Author Topic: Brian resurfaces in China  (Read 17449 times)

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Offline ahkiwi

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2009, 06:26:02 pm »
Good on ya Brian!

Best wishes to you and Zhen.

Also as Vince says & to steal a line from WoW ... Photos or it didn't happen!
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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2009, 06:46:35 pm »
Great story, and lots of details.  Congrats Brian and Zhen.


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2009, 08:43:54 pm »

tut tut, calm down, ....He told us he can't upload photo's from his camera to the laptop, something about software, and that you will have to wait till he got home for posting his photo's.
I Didn't know you needed software, i just use a cable.... never had any problems !!


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2009, 09:15:44 pm »
Wonderful stuff Brian. So happy for you and your beautiful Zhen, sounds like the dream we all seek come true.
Keep the great detailed posts coming, I am hanging on every word!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Vince G

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2009, 10:20:12 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='16753' dateline='1253061834'

He told us he can't upload photo's from his camera to the laptop, something about software, and that you will have to wait till he got home for posting his photo's.
I Didn't know you needed software, i just use a cable.... never had any problems !!

We dunt ned any stinkin sofeware!!!  :icon_biggrin:

Just plug the damn thing in. Comeon what is this 2008 ?

Offline MLM

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2009, 10:59:19 pm »
No Vince we time warped when you weren't looking its now 2007 Muhahahaha !!! :fi_lone_ranger:

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2009, 11:02:44 pm »
Do we get to do the Rocky Horror Time Warp dance?

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2009, 11:27:04 pm »
Greetings brothers,

First thanks for all the kind words they are truly appreciated.  As far as handan being 442 miles from Beijing yes you are correct it could be km's, I just assumed it was miles.  The bullet train ride took 3 hours with a max speed of 207km/hr, however we didnt always travel that speed.

Ok guys from here its not gonna be a day by day thing more of an overview.  I have totally lost track of days and time so I dont even know what day of the week it is.  So without further ado on with the story....

First let me tell you about Handan.  It is a very old and very dirty city with a steel mill as its main economic resource.  Needless to say the pollution is horrible and often you cannot see the tops of nearby buildings.  It seems the entire city is in a state of restoration and the whole city looked like it just suffered a massive bombing raid like you see in war movies.  There is so much demolition going on and so much new construction its really noisy and dusty.

So any way on with the tale.  Every day we meet more of Zhen's friends.  She has an astonishing number of them and everyone tells me how nice and kind hearted she is and she makes friends easily.  Both her parents died in an accident when she was in university but she has one brother and two sisters and of course her son RuiChen.  Since I have been in Handan at least one meal a day is in someones home.  Its really quite the experience eating home made dumplings in someones home instead of the restaurant variety.  So tasty and delicious hmmmmm good.

One interesting thing.  Zhen's sister is married to a local artist who does a lot of horse paintings.  When we were there visiting and eating the dumplings they presented me with a matched set of paintings to bring back to Canada.  These are quite the exquisite art pieces so needless to say I was very touched that they would make such a gesture.  It must have been clear to them how much Zhen means to me and how much in love we really are for them to give such a gift.  They live in a decent apartment on the top floor of their building and the place looks very similar to a western apartment.  These paintings I am sure he sells for good money so all in all a remarkable gift.

So anyway we decided to go to the agency so I could meet our translator and Daniel and Echo.  While there I met several of the other ladies and even recognized a couple of them from ther profile pics.  We spent over an hour there laughing and joking and Zhen showing off her lao Gong and her engagement ring to the rest.  While we were there an Australian guy named Steve came in with his chinese wife so we had a little chat but I had to keep talking with the ladies from the agency so couldnt talk with him much.  All in all the agency was a good visit and Daniel and Echo who run the agency truly care about their ladies.  its nice to see a decent agency with reasonable rates and lots of support for the ladies in their  quest.

For Zhen I think she said her sign up fee was 3000rmb, a 2000 rmb meet fee and a 3800 marriage fee.  Now compared to some of the numbers we have seen here and on the official forums those seem to be really reasonable prices.

