Author Topic: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...  (Read 6073 times)

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Offline David E

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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2009, 01:59:39 am »
Quote from: 'Buzz' pid='16916' dateline='1253149764'

Here is my boring letter to go along with David's.  Effective, honest, and direct.  So far it is doing me well.  Will know this November if we are successful as a couple.  

Thanks Buzz...your letter very similar in style to at least two of us began this way :-/:-/



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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2009, 04:21:36 am »
My first letters were very boring, but then I only joined in August so I'm new at this game.

But I made sure I weeded out the ladies who hadn't read my profile. I specifically mentioned they would want to live in the UK, and that I might want kids. I asked if their parents were OK with them having a western man. Important stuff.

The key to it all was to exchange a few EMFs and make them comfortable enough to divulge her address and webcam contact details.


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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2009, 06:37:01 am »
(1)   "...I am so very sorry that I have not got back to you since I sent you a cupid not....I have been very busy and have had a terrible month, so again I apologise...."

(2) "... Yes Kathy you are right, we both came on to this site to find the 'perfect' partner for each other. Reading that you have 'read' over my profile several times tells me that you are interested, and that you have taken the time to 'perhaps' see the real person that is inside of me..."

(3)  "..If we can work out I will be like you and be the same as you with all my heart, mind, body and soul. You will not have to cook everyday this is one of my favourite pastimes and would be honoured to 'cook' something really nice for you. I know that the custom of the Chinese women is to walk behind their men, however, this I would not tolerate, if you are with me then you would be by my side, I would be the proudest man in the world to have you by my side.

(4)  "...Let us start and try to build a solid relationship, in which we could have a strong and nice future before us.  We have possibly many questions that we would like to ask each other and like you I promise that anything you ask I will answer honest, and I will never lie to you or anyone.....Honesty is the mainstream of my life, if someone lies they are cheating no one but themselves.

(5)   "... I would want to get to know my future wife really well before even going to see her in person, ... yes I would love to come to your home town to visit you, and also get to meet your family, of course before any of this we would need your parents blessing!! I believe in family values,

(6)  "...Your beautiful city sounds a wonderful place, I liked what you said about beautiful Quingdao having a beautiful you he he. ..."

( 7)  "...I almost forgot do you speak English? If not what language do you speak mandarin with what dialect? ..."


I was late in responding to Keren after her initial response to my cupid...

So I done my letter this way to show her that in me there is
(1) SINCERITY... (2) We are after the same thing... (3) CUSTOMS...I knew of her customs... (4) HONESTY... I was going to be honest and open with her... (5) POSSIBLITY OF A MEETING...That once we got to know each other, then there would be a visit... (6) I THOUGHT SHE WAS HUMOUROUS... (7) INTEREST in her

This was the only way I felt comfortable with...After the initial contact then came the 'real' information...


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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2009, 06:54:06 am »
I can't believe that after spotting my girl's profile I removed her from my favourites. But then she sent me an admirer letter and i realised it was meant to be :blush:.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2009, 08:19:15 pm »
Greetings Brothers.

So we want to see first letters to our ladies hmm.  Well I am in a similar position to Scottish Rob.  My lady Zhen sent me an admirer letter and it was about 3 weeks for me to reply as I was writng to someone else at the time so here is my first letter to Zhen

Ni hao Zhen, Ni hao ma?

I would like to thank you for the letter you sent to me back in July. I apologize for not responding to you sooner.

Yes I find you to be an attractive woman, very much so . As for your inner beauty well that is a journey of exploration that we will have to embark on together so that I may find out about you and I will share more about me.

So let me begin by telling you something about me, where I am from how I think, what I feel. Then we can progress from there if what I write interests you.

I was born in Edinburgh Scotland which is part of Great Britain. I moved with my family to Canada when I was 15 years old. I have never returned to Scotland. When I finished my schooling in Canada I joined the Canadian Armed Forces and spent 12 years there, the last six as a Meteorolgical technician, in Cold Lake Alberta. Alberta is a western province in Canada. After I left the military I moved to Edmonton Alberta. Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta. I have lived here since 1989.

In April 1989 I met the woman who became my wife. We met in April became engaged in June and were married Speptember 30 1989. We had a good life as a whole although we had no children. So we decided to adopt a child. We got Emma my daughter on Nov 17 2006. Unfortunately that was also the beginning of the end for my marriage. After a few months my now EX tansferred all her love and devotion to Emma and left me out of her life. For the next 2 years she slept with Emma and we had zero physical contact from that point on, so the love we shared slowly withered and died. We are now seperated and heading to divorce. This is absolute. There is no chance for reconcilliation. I tell you this now so that you are aware of my status before things progress too far between us. It will be some time before my divorce is final.

Let me state now also that I am here to find the last love of my life. I am not here to play games, or just chat or anything like that. I am looking for the lady who will be my lifes partner until the end of time. I am a true romantic, affectionate loving man. I am honest, sincere, loving, kind, attentive partner. I will give to this lady in my life everything I have in my heart and soul for the rest of my life. This most special lady will be my equal partner in all things. We will walk hand in hand down lifes road and laugh and love together forever. I am a one woman man. I do not cheat lie smoke drink gamble. I have never hit a woman in my life and I never will.

