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Offline Brian Mc

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Brian resurfaces in China
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:27:11 pm »
Greetings brothers,

First I want to apologize for not keeping my other thread, Brian's trip to China updated, but I have had a horrible time getting to this site.

HoweverI have found it now so let the updates begin.

The flight.

Well everything started out ok, I left Edmonton Ab Canada as scheduled and arrived in calgary on time.  This is where things got messed up.  I had an hour and a half to clear US customs, find my gate and get checked in.  I made it to the gate with barely ten minutes before flight time, customs was so slow.  No sooner did I get to teh gate than the flight was delayed an hour due to fog in San Fransisco.  

This of course got me to worrying about connecting to my Beijing flight.  However I did make t to the beijing flight gate with about 15 mins to spare and everything as good.  They served Duck for the first meal and seafood and noodles for the second and all the movies sucked hehe.

I was also seated across the aisle from a 2 yr old and family but surprisingy the child was very quiet the whole 12 hour flight.  And for those wondering the child was chinese.

Anyway made it to beijing on time, passed the health checks no problem and made it to the baggage claim.  Problem however was My suitcase decided to go on a vacation of its own and did not make it to beijing at the same time I did.  So here I am in Beijing with only the clothes I was wearing.

So anyway out the gate I went and there were masses of chinese waiting for people coming out of the customs and gates area.  I spotted Zhen instantly and we made our way to each other.  For those wondering yes she is far more beautiful then her pictures or webcams led me to believe.  We basically flew into each others arms and had a nice long hug.

Zhen had a translator from the agency with her, a very cute young lady named Zie  Her english was good and we all hit it off very well.

So off to the bus to the hotel area.  Zhen and I shared two seats together and she took my ball cap and wore it herself grabbed my arm and held it to her and rested her head on my shoulder.  Oh and it was pouing rain and we had no coats only umbrellas.  Zhen phoned the hotel to tell them we were on our way but they said we could not get in as the securty had the whole area around Tian an men Square closed off including the hotel.

We took the bus as far as we could and Zhen called the hotel and they said they would send a car for us but somehow it never worked out.  So here we are on  busy Beijing street in the pouring rain trying to get a cab with hundreds of other people.

For those who have never experienced this its a free for all, doesnt matter who stopped the cab, first one in gets the cab.  we finally had to get two motorized pedicabs to take us to a different hotel for teh night.

If this had been anywhere in the west I would have been tick off but in Beijing I actually had a good time hehe.  My lady Zhen madde sure I was under the umbrela all the  time so I wouldnt get wet.  We were holding hands/ams the entire tme, with lots of affection but no kissing yet.

Anyway we finally made it to a hotel but they were not licenced for foreigners so we had to find another one.  I am still having a great time but Zhen was getting a little ticked.  Anyway we finally got to an acceptable hotel, so all was good.

Just a thought here for anyone else going to china,  I sent Zhen $500Cdn dollars by western union a couple days before my flight which was quite a good break as she had sufficient cash to cover things for the first couple days while we got settled.  I would reommend this to anyone who is serous about their lady when they go to visit.  No hassles trying to find cash machines or exchanging money at the arport.

Also I used my mastercard for the hotels and had no issues in Beijing just remember to call your bank before you leave home to tell them about your trip so they dont block your card.

Day 1  Beijing.

We finally made it to the Days Inn Forbidden City which was the hotel Jimb recommended.  I also would recommend this hotel for anyone spending time in Beijing.  Its clean affordable and the staff are very friendly and helpfull.  There is also a decent place to get a breakfast buffet just across from the hotel driveway and a bank right beside it where I exchanged money and used the atm with no problems.  The breakfast buffet was a good mix of western and chinese and quite reasonable.  Also right across from the hotel front door is a little chinese family restuarant where we ate supper every night we were in beijing.  For those of us who cannot use chopsticks they provide forks and knives.  Lots of foreigners stay at the Days Inn so they didnt even notice you when you go to the restaurant.

So we made it to the hotel got squared away did the bank thing and were all set to go.

