Author Topic: Crossroads  (Read 4399 times)

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RE: Crossroads
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2009, 10:05:09 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='16263' dateline='1252673542'
Shaun buying land and building a house on it is one of the things I've wanted to do. I might still? If the utilities are available for the lot it's not o hard to do. A mobile home? Check to see if the zoning allows it before you got that way. State and town laws are different and living in a State that has mobiles homes everywhere I found some places they don't allow it. I thought the same, buy some land and throw a MH on it until. Here they're killing off them off. Closing MH parks to put up condo's. So do your homework before making plans.

Hey I'll tell you what? Let me know what you have in mind with that. Maybe I'll do the same and I do have home building experience. :icon_cool:  Maybe we would be neighbors? hehe


I have already checked into it.  The lots I am looking at already have electricity and water.  I would have to put in a septic system. The parcel I am looking at has 9 - 40' X 80' lots.  You need 4 lots to put a house or a mobile home on it. The mobile home (MH) needs to be 1976 or newer.  The county (Georgia) I currently reside doesn't allow MH's any more. They will do new double wides on 10 acres. The lots I am looking at are just over the river in South Carolina and they are much more accepting of MH's.

If I do option #3 it would give me most all it need to bring Pinky back plus a place to stay.  I would try to rent to my son to at least cover the monthly cost so that it would not be a drain financially.

There is another lot about 1 mile from this location that is undeveloped that is a 100' X 180' if I remember correctly that is a part of the of the land deal.  I am looking for a suitable MH low enough to make it worth my while plus attractive enough for the bank.

Both parcels are 5 miles from town and 5 miles from the dam at the lake, huge lake, Lake Thurmond named after Strom Thurmond; about 3 miles from the Savannah River if I want to go and just drop a hook in the water; 8 miles from a Kroger and Walmart; to me an ideal location.  There may be other lots out there, I have not checked.

If it were to be at least the women would have someone close by to talk to.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 10:07:57 am by shaun »

Offline David E

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RE: Crossroads
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2009, 07:32:06 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='16208' dateline='1252622268'

I do not agree with that assessment. People are still holding on to their assets.  


Not quite sure which assessment you dont agree with.....

I remarked that assets are always recoverable in the LONG TERM. Anybody suffering asset stress from the current Economic Climate should try to not make decisions in the short term. Assets, especially Real Estate will come back over time. Statistics over the past 100 years totally prove this.

But if cash flow crises demand asset reductions on a depressed market, then we have no choice, but it is the most expensive option in the long run to sell assets on a down market where everybody is trying to do the same. If you can possibly afford to hang on to your real estate until the market recovers (long term) then it is the best overall financial solution.



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RE: Crossroads
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2009, 08:17:51 pm »

I will PM my response.


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RE: Crossroads
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2009, 08:58:12 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='16324' dateline='1252711926'

Quote from: 'shaun' pid='16208' dateline='1252622268'

I do not agree with that assessment. People are still holding on to their assets.  


Not quite sure which assessment you dont agree with.....

I remarked that assets are always recoverable in the LONG TERM. Anybody suffering asset stress from the current Economic Climate should try to not make decisions in the short term. Assets, especially Real Estate will come back over time. Statistics over the past 100 years totally prove this.

But if cash flow crises demand asset reductions on a depressed market, then we have no choice, but it is the most expensive option in the long run to sell assets on a down market where everybody is trying to do the same. If you can possibly afford to hang on to your real estate until the market recovers (long term) then it is the best overall financial solution.



I just re-read this whole thread. You said, "Not quite sure which assessment you dont agree with....."

The assessment I don't agree with was not yours.  I disagree with the news reporters here in America that the worst of the recession is over.  They are saying that we've made a turn and things are improving.  I don't see that at all.  

The school system I work for if facing another possible 4.5 million cut in January. Why?  The loss of tax revenue.  My store still continues to be very slow.  The type of business I have 80% of the people look 20% buy.  Right now 95% look and 5% but but want a huge discount.  If I do not give them some kind of discount they walk.

The store is in a Flea Market and I had hopes of moving it or opening another store in a regular store front a couple of months ago.  Right now I may need to reduce the size of my store to survive.  I see customers walking up and down the rows carrying nothing or absolute necessities.


Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Crossroads
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2009, 10:31:10 am »
Hi Shaun

I am the last one to be given advice to someone who is at the Crossroads.   My crossroads have turned into a roundabout and I am going round in circles looking for the right route to take to fulfil my personal dream.

But i know that one day i will find the road to future happiness and maybe tomorrow will be the day I turn off my personal roundabout (even though i am enjoying every minute of the journey) and head towarsds Utopia.  Like my eldest sister said 'keep following the dream'.

Have read your entries over the weeks I know that you think out concerns very carefully and I am aware that you know where your best advice will come from. - the same place as Mike gets his.  

I know that you will have everything in order before you go.  You will not be going alone.

So go ahead and join the successful ones because the road will be widened for you.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Vince G

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RE: Crossroads
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2009, 12:00:50 pm »
A few topics to cover at the same time.
I did the flea market thing a few weeks ago. Helping out a woman I dated like 13 years ago. The Ads say this flea market is the largest in the world? I don't know if it's true but that's what they say. Nothing really sold. I think we sold maybe $40.00 worth of her junk. But taking a walkabout nothing was really selling except things cheap enough to be resold or something like clothing that they sell off for export. It's like recycling metals except it's clothing.

As for chinese women? This is it. For whatever reason Song doesn't work out (I doubt it) I'll start a search here in the states instead. I'm getting to old and to tired to keep fighting the rules and government. It sort of like when I bought a brand new SUV a few years ago. The insurance co was screwing me and that's with no accidents (1 in 1994) or tickets for years. They kept raising the price. They figured they had me by the %&#*s. I put the SUV into auction after a year and got my money back. Now what is the insurance co. gonna do? Now they get nothing. The government is just about the same on this. They want to play their games, They get nothing either. I'll move to China.


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RE: Crossroads
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2009, 08:19:57 pm »
Thanks Willy for your comments.


The Flea market is really slow everywhere except if you are doing certain kinds of businesses.  There is a guy right across from me who calls himself the computer doctor.  He sells computer systems and makes almost nothing on them but where he is making his money is in service. He does diagnostic for free but loads software and replaces parts and makes very good money for 2 days a week.

I think that it will take several years for the economy to straighten out.  Whether it is auto insurance or medical insurance I think the greed  has become so outrageous that they are reaping what they are sowing through Obama. (Please this is not a political statement about Obama or anyone for that matter.)  It is not good for the people or the long run but it is 2 fold; 1. to punish the insurance companies for their obscene profits, and 2. it is a typical government non-solution.
