Author Topic: Booking hotel room for lady  (Read 4233 times)

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Offline Irishman

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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2009, 08:12:59 am »
Brett, why dont you just bring your visa or mastercard and use the atms there, its never been a problem with mine?
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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2009, 08:30:46 am »
Yes I can bring money when I come, but it would be useful to be able to send my lady cash to pay for occasional things. I feel bad asking for her to book hotel rooms and stuff when I haven't yet established what is considered a lot of money over there. Also I don't yet know the state of her finances, she could be good with money, or she could be like my brother and sister, who rarely have more than ten pounds in their accounts :dodgy:.

Offline Neil

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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2009, 02:13:07 pm »
Yeah, brett.  I believe the money from paypal goes directly into her account.  She said something about it taking a week, but it's so much cheaper than Western Union. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2009, 04:55:05 pm »
Greetings Brothers,

Brett when I sent Zhen money I did it through western union.  The money was available in china for her as soon as we finished the transaction on my end.  All Zhen had to do was go into the nearest China Post office and show here id and such and it was done.  I sent 500 cdn dollars which on that day was just over 3000 rmb, and I paid I think $23 for the fee.

It was quick easy and hassle free on both ends.  Also I sent another thousand dollars to myself for the engagement ring and such and again no hassles and no issues on either end, so for me western union was the method of choice.

Also as far as the room goes I highly doubt that she will stay with you in the same room but anything is possible.  For me Zhen said she was a traditional and virtuous woman and would not share a room with me until we married.  That by the way was fine with me as thats part of what I love about her.

These ladies are always concious about what they say and do in public so try your best not to embarass her and get if figured out before you are standing at the hotel check in counter.  You may not like the result if you put her on the spot.

Good luck to you

Zhen and Brian


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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2009, 04:08:34 am »
Thanks guys. The latest is that my lady recieved my paypal money. However she can withdraw a minimum of $90 and there is a $35 service fee. I don't know if this is a paypal fee or bank fee. I will try to discover more later :huh:.

I might stick to Western Union.

My lady is fairly traditional but even if she wasn't I would insist on separate hotel rooms.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2009, 04:20:23 am »

In the last three months I have been living here I have had 5 hotel bookings in different Cities.  Some have been made on-line with and some have been direct with the hotel.  Not once was I asked for any deposit or payment up front before arriving at the hotel.  It is normal here to pay when you arrive for as many days as you may be staying and if you have a shorter stay then they refund you the days not used without question.

I believe expedia and a couple of other western companies do ask for full payment but they take a wacking lump in commission from you and it is not easy to cancel or change any part of the itinary.

You know one of the best I stayed in was the Fu Zhou in Zhongshan - a room costs just £18.00 a night but had huge beds, western and chinese restuarants and internet access in every room and it was right in the city centre.

Quote from: 'brett' pid='17521' dateline='1253606914'

My lady is fairly traditional but even if she wasn't I would insist on separate hotel rooms.

Well Brett it could be that you are in for a surprise!

I have not met one lady here yet who fits the demure, butter would not melt in their mouth look and lives up that image. late 20's, 30's, 40's they have all taken a lead in making it clear what they want and when they want it.  And I am not talking about food!!  Traditional would appear to me to mean that she will not want to sleep with you until she is thinking that MAYBE you are the man for her.  This can take anything from 6 hours to 3 days.  
Or maybe that is just the result of my charm and suave personality.

« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 04:33:44 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline heckerd

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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2009, 01:53:01 pm »
Don't use paypal to send money if the person is in another country beside Canada or United States. The fees are really high. Western Union is good if you have to send money to them under 1,000. If you need to send more the 1,000 use a bank or currency exchange place their fees are usually lower.


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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2009, 02:28:52 pm »

I'm afraid very few on the Forum believe you, about Chinese women!!.. They are still of the opinion that they are these demure, delicate, butter wouldn't melt in there mouth, Ladies. Well, that wasn't the case while i was there, and from what your saying, is still not the case NOW!!  But i think you are right about personalities, i think that probably plays a big part in relationships moving on to the next level.

This basic idea of the ladies demure, may have been somewhat true 20+ years ago or so, But they fail to realise that the whole of China has moved on by leaps and bounds since those days. Some say that the Chinese ladies have led sheltered lives!! ...No-one in China has led a sheltered life, they just wouldn't have survived if they had, everyone in China knows or is very aware what's going on around them...

When you think, that just 20+ years ago, Beijing City centre was practically, dead as the proverbial door nail after 11.30 -12 at night. ...Now it's as alive as any City in the western world, ....with a 24 hour hussel and bustle of never ending life!!

« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 04:19:21 pm by David5o »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2009, 10:30:49 pm »
Your dead right David.

My experience is that Chinese ladies of all ages want you to take the lead.  If you do not they will think that either you are not interested in them or you are not manly enough to look after them.

Do not leave it for days until you take her hand.  The sooner the better - you will soon know if she feels ok with that.  Kissing is also ok in private.  Although my latest will kiss me good bye and give me pecks in public, long kisses are for private.  You will soon know how far you can go and what you can do as they certainly know the word NO if your trying something they are not ready for or prepared to do.  

With divorced ladies and those that have had long term relationships be prepared for an onslaught.  These have had pent up emotions for many years following divorce where the only relief, has been on hand, so to speak, so do not be taken by suprise by their willingness to jump into bed after a a few pasionate kisses.  They are not being loose they are being women with a need.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2009, 11:46:54 pm »
Wow, Gee willy, I had no idea you were that experanced with them.  I'll have to really think of you as a lady's man.  I have always wondered what the divorced women do for sex.  I figured it was like out west here, they find a boyfriend.  But stupid me forgetting this is a different culture and the women are very different, nothing like the western women.  The divorce woman there does nothing for sex at all till she meets her price charming?  Wow, that's an awful lot of pent up women.  I guess the hunting is good  ...good thing they don't have their finger on the "button".
Also Willy, one more question, in your time limit of 3 hours to 3 days, where would the divorced woman fall as far as time, and where would the divorce woman with children fall in this catagory?:huh:
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 11:50:03 pm by rockycoon »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Booking hotel room for lady
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2009, 02:28:25 am »
My own 'limited' experience is that three days is plenty.  I know one or two on here will not agree, because of their convictions, but after three days if we have not consuminated our relationship then we are unlikely to in the near future and so I put them on the back boiler and move on.  

I find those with younger children take much longer to consider whether too or not.  Whereas those who have been divorced for a long time and whose children are now at college or finished education are in a much greater rush to just be in someones arms again.    And for those a one night stand within hours of the first meeting can sometimes last for a couple of days.    I remember the words of Ernie the fastest Milkman - 'A womans needs are many fold' .

 I am not saying this happens in every case.  It is just my experience and I have only been turned down on one occasion  but in contrast I have turned down approaches from women down who were too young.  I do have some scruples.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,