friends from before, well they're not my friends :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: What do your family/friends think of your lady?
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2009, 04:39:27 am »
I spoke to my mother last night. If it doesn't work out with my Chinese beloved then she thinks she will help me find an English wife. Hmmm, that's not going to happen, not when there are 7600 other ladies to send cupid notes to!


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RE: What do your family/friends think of your lady?
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2009, 05:47:38 am »
Not that my mother can talk, she joined a dating agency after her divorce. She settled for the 2nd of her 10 allocated men. Turns out he is an ex-solider and keeps getting flashbacks to his time patrolling the streets of Northern Ireland in the 1970s :s.

I think she should send him back and try the other 8 :dodgy:.