So we took a bus ride the other day to an ancient temple perched on the side of the muntain.  I dont know the name as all teh ticket and paperwork i have from there are in chinese but it is a temple to some female goddess I think.  Once again over 30c humid sunny no shade and no breeze, and herre we are climbing up the side of a mountain to visit a temple.  Anyway on the tortirous path up the mountain a holy man of some variety did a reading for Zhen.  You know the chinese astrology thing palm reading all rolled into one.  We sat tehre for almost half an hur aas he did his thing.  I understood nothing of course but by watching Zhen it as clear he was saying something good.  We left there and she had a big smile on heer face so I asked her why.  Sh replied that the holy man had said many good things about us and that we would be together forever.  Needless to say we were both very happy about this.

So we carried on up the mountain and doing our usual thing and got to the temple.  when we reached the very top where the monks were one took Zhen and had her pray in the temple and then did another reading.  This one was much more in depth and at a few points I kinda started to worry from watching Zhens face.  However they finished the reading and Zhen was all smiles so all was good.  The monk then took us both into the closed of part of teh temple in front of the goddess and basically blessed us both and our union.  i even felt goose bumps on my arms and he hair at the back of my neck and on my arms stood up like when you get scared or a really good thrill.  It was kind of a weird feeling.

Anyway, Zhen was on cloud nine at this point so I asked what was said.  She told me that the monk confirmed what the first guy had said and more and all of it was good.  needless to say we are both vey happy at this turn of events and things if possible are even better between us.  So now we have been blessed by all her friends, her family and the goddess. and monks and holy men.  What more could one ask for, everything is absolutely perfect between us and I have never been so happy in my life.

So after the temple it was another long bus ride back to Handan and dinner with he brother and his family.  Zhens son RuiChen was also there so it felt like a family dinner.  We also brought our agency translator with us as a treat for her great efforts on our behalf.  Once again it was clear to everyone how much in love we are and how much we care for each other.  We had Duck for supper and of course a bunch of other stuff and the translator Una did the go between for us.  It was a great success and wwe had fun all around, and after everyne parted I asked Zhen how it went and she said everyone is pleased and happy for us.

So basically at this point everyone that could have posed an issue has been met and impressed and we have everyones blessing to proceed.  Obviously this is a great load off my mind and a great affirmation for Zhen she positively glows with love now its unbelievable.  many of her friends have commented on the changes in her and how happy she is now that we are together.

Well guys gotta cut this one short, my lady Zhen has just arrived and i am sure you understand that she has priority.

I will update again later,



Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2009, 12:46:43 pm »
Greetings brothers,

Its time for another update.

Zhen and i have so far not experienced anything bad or discordant in our relationship, and in fact we grow closer every hour. When we were in beijing holding hands was the norm and we did it all the time.  Here in Handan however she has this thing that we cannot hold hands as we walk about town or in the parks etc.

I of course respect this but it is kind of curious.  I can put my hand on her thigh in restaurants and cabs, rub her back hold her around the waist as we walk etc etc but the handholding is a no no.  So from a western perspective the mildest form of public affection, hand holding is a no no yet more advanced stuff like rubbing her thigh or back or holding her about the shoulders or waist is ok.  I have tried to get her to explain this but the translator machine fails miserably, and of course there is no one I can ask.

However it has become a game now and i will take her hand sometimes and see how long it takes her to react.  We always get a chuckle when she realizes we are holding hands in public and she says no not in Handan and we laugh.  she herself has reached for my hand on several occasions every day so I dont know if this is a game with her or she is serious but cant fight the habit established in beijijng or what.  Anyway its an interesting cultural puzzle.

As mentioned previously our affection level increases every day and now we are getting borderline riske.  We now steal kisses when walking in parks and stuff like that, ( no I am not going into detail on "stuff like that") you will have to use your imagination.  Our own private language is also growing to the extent that often she will say something to me in chinese and I will get enough of it to understand without having a clue what she said.  Its really kinda freaky to watch us interact.

Friends will often burst out laughing when she says something to me in chinese that I cannot understand yet respond properly..  They can see that i dont understand the words yet I manage to get the gist of it anyway.  She does the same thing back with me.

Today also we finally managed to do a webcam with my sister in BC Canada, so Zhen and her could meet.  Yes it was a bit akward as they cannot communicate with words but with me playing translator it went very well.My sister likes Zhen and has heard some of our story up to my trip and beyond so I felt it was time they met.

