Author Topic: My Trip , as it unfolds !  (Read 22340 times)

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Offline Norb Smith

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #90 on: September 24, 2009, 10:13:03 pm »
Congratulations on your pink paper for Qing and now you better hurry home and call in a house cleaning and exterminating outfit to get the house ready for your beautiful bride, when she arrives at LAX and yes I have my doubts about you being late to meet her plane as you will probably spend the previous 24 hours at the airport to make sure you dont miss her arrival, again good buddy, its wonderful news to hear and I am most happy for the both of you and now you will be together forever and ever
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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #91 on: September 26, 2009, 09:17:26 pm »
Well , we finally made it out of the room . This is our last day in Hong Kong and planning on doing a Harbor Sighseeing tour today . Yesterday was Qing's Birthday and I took her out Shopping everywhere to find her a wonderful outfit , complete with Shoe's and Jewelery . In the late afternoon we did the Victoria Park and a nice Birthday Dinner in the Evening . I tell you Guy's , I need a break from this Woman , we can not keep our hands of each other . haha
Here in Hong Kong we see many Lao-wai's and I don't feel singled out , but the stare's are still there from all the Chinese Men ... especially me wearing my Shanghai Cap . The weather is not too bad , as there is a lot of shade because of all the high buildings so close together . People-wise this reminds me of New York in a way , push and shove your way down the street ... dare you want to go against traffic .
Anyway , coming here was pretty easy . We left GZ by Train to ShenZhen instead of taking the one to HK direct , because of the Border check point there . Then , we took the Subway to Hong Hum and a Taxi from there to our Hotel on HK island .
First day we went up to the Peak , I tell you ... it is one of the most wonderful View's that I can remember ever to see . We got up about an hour before the Sunset . It is very Romantic up there , as my bruised lip's will show . haha
It was also strange , seeing Chong's photo's from the very spot ... not just too long ago .
By the way , I ask Qing about the birthday of chinese people , she said .. she is 41 going by our Calendar and 42 by the chinese , that is for everybody the same . So sounds simple also .
I have to go now , as Qing should be ready to go for Breakfast ... which is not one of the best here at this Hotel ( GDH ) , where Qing's brother stay's all the time when he comes down to buy his brandname clothes . That remind's me , he want's to go to America just for going to the Outlet stores near Las Vegas . Thought that was funny and strange at the same time .
So ... later Guy's , I will resurface soon again .
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 09:18:49 pm by Arnold »


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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #92 on: September 26, 2009, 09:41:50 pm »

It doesn't matter what way your walking or what side of the street your on, you'll always be walking against a wall of people going in the opposite direction.!!

On a Saturday mornings, i used to wake up thinking what i could do or where i could go that day?? ...No matter what i had thought of, a million others had the same idea!! ...hahaha!!

Yes, the Peak is always a good place to go see when in Hong Kong. If you have enough time, go see the oceanarium too, they have a cable car going up to it, the views from there are pretty spectacular too...

Just too many things to do in Hong Kong but i don't think you have enough time to do!!


Offline Sylvain D

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #93 on: September 26, 2009, 11:03:19 pm »
Wish Qing a happy birthday from me, Arnold :)
I wish we could see again before you leave. Will you leave from Shanghai?

Anyway, if so, for sure, I'll be waiting in front of the Holiday Inn up to your next coming... :D
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Offline Chong

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #94 on: September 26, 2009, 11:07:06 pm »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='18198' dateline='1254014246'

It was also strange , seeing Chong's photo's from the very spot ... not just too long ago .

Did you write ... "Arnold & Qing Was Here -- 09/2009" ... on top of the "Chong Was Here -- 06/2009" ?????????????????????  :icon_cool:

If you get a chance, go to "Wing Wah" ... they have been in business since 1950. They're known for their Autumn Moon Cakes and Lao Pao ( Old Wives -- Wintermelon ) Mini Cakes ... the best in HK.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 11:15:19 pm by Chong »


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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #95 on: October 02, 2009, 04:24:20 am »
Quote from: 'Chong' pid='18205' dateline='1254020826'

If you get a chance, go to "Wing Wah" ... they have been in business since 1950. They're known for their Autumn Moon Cakes and Lao Pao ( Old Wives -- Wintermelon ) Mini Cakes ... the best in HK.

Chong , we did go by there ... but we bought our Mooncakes just a couple of Stores down the same street . Thanks for the tip .

