Author Topic: Canadian Immigration Process  (Read 52269 times)

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Offline Chong

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #180 on: July 18, 2010, 06:34:25 am »
Toronto Star newspaper wrote today in an article that CIC processed 45,000 spousal immigrations in 2009 of which AT LEAST 1,000 were frauds.

Vince G

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #181 on: July 18, 2010, 07:44:45 am »
This guys story got me. I can't imagine what else wasn't said in the story.

Evan Wilson, 36, of St. Thomas, Ont. met Yaemin Garcia Gonzalez 23 while holidaying in Havana in September 2008.

They were married in Havana in December 2008, her young daughter by her side.

He says the two government agencies don’t care that she was charged with prostitution in 2005 and 2007 or that she circumvented the law here.

Ah, D'ah! It's right in his face and he didn't see it? And this part?

Gonzalez somehow wound up in Miami and then in Louisville, Kentucky. “She’s illegal there and they will deport her . . . but to Canada.

They won't deport her? She's Cuban. All immigration laws are bypassed for Cubans.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #182 on: July 18, 2010, 09:05:36 am »
Interesting article Chong. Makes me consider that maybe Hong Kong asks for the search as a secondary check to prevent fraud marriages. Because when the woman comes to Canada and she right away files those kind of sex abuse charges, then CIC has proof of previous history of the sponsor. If the sponsor never had that kind of history then less likely the charges are valid.

It's just a little disappointing that the way CIC words the letter they make it sound that you are guilty of something. If instead, they explained better their reasoning for the request, then less animosity would be created.
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Offline maxx

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #183 on: July 18, 2010, 01:45:05 pm »
You know I'm probably going to receive a life time ban for this.But sometimes you have to say what  needs to be said.what are these people thinking.Thiere not thinking.They are letting thiere egos over rule common sence.You have got one guy who wife was a prostitute.Well duh.You know thiere is going to be a problem in the future.You got another guy who picks up a woman that  is17 years younger then him.And this guy can't see the problem comming done the line.

I have a problem believing that all of these people got away with something like this.And thiere was no warning signs.Before they brought them to Canada.You know strange phone calls.Wierd answers to questions.Hesitation when answering questions.That is one of the reasons.I push for the face to face meeting.Instead of wasting months and months writing letters.

If you are face to face with the woman.You can see her reactions.To the questions.You can see how other people interact with the woman.You can see how the woman treats people and how she treats you.These are all big clues.Anybody can con anybody.The problem with running a con job of this kind is people cannot maintain it for long periods.Without slipping up.

I know when you go to a foreign country.You are dazzled with the bright lights.And the beautiful girl.But you need to step back and slow down and take a look.At what is going on around you.I'm really sorry.That this happened to these people.I know it does wreck families and lives.At the end of the day you do owe it to yourself and your family members to make sure this is the woman of your dreams

As far as Canadian immigration.Yes they do need to get off of thiere asses.And investigate the complaints.Instead of just filling the  paperwork.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #184 on: July 18, 2010, 02:43:44 pm »
Well the one guy was only 5 years older then the woman and his family knew the other family. And it is very difficult on only a few trips to get all the necessary information on someone else. It shows that for some countries it is easier to get a visitor visa, then once here the couple can take the time to see if the connection is genuine. It is just that some countries the only way to get the person over here is to marry them and be committed to support them. I wish it was easier to get temporary visa but that is not the case.

One problem I can see with temporary visas is that you could get another type of predator: imagine a guy that gets a temporary visa to bring some young girl here then after 6 months be tired of her and cancel the relationship. Then he is off to another country for his next conquest.

It just doesn't matter what type of setup the government tries, with devious minds circumvention will abound and the rest of us serious and honest people suffer the consequence.

Maxx you are right on some of the situations as the vast differences in age or health or previous history just scream scam. I read about one woman confined to a wheel chair who married and sponsored a man from India. Their original application was denied but after a year in appeal he was granted a visa. He arrived in Canada, phoned her that she would never see him again and took off.  :-[
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 02:46:15 pm by Rhonald »
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Offline Martin

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #185 on: July 18, 2010, 05:28:06 pm »
Rhonald, that last story was on the news last week. Their original application was denied, so she filed an appeal. They won the appeal. Apparently he phoned her from the airport when he arrived, and told her the relationship was over. I believe the police are involved now.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #186 on: July 21, 2010, 11:32:19 pm »
Well after 4 weeks I finally got my Police Clearance Certificate. And just as I thought...except for missing my wife....I am not a HARDEND criminal.