First thing on the agenda was getting an electronic translator.  The one Zhen settled on cost 1998yuan I think it was, does the translations back and forward, also speaks the words, and has the OCR software.  Besta 9880 I think it is.  Zhen liked it so that was the one we bought.  No discounts however, the  store said many of the business in the area, all higher class ones did not do discounts so we ended up paying sticker price.  They also told us that for electronic stuff you rarely get a discount.

After we picked up the translator we did some shopping and the Zhen took me to the famous Peking duck restaurant in Beijing for my birthday.  A great time we had too with me trying to learn how to work chopsticks with Zhen's help, we had quite a few laughs.  She is a very beautiful wonderful loving lady and our translator was lots of fun also.

That evening we walked from the hotel to Tian An Men Square and area but they had most of it closed of.  Apparrently there was some ceremony being set up so they wouldnt let us in.  Also across the street from the Square are several other tourist sites in another square, but these are only open from 8 am untl noon so anyone wishing to go inside should go in the morning.  I did take a quite a few pictures and will upload the when I get back to canada as I dont have the software for my camera with me in China.

So far everything is going well we hold hands every where we go and lots of affection but still no kiss at this time, however I have no complaints.  Its pretty clear that everything we said we felt for each other in our letters to each other has translated to real life exactly as we wrote them.  It is clear to our translator that we are very happy together.

So I have to say that for those of us who are born romantics and meet a lady who is at least as romantic as we are its not all bad news when we meet.  Our face to face time has basically been an extension and affirmation of our letters, and it would be impossible for things to go any better than they have already between Zhen and I.

Also as far as language goes I speak very littel mandarin and Zhen about the same for english.  However quite earlyy we noticed that we can get our point across to each other with fair ease just with body language, tone and ou few words.  Of course we still have Zie the translator and the electronic one as well.

So for summary, the flight was a bit of a stress attack and also my still missing suitcase, but teh face to face with Zhen could not possibly be going any better than it is and we are bothe very happy.  Everything looks great so far and the promise fulfilled to this point.

to be continued.....


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 02:02:50 pm »
Wow Brian what a story...Sorry to hear about the case, so with thanks to you and Mike, I will pack a change of clothes into my hand held luggage - just in case hehe.

I am so pleased that things so far has turned out well... I too have sent my Keren money for us for when I get there, this is a good idea, but only do it, IF you think the person can be trusted...

I was glad also to hear that even with not understanding the languages between you, then BODY LANGUAGE will come into play..

Good luck with the rest of your time mate.:icon_biggrin:


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2009, 02:10:01 pm »
Hey Brain , thanks for the Story of a good first meeting and hope your Suitcase didn't decide to go back to Canada .
Hope to read about your continueing Trip , while I'm in China myself .
About the Tiananmen Square thing , that could be because of the up-coming Oct. 1st National Holiday ?


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 02:49:10 pm »

Ya bugger, where the bloody hell have you been?? ...JimB actually went to your hotel to try and find you, ...said they Never heard of you!!!  haha!!

Well i'm pleased to hear that the romantics have pulled one back in the success stakes, ...alas yet, without the goldfish kisses to date!!...haha!! I hope you keep in touch now. I would try and contact JimB, and make that meeting you arranged with him and his wife. ...Reckon you should foot the bill too!! ...hahaha!!

Best of luck for the remainder of your trip Brian,'s good to hear when things go right on these first meeting trips.

By the way, while you have the translator there with you, get her to contact the airport and enquire about your lost suitcase.
Sometimes they need to be badgered, to get things moving in finding and getting your suitcase reunited with you. And they should send it directly to your hotel too!!

« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 02:55:02 pm by David5o »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2009, 03:02:01 pm »
I think we have found both the missing persons now - first Ted now Brian.

It sounds as if you are going to have a great time.  All those worries before you went.  There all gone now.   SAD really - all you guys finding love on your first trip.  You are never gonna know what is is like to ride the roundabout!!!!

