Author Topic: Residency without being married or having a job offer?  (Read 2104 times)

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Offline Manuel

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Residency without being married or having a job offer?
« on: September 09, 2009, 09:54:55 pm »
After almost 1 year in CHNLOVE I have serious doubts online dating is going to work for me. So, I'm thinking about moving to China for a year. Even if I can't find the partner I'm looking for, it'll be a great experience

Being a freelance during many years I think some of my customers won't care if I'm in Spain, China or USA as long as I can guarantee stable communications and projects deadlines. I also work as associated teacher in a university but I can find a colleague to substitute me during one course

I do really appreciate if members living in China or in the process can help with these questions:

1. Is it possible to get a 1 year residency without being married or having a job offer?
2. What about Internet access in China? Is it possible for a foreigner to rent a reliable and not so slow  connection? Prices?
3. Computer prices: Apple MacBook Pro 15" - $1,699, iMac 24" - $1,499 (prices in USA)
4. Monthly income for a "decent" standard of living? I'm looking for a well communicated coastal city in the south like Zhuhai or Shenzhen
5. What about health care? I guess I'll need to contract a health insurance

Thanks for your time

Offline Chinese Knot

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RE: Residency without being married or having a job offer?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 02:19:18 am »
Hello Manuel

I am not sure why you have not find your right person yet .  What kind of life partner do you want to find ?  Anyway , I will try to answer your questions firstly here .

1 There are different Chinese visa for foreigners , includes Crew (C) Visa  / Resident (D) Visa  /Business (F) Visa  / Study (X) Visa  /Visa-free entry & Transit (G) Visa  /Employment/Work (Z) Visa  /Tourist Visa (L Visa) ,  As for your situation , you may consider D or Z , but you would better ask the detailed information from the Chinese consulate  of your country .

2 Yes, it is convenient for you to use the internet . As for the prices , different city has different prices , but not too much .  But you would better find a apartpent firstly , because most apartments in large cities you can use the internet . 200$ -300 is enough . Maybe different , you can ask the local price when you come to China .

3. As for computer price,  that also depends on what kind of computer do you want to buy , you can find the exact price from the local market . And when you go to one city , you can tell me , I may help you find more information of the local place .

4 .Shenzhen is an international city , so the cost of living and relevant salary are higher than in other smaller cities .  And different jobs has different income and some even has a large difference .
5  Yes, healh is always the first , you can inspect your body regulary in the hospital or you can buy a safe and health insurance in the local city .

Anyway , hope you will be more clear with my answer , wish you have a nice time! Good Luck ! :heart:

Offline Manuel

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RE: Residency without being married or having a job offer?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2009, 04:05:20 pm »
Quote from: 'Chinese Knot' pid='16124' dateline='1252563558'

Hello Manuel

I am not sure why you have not find your right person yet .  What kind of life partner do you want to find ?

My problem is I'm really tired of 15-20 years old photos in profiles, ladies reluctant to send daily photos, sending the same photos in their profiles again and again, translators spicing-up letters, ladies/translators ignoring important questions and so on ad infinitum

That's why I've decided to try to go to live in China for a year or so. Thanks a lot for the info, the first thing I'm going to do is contact China's consulate to be informed about visa.

Does anybody think 1,000 €/month (around $1,400 at current echange rate) is enough for a comfortable but not luxurious standard of living in cities like Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Zhongshan, ... For professional and personal reasons I'd like to stay in a city near Hong Kong. I'm far away from being a gourmet or a sybarite :angel:


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RE: Residency without being married or having a job offer?
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2009, 04:14:56 pm »
I'd guess that kind of income would be good for a nice lifestyle in China. I'm not sure about reliable internet though, the internet in my lady's office is up and down all the time, but I don't know if that is typical.

There are good ladies on this site though, and with 7500 odd on the books you should be able to find the one you're looking for. Although having been to Asia 3 times now, I have to say that if you can't put up with the strange contradictions and evasive answers then maybe Asian isn't the place to be looking for a wife :huh:?

Offline Manuel

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RE: Residency without being married or having a job offer?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2009, 06:25:53 pm »
Quote from: 'brett' pid='16447' dateline='1252786496'

I'd guess that kind of income would be good for a nice lifestyle in China. I'm not sure about reliable internet though, the internet in my lady's office is up and down all the time, but I don't know if that is typical.

That's one of the reasons I want to be close to Hong Kong


There are good ladies on this site though, and with 7500 odd on the books you should be able to find the one you're looking for.

Well, "only" 260 in Guandong and in my age range target! :icon_wink:


Although having been to Asia 3 times now, I have to say that if you can't put up with the strange contradictions and evasive answers then maybe Asian isn't the place to be looking for a wife :huh:?

I guess you're right but I do think 1 hour face to face meeting is more useful to know a person than 100 hundreths letters; some are not worth the mail they're written on. Besides, I'm very interested in eastern culture so it would be a great experience anyway

Thans for your time and advice

Offline markymark

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RE: Residency without being married or having a job offer?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2009, 11:51:00 pm »

Based on my own experience may I suggest the following and hope that they are of some use.

Question 1
There is a link here that may be useful  ( )  Perhaps study may be an option for you to look at, possibly a language course. I would suggest that you find something to focus on to use up some of your spare time ( though I am sure you are aware of this anyway ).

Question 4
You should be able to live fairly comfortably on 1000 Euros / 9950 Yuan per month. It will depend on your spending habits. ( As a note... A foreign teacher's basic income is approximately 5000 Yuan per month ). How far your money will go depends on the price of your residence and how much the cost of living is for the city or town where you choose to live. However, I am sure some of the brothers could share their views about costs of living in various cities.

Question 5
Health insurance is always a good option. It may be viable to look for this in your own country to see what is covered by the various grades / levels of the  policies also you will not have any language barrier to deal with.

Good luck in your venture.

"You'll like this, not a lot" Paul Daniels

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Residency without being married or having a job offer?
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2009, 12:33:39 am »
Manuel you can live OK in Zhuhai on 1000 US dollars a month

I have been here since June and here is my budget.

Rent for apartment 2200 rmb a month - you can rent cheaper but I like location and settings
Maid for cooking dinner, cleaning apartment washing and ironing 600 rmb a month
Buying food, paying gas, electicity and general living cost maybe 2000 rmb a month.
My total cost for living here is just 4800 rmb a month

I think you get at least 6500 rmb for your 1000 usd so you can live ok here.  There are at least three maybe 4 chionalove agencies that cover Zhuhai so spread yourself amongst these and you will have a regular supply of lady companions without translators from the individual agencies knowing that you are spreading your interest.

Best thing is that you can meet many ladies without the expense of EMF's via chinalove agencies or just walking around and starting talking.

You see them in every day natural poses.

I may be be moving to Zhongshan soon so my apartment and maid will be available to take over.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 12:34:31 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Manuel

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RE: Residency without being married or having a job offer?
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 09:31:22 pm »
Hi markymark, thanks for your advice, I'll take a look at the website. A chinese language course seems a good idea!
Very, very useful info, Willy. And thanks for the photos!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 09:33:24 pm by Manuel »