They hit it off quite well and both confirmed to me that they like the other so a good stride forward as far as Zhen being accepted by family.  We are going to do it again in 2 days so that Zhen and my Mom and other sister can also meet.  This will be a surprise to mom and other sister as they only know that I am on vacation not what I am realy doing here.  Hopefully my family will accept Zhen but it really doesnt matter because they know I will do what I feel i must.  Still their acceptance of Zhen would make her feel better so its worth the effort.

Zhen is one of those people who makes friends really easily and is very outgoing and friendly so I am sure all will be well.

Yesterday we did one of the local parks in Handan.  Nice but nothing compared to Beijing. still, I was spending time with Zhen and scenery is almost a distraction now so its all good. After the park we went to a friends house for lunch and killed the afternoon hanging around an talking. Zhen's friends it seems have totally accepted us as a couple and talk to me directly even though they know I cannot understand.  Its nice to feel included when 4 or 5 beautful chinese ladies all start talking about you.  It seems Zhen moving to Canada in the future is of great interest to all of them.

Also I discovered that the friend we had lunch with is dating a guy in Tennessee USA.  They have been for many months and he is going to china to see her in November.  They dont go through CNlove but rather send text messages to each other often during the day.  I told her i hope everything works as well for her as it has for Zhen and i and she was really happy for that.

More cultural stuff.

As has often been said on these forums when in china your lady will take total control of your life while you are in her care.  Zhen controls our money, where we eat what we do when we go shopping etc etc.  I differ slightly from everyone else however in two ways.  One Zhen never washed my clothes in the bathroom of my hotel heheh however she did take care of getting the hotel to launder them  second I actually get told and asked ahead of time when she is planning our day.... sometimes.  Most often its as others have said she plans things and I find out on the way there, but so far everything has gone well so I guess it doesnt bother me.

Also every so often in our conversations she will ask a question about stuff from our letters.  I know she knows the answers as she rarely forgets anything important that I tell her or have written to her.  For instance when we were at the temple and she was getting the readings done they had to have asked her for my date of birth yet she never had to ask me she knew the day month and year by heart.  So I give her the answers again and its like she is verifying what I just responded with against what i wrote her.  I guess its a defence mechanism thing and she is checking to make sure things are real with no lies.  Now I am sure many guys would get upset about this, but for me its no biggie.

  When Zhen and I started writing, she had been with Cnlove for a year and 3 months, so i am sure i am not the first to have written to her but I am definitely the last.  She has asked the agency to hide her profile and they agreed.  This was done during or visit to the agency so I know it happened.  Anyway the point here is never lie to your lady and expect to get away with it.  If yours is like Zhen she will find out and everything you have built to that point will be destroyed.  Its just not worth it.

Eating:  Well for someone who never experiments with different kinds of food, I have eaten nothing but chinese since I have been here.  The only exception is that i was bullied by Zhen and her friendds to go to KFC.  yes thats right kentucky Fried Chicken.  Now I gotta say who ever called this stuff western food is nuts.  I have never seen this in Canada an we have KFC everywhere.  the stuf was horrible.  Tip to the wise, dont eat western food in China stick with the local stuff its so much better.  Also on food I would suggest learning how to eat the basics with chopsticks before you go over.  First it makes meals easier, and second it will impress your lady and her friends.  Zhens friends get many laughs at my attempts at chopsticking but its all in good fun so no worries.  They are impressed that I make the effort and they say I am improving.  So more brownie points for me.

Zhen is really good when it comes to serving me, and makes sure she gives me pieces sized that I can handle, especially when we have company.  She doesnt force stuff i dont like and basically always feeds me before herself, I get all the choice pieces etc etc.  I can honestly say I have never in my life been treated any better than the way Zhen looks after me.  I am so gratefull that she is blind enough to consider me handsome as do her friends.  I guess its all the pollution in the air, it blurs their vision hehe.  Anyway point here is if you are reasonable and tell your lady what you will not eat ahead of time you can avoid embarrassing her in a public restaurant,  she will not order what you dont like even if its her favourite, and you will probably eat better than you have in your entire life.  There are many things I have eaten that I have no name for yet all were delicious.

Chinese attitudes toward us.

