Author Topic: Dating the younger ladies  (Read 9620 times)

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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2009, 03:48:53 am »
Indeed. Wuhan has the population size of London, yet hardly anyone has heard of it!


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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2009, 06:21:28 am »
The last count i can remember for the population of London was 7 million, and that was years ago!!!!
Maybe Birmingham or Manchester, is around the the 4 million mark, but i'm really not sure about that!!

The reason no-one has heard of many cities or areas in China, is because it's been almost a closed country since the 1940's to relatively recent years. As more and more tourist visit China, things will start changing, .....probably at the rate of their economy has!!. hahaha!!

« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 09:47:22 am by David5o »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2009, 09:05:38 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='17691' dateline='1253701288'

The last count i can remember for the population of London was 7 million, and that was years ago!!!!
Maybe Birmingham or Manchester, is around the the 4 million mark, but i'm really not sure about that!!


Population of London may have risen a bit.  I wasliving there for five years before coming here!!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2009, 09:49:04 am »

Now that i can believe,  .....Going by your recent posting!! hahaha!!


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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2009, 02:14:11 pm »
Getting back on topic :D , i think its a foolish western guy that thinks just because he's dating a young Chinese girl she will be soft compliant and yielding to his every demand. I have not met one single Chinese lady that wouldn't eat a western guy with these expectations for breakfast.
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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2009, 06:02:52 pm »

You little devil you!!...  
So just how many of these little Chinese ladies have you played with at breakfast time?? You dark horse you!! hahaha!!


Offline wilsbrough

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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2009, 06:05:30 pm »
Personally, i think that Chinese girls mature quicker than European girls, as in Europe it is common to still be single and having fun into well into your 30's, i'm 36 and still go clubbing, go to gigs and music festivals etc, but as someone already has mentioned and also experience from a girl i was writing to, most Chinese girls over the age of 25 who are not married have a name in Chinese, apparently it translates into 'left girl' so if you are over 25, or divorced or have a child already, a lot of Chinese men would not consider them for a partner, as i often saw in China, guys who looked in their 30's/40's with Chinese wives who were in their early 20's. It may be a reason why a lot of these girls over the age of 25 are happy to leave their country in the name of love as they are of an age or in a position where a man in China would not consider them for a partner. Also, i do not think a large age gap is that bad, tho i would not really consider a girl more than ten years younger than me. You have to remember that if she is young and you are old, and it is her coming to you and not you moving to China (i think if you go to her country a large age gap is more likely to work, as she would not change her thoughts and values) when she arrives into your country she will become westernised to a certain extent, and if she is young she will naturally want to go out and see and experience new things. I keep hearing these stories of these young Asian girls (under 29) marrying these guy's in their 50's/60's, she wants to go out to see all these new things, but he is more interested in who is cooking his dinner and wants to relax indoors and watch tv, it's not surprising it does not work out really. Well they're my thoughts maybe you do not agree with this but i have seen a lot of failed 'mail order bride' marriages over here, mostly when it is a large age gap.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 06:16:36 pm by wilsbrough »
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!


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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2009, 01:58:13 pm »

Wow!!, Not quite as young as that mate, ... She starts getting considered as OLD after 30 yrs old.
There are not that many ladies under the age of 25 that are married with children, they can't marry until there 22 yrs old. Most Chinese couples that i knew over there, try to wait at least a year and often longer before starting a family. Mainly to save money in order to be able to afford starting a family.



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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2009, 02:15:42 pm »
Yes I've not seen many ladies on chnlove who are under 30 and have kids. I have seen a few in the 25-30 age bracket who are divorced, and that's just heartbreaking!

Offline wilsbrough

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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2009, 03:12:00 pm »
Sorry, maybe you have mistaken me, i just  said that a lot of Chinese guys do not seem interested in marrying girls who are aready divorced or who have children from a previous marriage, it was a girl who i was writing to in China who told me about the 'left girl' for over 25's. I was mention these as other situations that a lady may be in, is to why a Chinese guy may not want them for a partner. Not that she is 25, divorced and with Chilldren.

Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!


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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2009, 03:39:18 pm »

No need to appologise  Andy, i understood what you were saying in your post, i was just pointing out, that there aren't that many ladies there 25 and under, that are married and with children. I think she's over doing it a bit by saying over 25 yr old are left on the shelf, there not. That scenario only comes in at around 30 yr old's and even some of them are still acceptable.

But she is dead right about ladies with children (of any age) They are basically dead in the water as far as finding a Chinese man to marry. They just will not accept another mans child. That also goes for the mans family, they will not accept a divorced lady with a child being a part of there family, especially if that child is a boy.  All to do with family names and ancestries, very complicated, i'm still trying to understand what Lucy tells me about it, much of the reasons as i can see it are not logical and make no sense, ....But that's Chinese culture for you!! ..haha!!

As far as i'm conserned, the Chinese guys are doing all of us here a bloody big favour, long may it!!


Offline wilsbrough

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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2009, 03:50:18 pm »
Damn right there David, more fool them eh....? :icon_cheesygrin:
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!

Offline Norb Smith

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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2009, 10:30:45 pm »
It also seems to me that the young ladies that are divorced with kids, have come from marriages that the husband was a tad bit mean and not only mental but physically, and from what some other bros have mentioned that they very seldom tell their wives that love them
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2009, 12:44:06 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='17915' dateline='1253821158'

 That scenario only comes in at around 30 yr old's and even some of them are still acceptable.


Three weeks ago I would have said even 31 would be acceptable to me!!!!  But now I have become attached to a lady who was abandoned by her husband when she was pregant at 30 years of age.

This may be the one that tames the Willy.  Third time lucky!!!  The first stole my time, the second my money, but this one has stolen nothing but my heart.  

« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 12:45:07 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: Dating the younger ladies
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2009, 01:57:30 am »
Quote from: 'Norb Smith' pid='17964' dateline='1253845845'

It also seems to me that the young ladies that are divorced with kids, have come from marriages that the husband was a tad bit mean and not only mental but physically, and from what some other bros have mentioned that they very seldom tell their wives that love them

Yes this is quite common in chinese culture (most men drink/smoke/gamble and treat their wifes like utter crap, abusive, controlling etc)

After living in china on and off for 10 years you soon see it is quite a common occurance.

And to the 'left girl' subject, some parts of china this is true, but of course. alot of chinese men will not marry a woman who is not a 'virgin' also.

I find chinese men quite strange really, very few are romantic, they never buy flowers or really tell their wifes they love them, but wifes dont usually say it either until after marriage, just 'i like you' before then.