Seriously Brian keep us posted.  Get bored up your way then you can always come south and join us in this TYPHOON.
But I imagine from the  reaction you received then you will have other things on your mind.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 03:02:55 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 03:05:21 pm »
That lost suitcase seems to be happening more and more as the prices for everything goes UP the quality of their work goes the other way . It even happen's here on domestic flight's , as some of my friend's state that to be the case . Now , need to worry about that too .
David your right , that Case should be delivered wherever your at ( Hotel ) on any given day . I would raise hell and up-grade my return flight for the trouble , as they owe you .


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2009, 03:21:24 pm »
Willy I think he has a TYPHOON of his own to start

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 03:39:16 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='16616' dateline='1252956084'

Willy I think he has a TYPHOON of his own to start

I think it is just clearing the air for your arrival in a couple of months.

3.30am and cannot sleep through it AND no company tonight.!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline MLM

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2009, 03:44:28 pm »
I only have one thing to say to our two lost souls, if you two ever put use through this again then the two of you should get one swift, hard kick in the seat of the pants, now that being said, good to hear the two of you are doing well, Brian, happy to see it working out for you bro, just keep up the good work, you and Ted are doing just great.
Now hurry up and post some more, that first one was really good :icon_cheesygrin:

Willy, stop the wineing, you can't have all the women all the time, save some for the new guys.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 03:46:04 pm by MLM »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2009, 04:24:16 pm »
Nice beginning of lovestory, too bad for the suitcase but maybe did it find, too, its halflove anywhere? (lol)
By the way, I'm really happy to read your story, Brian, I just wish to you and Zhen to go on like this, and if there is no kiss at the moment, the best thing to remember is that you really feel happy when being with each other, hand in hand :)
So... let the time go its way, and it will come naturally to both of you ;)
- Let's Rock -

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2009, 08:11:39 pm »
Greetings Brothers,

First many thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.  As for Jimb at the hotel I asked them everyda if there were any messages and they always said no.  Guess that language thing can be a problem for stuff like that also.

Ok on to the boring stuff.

Day two  Beijing,

Oh just before we start, while we were eating my birthday meal Zhen and the translator gave  me the third degree about why I was looking for a chinese wife, could I support her and her son and the whole nine yards.  It was a real interesting conversation to have in a crowded resturant let me tell you.  However, they must have been happy with all the responses because things have only gotten better since then.  Anyway back to the tale.

Today we are off to the forbidden city.  This is off course a must see when in beijing, and yes I took pictures, I even managed to get some of the scenery in the pictures lol.  We still have Zie the translator with us so communicating is easy although we seem to manage quite well without her help.  Zhen is very affectionate holding hands or pulling my arm across in front of her and holding it with both her hands.  She is so beautiful, and funny and loving and beautiful and.... erm sorry.

Anyway we took in most of the sights at the forbidden city, had a great time and also more of the questions abot my view of our future together.  We both have the same desire and seems we agree on pretty much everything.  the translator is very good and almost seems invisible.  Zhen and I seem to communicate very well even without words, its as if we have known each other for years.

The forbidden city was a lot of fun but it seems every time we go to do a tourist thing its sweltering hot sunny, no breeze and no shade.  So a tip for others... take sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat with you and drink tons of water, you will need it.

Supper once again at the little restaurant just ouside the door from the hotel.  Its not much to look at and its hard to get used to men smoking while you are trying to eat but this happens everywhere so you just have to get used to it.  The fod in the restaurant is very good and as others have said Zhen orders a balanced meal and serves me everything. While we are eating we agree that theZie will leave us in the morning and we will be on or own.

Just for those wondering Zhen and the translator share a room and I have my own.  So tonight Zhen and I spend time alone together in my room playing with the electronic translator and getting used to it before Zie leaves us in the morning.

Also finally the long awaiting moment......... the first kiss!! and the second third fourth.... well you get the idea.  Once again everything perfect and we have now really warmed up as a couple.  At this point I could not ask for anything more.

Day three Beijing

today we are off to the Summer Palace.  Another must see sight but a long drive to get there.  There is so much walking to do at this place make sure you are wearing cmfortable shoes.  We are alone now with only the electronic translator for help.

Just a few words about the translator.  First you mush keep the sentences short and very simple.  complex thought or long sentences get lost very quickly.  Also it has trouble with gender and everyone becomes it instead of he or she.  So you have to learn how to interpret what you think your lady is trying to say and vice versa.