The last day in Hong Kong was great . As we took the Harbour Cruise with Dinner . I must say , the Food served was actually very good . The Bus picked us up at about 5pm and we not only did to get to do the Cruise but also were shown the City for about an hour and a half . We didn't get home ( back to Hotel ) till about 11pm . The next day , was one to remember for sure . As we had bought six jars of Honey at Lotus Mountain and Qing bought for her brother 4 large bottles of Lotion ( that is not the same in Shanghai , even though it's the same brand name ) , and also two for her Mom . So we got to the Airport about one hour to spare , we had some Tea and relaxed and went over all that happened so far . Not realizing , we only had 15 minutes to get to the Gate for the flight to Shanghai . Well , did I realize that we had to go through the Security Check ? Of course not . Well , guess what happened there ? I , had packed the Honey AND the Lotion in my Carry -on . So ... no need to tell , what they did with that stuff ? Thank you very much , just what we need at home .
But , now after raising hell with them , we had two minutes left to get to the Gate . As Murphy's Law has it , it's of course the one the farthest away . We ran for our Life's , with each of us carrying bag's . So , we get to the Gate , only to find out ... it's closed already , but the shoot was still in place to enter the Plane . After begging with the Agent at the Counter and him making a call to the Plane , did he open the door for us again . I have never in my Life , run for a Plane . I'm the type that is alway's one of the first there .
Qing said , she never again wants to go to GuangZhou again . It is not a very pretty City and the Pearl River Cruise was about the best thing that we did on the Town , except for her passing the Interview and finally meeting our Translator ( Kelly ) . Taking about the Translator , she is the nicest Person ... one could ever meet . She does not work for Chnlove anymore . She is starting her own Agency for another Company . I invited her for Dinner and she brought along a friend .. that is also married to chinese Woman for six years and lives in GuangZhou . He is a Photographer by trade and along has his own Trading Co. on top of that . So , of course .. we got talking about Photoshopping . He thought that was funny , as he told me , that is exactly what he want's to avoid doing ... with all the Women that he will take Photo's of , for the Translator's Agency . He does everything with light's nothing else , no Computer touch-up here he said .
What surprised me was how young our Translator was ( 24 when me and Qing met and now going to be only 26 ) , but looks much younger . It's funny , she knows our whole Love Story and is very envy of it .
Anyway , after all the great time and the misshap's , it is so nice to know ... we will be together soon for good . Qing will need one more set of shots ( which are six weeks apart ) and then she will look for a direct flight from Shanghai , as she does not like to Transfer in a strange Airport . I told her , if you can't find a direct one , to go over Seoul . I find that Airport the nicest and the easiest to get around . That Woman of mine , she want's to pay for everything ( like when we met Sly ) she paid for all . But as I had some nice amount left of Yuan's , I just left them with her to use for the flight to America .
The parting at Pudong , was alot easier this time of course . As all this will come to an end with all the waiting all the time .
I think , the hardest thing for Qing ... will be the Food adjustment .
One more funny thing she mentioned , was that she was thinking of hanging clothes outside of my House ... when she get's there . Me and my Sister In-law ( Qing's brother's Wife ) had a good laugh on that one . She been to America many times and knows ... that is not a thing one does there . I can see my Neighbors seeing all the clothes hanging around the House already and lying on the Roof :icon_cheesygrin:
I say , it was the most enjoyable Trip for Qing and myself this time . I promised her Parent's , that we will be back some time next year together . I'm after all ... half Chinese now .

Thanks Guy's , for all your reply's and the Congrat's and hope it wasn't boring to read our Adventure into the unknown . I will be a regular again , as I have a lot of catching up to do .
I was sorry , not to be able to meet up with Sly and Chong in GuangZhou . It would have been a blast for sure .
Photo's ... after I get Home .
One more thing , I forgot to add ... is the fact that I was never asked to pay the $400 at the Interview or the Post Office we picked up Qing's Passport with the Visa inside . After the Lawyer told me to take dollar's for that with me , as they do not take Yuan's . Well , I'm not going to call them and let them know about that now . It was a nice Gift from the Government .. I suppose ? I take it ... why not ?
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 04:31:55 am by Arnold »

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #96 on: October 02, 2009, 11:26:28 am »
A good marriage should be blessed with gifts, even from the government ... although chances are, they will figure it out sooner or later, IRS chased me around in France for years, and I owed them $0 !

BTW, drying clothes out in the sun gives them a fresh scent that cannot be achieved by a dryer ... the UV sterilizes mostly anything. But sure it's not decorative :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 11:28:00 am by Voiceroveip »
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Vince G

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #97 on: October 02, 2009, 11:50:40 am »
Quote from: 'Voiceroveip' pid='18720' dateline='1254497188'
BTW, drying clothes out in the sun gives them a fresh scent that cannot be achieved by a dryer ... the UV sterilizes mostly anything. But sure it's not decorative

Arnold, I guess you weren't in the country at the time? But once upon a time almost every home did this. They still sell the clothes hangers (different types). It had been making a small comeback to cut the electrical bill.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 11:51:31 am by Vince G »

Offline kenny

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #98 on: October 02, 2009, 12:09:00 pm »
Hi Arnold,
This was a great read and congradulations to you both. I cant imagine the wait you have both had to experience. Best of luck in your future together. I think i will always think of you two on May 9.
Dont worry about hanging clothes outside, everybody does it here. There is nothing like laying down on a clean sheet that has been dryed outside. Very fresh! You and Qing wont want to get out of bed and that cant be a bad thing, can it?