I offer true love respect and honour to my special lady. I offer respect to her parents and family and children if she has any. I will devote my life to this woman for as long as I live. As you can see from my last marriage it does not take me long to decide that the lady is right. I commit quite quickly when I am sure of where I stand and how I feel. However as I said it will take some time for my divorce to be final. I will know who my last love is going to be before the divorce is complete. When it is done I will come to china and marry the woman I have chosen.

I do not mean to scare you with my intensity, merely to show you that I am utterly committed to this process and I will not stop until it is done. So there it is my commitment.

What attributes will this most rare of women posses to make me fall for her? Well she will be chinese. I have no doubt of that. She will be petite and beautiful both inside and out. She will be smart and funny and loving. She will be devoted to her family and her husband to be. I hope she will be romantic, definitely affectionate, love to laugh and hold hands when we walk about. I hope she can cook because I am a terrible cook lol. I hope she has a great sense of humour, is loyal devoted and loving. Mostly I hope that she will love me for who I am, and wishes to loved with utter devotion from her man. She will be treated as an equal partner with equal say in all things except matters of the home. In those matters I will bow to her judgement.

I like to be affectionate with my woman. Little touches, a kiss to back of her neck while she cooks, A touch of her hair, her shoulder her hand just to say that I am there and I love her. A warm smile and a kiss to greet the dawn.Snuggling on the couch watching movies, holding hands while we walk about town or along the shore. There are many ways I like to show affection, and I practice them diligently. I also like it when my lady returns these shows of affection.

Can I teach you the meaning of love? If you are the one for me my dear I will show you so much love your friends will be dazzled by the glow of happiness from you. Your family wiil be in awe of your beauty and happines under my care. You will wonder how you went through life without my love to shield you from harm and keep you safe and warm. Yes I will teach you about true love.

So there you are Zhen Li a little about who I am and how I think and feel. If any of this attracts you or pulls you please feel free to reply to my letter. Oh and I hope you like to read long letters because that is the only kind I send.

One last thing, if you are currently writing to other men then I apologize for intruding. I wish to communicate with a woman free to devote herself to me, so if you are committed elsewhere then accept my best wishes and I will not contact you again.

Take good care of yourself Zhen,

With regards and respect


PS feel free to ask anything you wish of me for I will tell you anything you want truthfully and honestly. No lies or games between us only the truth.

So there it my first letter to Zhen.  The rest as they say is history.  I am the happiest man in the world that she chose to send me her letter.  Also I asked her about it and she did actually send her letter to me not the translator or agency.  While it was still partly at least a form letter it was her choice to send it to me and I am truly thankful that she did.


Zhen and Brian

PS I would post the next few letters but I am sure I would have many people cringing at the contents.  However in my own defence her letters followed exactly the same thought as mine.  I have never in my life communicated with any woman who so mirrored my own thought and feelings about things.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2009, 08:21:37 pm by Brian Mc »


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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2009, 03:16:00 am »
Wow, that "one last thing" paragraph is a work of genius.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 03:16:19 am by brett »

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2009, 09:49:20 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Brett, thanks for that hehe I dont know where this stuff comes from most of the time it just flows out of my fingers onto the screen.  However reading it again now it surely makes sense and perhaps may even help weed out those ladies talking with multiple men.  It is polite and yet tells them what you want.

Oh and feel free to use it if you wish, no copyright and no royalties required hehe.


Zhen and Brian


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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2009, 06:53:15 pm »
Brian very very nice letter mate....and a very nice touch as Brett says...good one:icon_biggrin:

Offline Rhonald

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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2009, 10:19:42 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='18318' dateline='1254091995'

Brian very very nice letter mate....and a very nice touch as Brett says...good one:icon_biggrin:

It was a work of :heart:
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2009, 10:37:41 pm »
Greetings Brothers,

Rob,Ron,   Thanks for the kind words.  As I said in my reply to Brett, I dont think this stuff up it just flows right out without concious thought from me.  I guess it depends on who I am writing to because while the letters I wrote to the lady before Zhen were equally romantic they certainly had a different feel to them.Zhen of course has a remarkable knack for drawing the romantic out of me, but then she is at least as romantic as I am and very passionate and affectionate.

Ever since our first letters it was pretty clear we have the same view of love and romance and passion.  In fact we seem to have the same view on pretty much everything.  I have never had this before in my life and it sure is a welocome change.  To be completely understood by the woman you love is a rare gift indeed and I do cherish her for it.

Anyway perhaps one day I will do as Rob did and give you all excerpts from our letters back and forward so everyone can see how we are together.


Zhen and Brian


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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2009, 07:00:18 am »
Could the 'perhaps one day' be soon mate...

We are not getting any younger:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2009, 11:14:09 am »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='18466' dateline='1254222018'

Could the 'perhaps one day' be soon mate...

We are not getting any younger:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Rob my friend your wish is my command.  Now that I have decided to abandon Canada on favour of Zhen I will need soemething to fill in the time until I leave.  So I will do just that, I will select snippits of our letters so all may see and perhaps cringe at what two hopeless romantics fill up emfs to each other with.  We send at least one letter each per day, and have done right from day one.  Also each letter is always full length.

SO keep your eyes peeled for my thread about love in letters.  I wil start this immediately since I do not want your age to catch up with you before my posts do heheh


Zhen and Brian

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Your first letter to your lady...After her response to the emf...
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2009, 11:56:45 am »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='18484' dateline='1254237486'

We all look forward to reading it .... --Mike

Greetings Brothers,

Ok guys its started in the share your love story forum under love in letters....


Zhen and Brian