Author Topic: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!  (Read 4470 times)

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Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« on: September 09, 2009, 05:16:35 am »
Hi all,

My beloved can't get a train ticket to Guangzhou due to mid-Autumn vacation :huh:. So we've agreed to meet in Wuhan instead :fi_lone_ranger:.

I actually think this is a good plan as Wuhan is quite easy to get to from the UK and we can get the train to her home city. I suspect Wuhan is a lot safer than Guangzhou as well.

Does anyone have any tips about visiting (hotels, sights, etc.). Expedia only seems to have more upmarket hotels, although I'll be saving a lot of cash on not having to take internal flights so it's not too bad. And I guess Wuhan is pretty cheap for doing stuff.

Is it easy to do stuff, or will I struggle without knowing the language at all? Are there many westerners there, or will I be very conspicuous?

Thanks guys!


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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 05:30:23 am »

You'll get ripped off wherever you are in China, without your lady with you. It's easy to do stuff, but it's better if you take, or buy a translation gizmo at least they will know what you want or asking for!! ...hahaha!!
As for hotels, ..get your lady to do any booking for you, the chances are, she'll get a much better price than you will. Brett you'll stick out like a sore thumb anywhere in China, so best take advantage of it where ever you can. I've always found most Chinese to be helpful and a generally happy bunch, just don't trust them where money is conserned. They wont physically steal it, but many will scam you, given the chance.  I don't have much Experience of Wuhan, so on that score i can't help you, ...Sorry!!

« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 05:32:48 am by David5o »


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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2009, 05:52:09 am »
Thanks. I'll book the trip on Expedia for now, although my lady will be able to get me a hotel in her home town.

I know Expedia is expensive compared to the prices the locals pay (I found this out in Hong Kong!) but it's nice and convenient and I've had 4 great holidays in a row booked through them.

I've spent 6 weeks in Asia on my own so I should be OK for avoiding scammers. I'm not that tall or big framed and I've always felt fairly inconspicuous in Asia.

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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2009, 05:54:53 am »

My tip is to not take it too seriously. Whatever happens you're going to have a blast. Just roll along with whatever happens. Enjoy yourself. Drink lots of beer. Sing, dance and have a great time!

My tip on accommodation is to use a good website, like travel advisor, and then choose a good three or four star hotel. Even better, get yourself a travel guide, like Lonely Planet. Five stars is a waste of money.



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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2009, 06:50:36 am »
Oh yes, Wuhan looks an interesting place to visit. I've always travelled alone rather than go on one of those dull escorted trips.

I'll spend all day taking photos (I would love to be a travel photographer!) then load up with local beer from a 7-11 and head back to the hotel.

Meeting my beloved will be wonderful as well. She's from Yichang, so I should be able to get some nice river trips arranged, plus see the 3 gorges dam.

The Rough Guide to China is pretty good by the way although there's not a great deal about Wuhan.

Offline JimB

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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2009, 07:20:35 am »
I will tell you that the Howard Johnsons downtown along the river is the best hotel i have stayed at in all of China.  It is a bit pricey unless you know someone.  But, the beds are soft, the view is fantastic of the Yangtze River.  The breakfasts are good and internet connection in every room.
I got a discount through my brother in law there, but I believe the rooms start at about $80 usd a night.  The River Boat cruise is nice and the parks along the river are fantastic after  dark when it is cooler.  Wuhan is one of the hottest cities.  That is where my wife and I were married and her family lives there. We now are living in Beijing.  There are actually 3 cities that make up Wuhan.  One is Pearl city where we stayed.  I will get the name of the street where my wife and I went.  it is similar to Wangjing St. in Beijing.  No cars allowed all sorts of vendors, roving musicians at the restaurants.  (Beware, get a price first or they will gouge you)  Average is about 50 yuan.   The lake is beautiful.  That is about all I know of Wuhan.  If you have any particular questions in mind ask and I will get my wife to answer.  She grew up there.  If you get into a problem there contact me.  I do have connections.  All in all I wasnt overly crazy about Wuhan.  But coming from Beijing could explain it.  Because there is so much to do here.
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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2009, 07:11:19 pm »
I'm not sure but I think somebody wrote about Wuhan on the travel section of this site.If not then somebody needs to add to it.Ive ben to Wuhan but it was only for one day so.I know a little but not enough to write a list of things to do and see.