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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #99 on: October 03, 2009, 01:19:26 am »
Frank , Vince , Kenny ... you are all sooo right . That is exactly what Qing said . Nothing like letting the Sun dry it . BUT .... ????

Well , I'm home again and had some things waiting for me ... like broken Sprinkler's and of course the Water Heater had to start leaking while I was gone , but that should still be under warranty ... bought one of the better ones . No let me say ... the more expensive one , which doesn't mean anything nowaday's anyway . The all bad !

Well , now that you all know ... that I had stuff taken away from the Airport Security People in GuangZhou , right ? Well let it continue . To my surprise that was waiting at LAX , after making sure all was in the Suitcases that time ... that did not belong in the carry - on . Did it make a difference ? NO , because they opened all the Suitcases from the China flight and looked for all the Mooncakes . Yes , poor People including myself ... even the very special ones from Hong Kong , bye - bye and we thank you for letting us have them . Talking about being steamed up and I was not the only one . I thought there was going to be a small Revolution right there . They must of taken hundred's of them away . Well .... they have EGG in them and that is a NO - NO !!! What about the f...... eggs I had for breakfast every day ... are they going to dump me also . I really start to hate this place here , the more often I return . Besides , this got to be the uggliest and unfriendly Airport that I have ever been to .

Aaah , I'm too pissed to write more right now . Oh , yes ... the TEA is alright , you may keep that . Sometimes I wonder ... which is the Communist Country ?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 01:29:52 am by Arnold »

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #100 on: October 03, 2009, 03:18:30 am »
Hi Arnold,

Yes LAX is one of the worst in my memory, although JFK is pretty bad too. Pity about the Moon Cakes ... I smuggled 10 lbs of cheese once and made it through customs even though it started smelling, maybe that's why I got through ^_^. And I remember a lady from Tel Aviv which had a bag of oranges with her at JFK, she just ate them and made everybody in her line wait. The American immigration and customs do make you feel like you're cattle, there is no other place like it.

Moo! :D
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 03:19:17 am by Voiceroveip »
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Vince G

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #101 on: October 03, 2009, 09:18:37 am »
A couple of years ago my brother, me and my parents flew into JFK for my nephews wedding. Now on the way home we had a airport wheelchair for my 85-86 yo dad at the time he could just shuffle along and was getting out of breath and being the walk is long, it was just good to have. My mother (same age) had a sewing kit (needles, incase of a seam opening? ) and my dad had a pair of folding scissors? 2 inches (4 cm) when open. They almost tackled them for this. Seemed they figured he would leap from his seat get to the bag, open and find those scissors and hijack the plane? To Where? Florida? I politely suggested their stupidity.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 09:19:56 am by Vince G »


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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #102 on: October 03, 2009, 10:55:07 am »
I flew from Newark, NJ once. Oh dear, what a dump of an airport. Even Heathrow is better than that place!

I've never been hassled by customs at Heathrow, although when I came back from Japan last year a Japanese couple with a box full of meat and fish got a bit of a rough ride!

I did get a grilling at Narita in 2007 - the guy was so sure I'd have a suitcase full of Playboy magazines, snakes and knives :-/!

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #103 on: October 03, 2009, 06:17:23 pm »
Hehe Heathrow is one of the worst ... is the construction there ever going to be finished?

The best airports I've seen were Frankfurt, Barcelona, Geneva and Malpensa (Milan), easy, quiet, clean, ... and Pudong seems decent as well. Well John Wayne in California is nice too, but it doesn't qualify as an international one. Oh yes, the new airport in Sharm EL Sheik is beautiful, except for the smell in the bathrooms, and the worst I have seen is Dakar/Senegal, Cairo, JFk, LAX and Miami, I almost missed a transatlantic from Miami because of their organisation, lucky I was flying business and had a bag that got checked through from Orlando, the Air Chance flight attendant closed the door as I stepped in, and while running through the airport I heard my name over and over ... come to think of it, I hate hotels and airports, have seen to many I guess.
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RE: My Trip , as it unfolds !
« Reply #104 on: October 03, 2009, 07:14:26 pm »
Actually without wanting to be seen as a flag waving paddy, Dublin Airport has to be the best for me. Very friendly pretty Irish lassies everywhere to help you with any question. Relaxed attitude, security are not anally retentive and have a bit of cop on..i suppose Al Qaeda don't see much political gain from bombing our little backwater airport and long may that last!
You can check your bags in and there are plenty of restaurants and places to sit down with your friends/family/beloved to say your goodbyes before heading towards the departure area.

The airport is pretty small of course compared to other European airports but I honestly believe its one of the more pleasant places to go though. After that Munich airport would be my favourite. Its super efficient, great links to the city and polite efficient staff..did i mention everyone's efficient!!

My least favourite DEPARTURE airport...without a doubt Beijing airport. You and your lady can barely get in the door before its ticket only, cant even check in your baggage and sit down with her for a bit and say your goodbyes before heading into the departure area. Jesus that sucked so bad, so many tears, and not just mine, at the entrance!!
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