By and large the chinese people are a really friendly race of people.  We have had folks go out of their way to help us or give us directions etc.  Only in the last day or two have any significant number of people stared at me as we walk about.  We both get a kick out of teenage girls that stare and when i notice them directly they get embarresed, and offer a shy smile which i return.  its all really cute and lots of fun.  However we have also had people stop in their tracks, stare at me and just stand there looking.  Today we were having a bit of a sex talk using the electronic translator, when this one old guy stopped and stared  and then came over and wanted to watch what Zhen was typing to me.  well she was in the middle of a point which was not for public consumption as it were and she got quite embaressed.  She finally had to tell the guy to move along and stop bothering us.

Usually when people in Beijing or Handan or tourist spots stare at us its Zhen they are looking at not me.  I told her that when she comes to Edmonton   that everyone will stare at her, and she gets quite a kick out of it.  just goes to show women the world over all love being told they are beautiful and they all love the attention we shower on them.

The point here is you are going to be exposed to different cultural ways of doing things and many of the chinese have no sense of shame.  You need to learn to go with the flow as has been explained previously on the forums and not take offense at what people do around you.  This is especially true in the smaller towns.  Alway s be polite and respectful, especially to your lady.  Dont mistreat her especially in public.  She is your biggest defender in all things chinese so dont do anything stupid that will cause her to lose face.

Well the sad reality of my trip nearing its end is upon us.  Tomorrow Zhen is going to buy the train tickets to Beijing for Saturdays departure.  Needless to say i was pretty down when she said this but I never let it hit my face.  I noticed a few times today that she seemed a little sad so I think its on her mind also.  she is going to make the trip to Beijing to see me off at the airport.  i see this as a big gesture on her part, taking the bullet three hours to Beijing to see me off at the airport then riding the 3 hours back to Handan alone.  That will be the first time she has been alone other than sleeping for the past two weeks, and I am sure we both are gonna be hurting.  Damn I am tearing up and hurting just typing this now so I hate to think what saturday is gonna be like.

This is the harsh reality of doing what we do to meet the love of our life in a far away land.  The going to visit is great, the time spent together fantastic but the parting again is downright brutally painfull, at least for me.  The next few months until i can get back here and marry her are going to be the toughest of my entire life.  Yes we still have letters and we are going to webcam almost daily as our schedules permit but they will never bring the same joy again as they did before our visit.  It hurts like hell just thinking about it and it hasnt even happened yet.

Well time to get a grip here and remember I still have a couple of days with the most wonderful woman in the world.  Sorry about the teary mushy stuff but it just hit me like a mack truck.

So to end this long rambling disaster of  post I am going to bow to the wishes of many and especially Vince and try to add some pictures.  Just remember you asked for them so dont blame me if you dont like them heheh Just kidding.

First pic is Zhen and I.
Greetings guys,

Well it seems i cannot get teh pics to attach.  So if you really want to see them i am gonna need some help here.  I just typed this message a few mins ago and attached teh pic of Zhen and I to this but again it didnt come through.  Also I need help changing my avatar pic and I cant find where the default directory is.  Keep in mind I am using a chinese language computer so I cannot understand what teh buttons etc are saying.

Thanks for any help

« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 01:02:41 pm by Brian Mc »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2009, 03:19:15 pm »
I think I missed something in your story, not a bus, but more than one in fact ^^'
I would first congrat you and Zhen about the way you both live your lovestory and I just can wish you all the best that it goes on that way :)
For sure, most of us would like (for those ones who still didn't up to now) to live it the same way you actually do with Zhen :)

Thanks about all the details, thanks about all the experience you can provide, and thanks again about all the things you can share it with all of us, here ;)

About the avatar, when logged here, just look upside, the first two links where you can log out and go to your profile, the first one is your profile, the second one lets you disconnect.
When you can go to your profile, check the 2d paragraph, if you can see like a "frame", click on it, it will let you help to change your avatar (it should be ok?)

And about pictures, if you can't put it here, just try to send it via hotmail or any mailgroup to anyone here?
there is always like some "attach" button.
- Let's Rock -

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2009, 10:04:00 pm »
Greetings Brothers,

Just a quick note as i wait for Zhen to arrive.  First Sly, thanks for the tips I will try it when I have a bit more time.

Mike, I feel for you my friend and I read all your story as well.  I am glad that you guys have worked through the rough stuff and I am sure it has made your love stronger. It sure seems that our ladies have similar views on many things.

Also it seems that chinese ladies as a whole are a wonderful bunch and I for one am so glad that I went this route to find Zhen.  While i am not religious, I certainly do believe it was fate or destiny or whatever for Zhen and I to be together, in fact I believe that no matter where in the world we were we would have found each other.

