All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

Chinese holidays

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Vince G:
Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is on 5/28/2009    and they Eat   " Zongzi " dumpling's ( in case Martin want's to know )

Vince , now I'm totally lost . Where can we get all those dates , that make more sence to us ? Please help.

Vince G:
I just did a fast search - Chinese holidays 09 You need the 09 in there so you get the current holiday otherwise you end up with pages and pages to look up. I had a website bookmarked but it didn't say what day it was? So I looked it up at other places.

I want to avoid going to China during the National Day celebrations. Usually it is listed as Oct. 1 to 3rd but don't the locals get the whole week off?

Yes, my lady told me that they will get a week off around National Day celebrations.


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