Author Topic: This is what I am going to do. Suggestions and advice please  (Read 3297 times)

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RE: This is what I am going to do. Suggestions and advice please
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2009, 06:49:14 am »
Well most of the ladies I exchanged EMFs with were basically sending me chuff. One got a bit fruity, and after just 2 EMFs that was suspicious. The Changsha Love Bridge ladies, well they sent any old rubbish quite honestly, and I learnt very little about them. In fact most of their letters were clearly cut and paste jobs, and I was surprised they'd even managed to put my name in them!

To be honest I didn't contact many ladies - I was exceptionally lucky in that I found my dream lady quite early in my search. Right from the start she sent excellent EMFs, and had clearly read what I had sent her, and answered most of my questions in each letter.

It's sad to think that you might miss a lovely lady because her agency and translator aren't good. Some of those CLB ladies may be fantastic, but with mysterious letters and airbrushed photos, who knows.

I did really like one other lady, she sent lovely sincere EMFs but she has quite an established life in China with her own business and I don't think it would have been kind to have made her leave all that behind. Had I wanted to go and live out there at this stage of my life, it would have been perfect, but I have a bit of baggage which ties me to the UK unfortunately :fi_lone_ranger:.