So the whole day spent wandering around in the summer palace and we are getting along great.  We barely touched the electronic translator at all teh entire day.  We seem to be developing what the married guys refer to as ou own language.  Part verbal part body language and looks and part intuition.  I think this gets better teh more in love you are because for us it seems to come pretty naturally and easy.  We only resort to the translator for complex subjects, all the day to day stuff we dont need it.  Zhens english is getting better and so is my chnese but not as fast as er english.  She is working really hard.

We have settled into a routine in the evenings whereby after supper we go for a walk up to tian An Men Square and wander around.  I point something out in english and she gives it to me in chinese.  We do this the entire walk and often go back and mix up teh words to see how much we remember.  we joke between us about in one ear and out teh other and both laugh.  Also after teh walk and before seperating to our own rooms for sleep we stop in the coffee shop and sit there for an hour going ver pronunciation and a recap of teh words we learned that evening.

Biggest tip here guys is be patient both ways.  Never get frustrated or lose your cool.  Just work through every word slowly and repeatedly saying them many many times over.  If you get frustrated your lady will see it in your face and that will end your lesson.  She must be confident you have patience to help her work to learn english because they have infinite patience when teaching you chinese.

So far Zhen is at least as romantic and affectionate as I am.  We are always holding hands hen we walk about always touching when sitting stil.  She is a true beauty both inner beauty and outer beauty.  I am so lucky to have her.

So back to my room after coffee and more electronic translator work.  We are talking about many things and somehow the fact that I havent prposed to her came up.  Well of course I instantly dropped to my kness and asked my Zhen to marry me, and she said......

Oops sorry guys my Zhen is herre to take me to breakfast, so i will be back later.


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2009, 08:43:38 pm »
You cant leave us hanging like that!!

Brian i am loving your story so far, did you get your clothes yet?
I hope she said yes!!

Eagerly waiting on your next update :D
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Bob

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2009, 08:46:14 pm »
Brian, fantastic read, the suspense,,she said `Yes`right?,,please say yes.:icon_biggrin:  WOW, I am so happy for the both of you. Sounds like you are having a really good time in China, remember before you left, I mentioned to you "it would be a trip of a lifetime"! :icon_cheesygrin:

Actually, you do not necessarily need your cameras software to extract the pictures from it onto your laptop, first question, you camera has a memory card correct? (digital camera)  second question, does your laptop have a slot for the memory card?,,most newer laptops do. Simply put the memory card in the slot, your computer will automatically detect it, then open the file to view your pictures,  if your laptop does not have a slot, then did you bring the patch cable that came with your camera, to hook-up the camera to the laptop USB port? this is another way you can access the pictures, simply click on  "my computer"  on the desk top and pick the card/camera.  Well, this is up you, I understand that you may not be thinking of pictures at the moment. (wink,wink) LOL.:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

I am curious,,did you fly with Air Canada? :s   On my second trip I flew with them, and they lost my luggage, finally got them 4 days later and after many calls trying to track it down. They never did give me my $100 they promised for the inconvenience, terrible airline, I also had many other problems with them, I personally will never use them again. Well, I do not want to bore you anymore with that.

Again, have a great time in China, best wishes for you and Zhen, thanks for keeping us updated, Congradulations :icon_biggrin:
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 08:51:09 pm by Bob »

Offline Ed W

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2009, 09:19:26 pm »
Quote from: 'Brian Mc' pid='16607' dateline='1252949231'

If this had been anywhere in the west I would have been tick off but in Beijing I actually had a good time hehe.  

I always enjoy reading how someone gets a lemmon and makes lemmon-aid....

Great to hear all has gone well so far. Looking forward to your updates as you can post em.


Well of course I instantly dropped to my kness and asked my Zhen to marry me, and she said......

Ooohhhhh! your gonna pay for that one!!!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 09:26:05 pm by Ed W »
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2009, 05:22:25 am »
Congrats Brian...Hope you two will be forever happy.........I say this in anticipation to Zhen's answer, which of course will be YES...But Ed is right, you will pay for that !!!