They are remarkable ladies and deserve the very best that we can give them physically emotionally and of course lovingly.  They for sure will give us the very best of themselves in return and after all isnt that why we are all here in the first place?

As we all can see from other trips and posts here on these forums I have been remarkably lucky with my lady Zhen and my trip to visit her.  We have had a great time with no issues worth mentioning and everything keeps getting better.  I will leave the electronic translator with Zhen and also the laptop we bought here.  She says for internet at her residence its 1000rmb per year so I figure thats a cheap way to go for webcam contact anytime we choose.

Zhen has learned the ectronic translator better than I have and now knows how to turn on the computer load skype and make the webcam call.  Oh one cute thing she also said to me was that she will only use the internet to talk with me, she says she will not surf the internet.
They serious look on her face and they way she said it showed me once again how much she loves me.

Several of Zhens friends have asked me what I thought of China and its people, ladies in particular, and I can honestly say I feel very welcome and comfortable here.  Moreso than any other place I have gone to visit.  Maybe its because of Zhen but everything just feels right to me here.  As for my thoughts on the ladies i reply that I find them all to be beautiful however none as beautiful as my Zhen.  This of course sets off gales of laughter and joking around.  Zhen's friends all love her very much its plain to see and they are all happy with our relationship and the very great change in Zhen since she met me.  They say she has always been happy and friendly before but now she positiely glows and is so happy it makes those around her happy.  It is of course nice for me to hear these things from her friends and family and I am just glad I am the one resposible for these changes.

As you are all aware before we actually fly here to do the face to face thing many doubts as to the sincerity of the ladies, are they real or is it the translator or agency etc etc.  does she really love you, and care about you as she says in her letters?  I admit that I too felt these feelings and doubts before I came here.  However at least for me everything since my arrival has been an extension of what we said and started in the letters.  The only false stuff I have seen is that Zhen's pictures and even the webcam visits could never prepare me for how truly beautiful she really is.  I think maybe its because a picture cannot capture the true person only the outer shell and Zhen is oh so much more beautiful on the inside than on the outside.

I am  sure many of you who have met your ladies can relate to this.  Pictures just cannot capture her heart and soul and personality.

Well this was only meant to be a short quick reply but as you can see when it comes to Zhen I can go on all day lol.

Take care Brothers

Zhen and Brian

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2009, 10:53:10 pm »
Brian, I am soooo happy for you and Zhen, from reading all your posts I can tell that you are a good couple that will have many happy and wonderful years together, I sincerely wish you and Zhen all the best, she has a good man, and you have a good women. Your story is an inspiration to all, I usually do not show much emotion, but your story has brought good memories of when I was last in China with my wife back in May, and it brought tears to my eyes. Soon we will be reunited for good (We have completed the immigration stuff and interview process) just a matter of a few short weeks now until my wife receives her visa.

Again, Congratulations to both you and Zhen, you have a great loving relationship going with each other.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 10:54:22 pm by Bob »

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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2009, 03:08:34 am »
Brian, most everything you are feeling I have and am feeling so i will not reiterate it here.  it is great for you.  One thing, have you asked her how she likes the cold?  My wife hates it and was so scared that Dalton or Savannah had a cold winter.  She was very relieved to know that it was not very cold and for a very short time.
If you want to put the pics up, go to put them up for free.  that way friends and family can see them also.  But like Mike said it takes a long time to upload them.  I started it, then went out out dinner, by the time I came back they would be done.  Just remember to save your address or you will never find them again. lol
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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2009, 09:38:55 am »
I am really happy for you both! It a a fantastic feeling when it all works out and you find your other half. I still can't get over the fact that even though were from vastly different cultures and upbringing that we can seem to fit together so well, from your posts I think you feel too. To get the blessing of the Buddhist priests is such a great feeling! and means a lot!  Best wishes for the future from Ming Zhi and myself. If your ever around Baoding there's always a bed and a good dinner for you and the wife here.:icon_biggrin:


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RE: Brian resurfaces in China
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2009, 10:26:43 am »
I think Brian has sussed it. These ladies look beautiful, but once you see what's in the side, well wow! I now love my lady's personality even more than her appearance, but she is pretty much the complete package :dodgy:.