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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2009, 07:35:52 pm »
You can go to a site stayed at the Sentosa, a decent hotel and good prices! Internet is good and the breakfast buffet is good. I also stayed at the Ramada...this costs much more! There is  Starbucks real close to the Ramada. You can find all the info at agoda website and book from there! Your gf might be able to get it a few dollars cheaper...but you can take care of biz on ur own thru agoda! Yellow Crane Tower is nice to check out while you are there! You don't even need to speak Chinese to deal with this...Sentosa will have English speaking people working front desk! Also restaurant has good steak there...just don't leave tips...LOL...they will chase u down the street to return ur money! :icon_cheesygrin:  I paid about 36 dollars a night at the sentosa!
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 07:37:25 pm by dude »

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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2009, 10:29:46 pm »
Quote from: 'JimB' pid='16013' dateline='1252495235'

I will tell you that the Howard Johnsons downtown along the river is the best hotel i have stayed at in all of China.  It is a bit pricey unless you know someone.  But, the beds are soft, the view is fantastic of the Yangtze River.  The breakfasts are good and internet connection in every room.
I got a discount through my brother in law there, but I believe the rooms start at about $80 usd a night.  The River Boat cruise is nice and the parks along the river are fantastic after  dark when it is cooler.  Wuhan is one of the hottest cities.  That is where my wife and I were married and her family lives there. We now are living in Beijing.  There are actually 3 cities that make up Wuhan.  One is Pearl city where we stayed.  I will get the name of the street where my wife and I went.  it is similar to Wangjing St. in Beijing.  No cars allowed all sorts of vendors, roving musicians at the restaurants.  (Beware, get a price first or they will gouge you)  Average is about 50 yuan.   The lake is beautiful.  That is about all I know of Wuhan.  If you have any particular questions in mind ask and I will get my wife to answer.  She grew up there.  If you get into a problem there contact me.  I do have connections.  All in all I wasnt overly crazy about Wuhan.  But coming from Beijing could explain it.  Because there is so much to do here.

I'm looking into Wuhan also....the street is called: Jianghan Pedestrian Street also called "Walking Street" nearly a mile long 5200ft of nothing but shops and vendors and restaurants as Jim says. It's supposed to be the thing to do is stroll with your woman along Walking Street.

Very Romantic Supposedly....maybe Jim can shed some light on this aspect.

Search using

Jim's Howard Johnson is on the first page list ....looks like a fine place to stay


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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2009, 11:03:59 pm »
I wouldnt say romantic.  The park promenade is much more romantic along the river. That is probably what they might mean.  Really few vendors and some kite flyers, that have lighted kites flying up at night.  we got one for my granddaughter.  They get them up real high, then flicker the lights.  pretty cool.  They have an amphitheater where they show movies for free, some political stuff mixed in.  That is right across the street from the Howard Johnsons.  And runs for about a mile.  Kids on rollerblades, exercise classes just a nice place to stroll.
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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2009, 09:17:33 am »
Quote from: 'brett' pid='16010' dateline='1252493436'

Oh yes, Wuhan looks an interesting place to visit. I've always travelled alone rather than go on one of those dull escorted trips.

I'll spend all day taking photos (I would love to be a travel photographer!) then load up with local beer from a 7-11 and head back to the hotel.

Meeting my beloved will be wonderful as well. She's from Yichang, so I should be able to get some nice river trips arranged, plus see the 3 gorges dam.

The Rough Guide to China is pretty good by the way although there's not a great deal about Wuhan.

How are you going to fit it all in!  I took a bus ride to Zhongshan to meet a new lady 4 days ago and we have not left the Hotel yet!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2009, 09:20:17 am »

Willy, strikes again.....


Vince G

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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2009, 09:49:52 am »
Someone spray a hose on that man....


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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2009, 09:58:41 am »
But seriously, Wuhan does look an interesting place to visit. The place mostly looks like it's falling down, perhaps it's like a Chinese version of Havana. I will have to careful to tell my beloved what I think of the place, as I imagine she would lose much face if I insulted the capital city of her province. She did however describe the appearance of the Yangtze in Summer as "decedant" :huh:.

I really want to visit Wuhan zoo (which has some fabulous Chinglish signage, including the greatest ever attempted spelling of "hippopotamus"). But my beloved is seemingly in a tearing hurry to get me to visit her home town (and her parents?) so I believe my destiny has already been decided for me :s.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 09:59:05 am by brett »

Offline JimB

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RE: Wuhan - tell me what you know!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2009, 10:02:15 am »
Pharmaceutical stocks rose again.  Willy before your next trip just let us know first ok?  That way we can get in early.  By the way, tests show that too much Viagra will act like a panic attack.  Not the kind of panic when you think you are running out though.  Have you tried the new Super Viagra?  I havent yet.

By the way, watching movies and playing cards do not count as "personal" activities unless it is in between, NOT instead of. LOL.
Brett, my wife said that the Wuhan Zoo is not good at all.  She said do not waste your time.  The Beijing Zoo is a lot better.  and for me the only really good thing about the Beijing Zoo is the Panda's.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 10:05:55 am by JimB »
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.