But the letter does have me scratching my head. I thought the whole reason for this Police search was to see about a Vulnerable Sector Search and the letter states:

A search based on the above name(s) and birthdate has not disclosed a record of criminal convictions in Canada's National Repository for criminal records. Calgary Police Service local indices and the Alberta Court indices have not disclosed other relevant information. This search was conducted from identification and information provided by the applicant and not through submission of fingerprints.

This is to confirm that a Vulnerable Sector Search (Pardon Sex Offenders Records) has not been completed.
Note: Vulnerable people are individuals who are at greater risk of being harmed than the general population, because of age, disability, handicap or circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, by persons in a postion of authority or trust relative to them as is authorized under the Criminal Records Act.

If this Police Information Check is being disclosed by the applicant for employment or volunteering and will be dealing with the Vulnerable Sector, the above must attend the Police Information Check Unit and obtain another Police Information Check with a Vulnerable Sector search completed.

So I will be sending the document to Hong Kong and also emailing a scan of it with a question if this is all that is needed. I only have 90 days to send the document and if they want the more detailed Police check then I already have had 1 month go by. Ah Bureaucracy...don't you love it  :o
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 11:42:12 pm by Rhonald »
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Offline Martin

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #187 on: July 22, 2010, 12:47:02 am »
So what exactly does this all mean?  Do they need a criminal record search, or a vulnerable sector search?  Will Hong Kong accept this search?  I hope you are nearing the end of your process.

Offline maxx

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #188 on: July 22, 2010, 01:34:46 am »
Rhonald like Martin. I'm a little confused.What does it mean and will this work


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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #189 on: July 22, 2010, 10:51:34 am »
sounds similar to what they have in the USA. if you want to coach or teach kids there is some other kind of report
they need so that they know your not a danger to hurt them or other things. China is just interested in the other one

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #190 on: July 22, 2010, 11:11:43 am »
Remember Ted - it is not China with the request but Immigration Canada that requested it. I have coached before and I do not remember the Police clearance certificate being worded the same way as this. Of course being the Government - the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing - Immigration specifically request a RCMP certificate but the RCMP does not do this anymore. The Corp of Commissioner (retired ex military and police officer) that use to do this for the RCMP directed me to the local Police for the background check. The commissioner told me to insure that the Police knew I needed a Vulnerable Sector search which I did. And as I wrote above - the Police state that the VS was not completed.

But then I also think you are right Ted about what I have is enough. The Consulate stated that I needed to provide an "RCMP certificate listing all charges and convictions" and in turn I have a Calgary Police certificate listing all my criminal convictions and charges. My frustration is that I was led to believe I need a VS clearance certificate and until I hear back from Canada's Consulate in Hong Kong, I will not know. Mushrooms anyone?
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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #191 on: July 22, 2010, 02:31:06 pm »
No wonder People just hop the Border , then to go through all this Paper crap . China -- Russia -- Alaska -- Canada route looks almost better .  >:(


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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #192 on: July 26, 2010, 03:42:13 am »
i was told by ICE during my meetings with them about an immigration fraud i had, that the chinese are the worst for this
as 6 out of 10 applications are under false pretenses which is what makes them scrutinize these applications more carefully.
it didnt deter me from still seeking a chinese lady but i just thought that was an interesting statement as i would not have
thought the worst abuses were from here, but i guess you just never know.

and before someone goes off the deepend    REMEMBER this is what i was told in the ICE office in SAN FRANCISCO when i
had my face to face meeting with them, in regards to the charges i filed.

but as Arnold said some of the honest ones who just want to come here try it the other way by crossing borders or paying
someone to bring them rather than do all that is required to get here.  they usually get to stay after they are caught as the
USA rarely deports long distances. seems the only regular peortations are to Mexico which is just a bus trip usually.

Offline Martin

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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #193 on: August 01, 2010, 11:06:34 pm »
I am not really sure what an ICE office is, or why it is in the Canadian immigration thread.  We get enough ICE from late November until late March...we don't need any imported from the USA.  Please stick to the topic, and keep country related information to the specific Immigration process.


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Re: Canadian Immigration Process
« Reply #194 on: August 02, 2010, 03:58:31 am »
Ok Martin now im going to have to get the Zhongshan Bandit to deal with you if you dont relax  hahahaha

i was just answering Arnolds post of jumping the borders