Author Topic: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai  (Read 24081 times)

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #60 on: September 27, 2009, 12:37:30 pm »

All good advise, coming from all directions for you. I don't think I've seen such a positive response to a situation that's developed in China.

So now it's all down to you Danny, the tingle and warmth inside you, is there already, It can only get better from here on ....Right!!

Anything and everything that can be said to you, already has!! There's a reason for everything, and whatever is meant to be, ....will be!!  So just let things happen naturally between you. I think that by the time you take your next visit to China, you'll be going with a very clear purpose in mind, and it won't have anything to do with having a holiday/vacation.

This lady is Real, Danny she's definitely not a Maybe/Maybe not!! She's a Keeper!!


Offline MLM

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #61 on: September 27, 2009, 02:17:38 pm »
Its sounds like a spark flew between you and Ya Ya when you met, and as far as your feeling this so soon after the mess in Zhuhai it only tells me that what you thought was love was in reality it might have been a powerful wishful thinking, we are happy you recognize the fact that there are feelings for Ya Ya and that you will make sure of them, to make sure that the feelings are love or could become love.
By the way, Zhou says your no fool :icon_biggrin:, good thing, you wouldn't want her angry with you, take my word for it :s.
Good luck Danny.
Mike & Zhou

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2009, 02:36:55 pm »
Would you feel empty if she stopped writing you?
Would you check your email several times a day to see has she written to you?

If she didnt would you feel empty?
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2009, 06:30:03 pm »
"...By the way, Zhou says your no fool Icon_biggrin, good thing, you wouldn't want her angry with you, take my word for it Confused...."

Danny have to agree with the brothers here mate...

Anmd defo listen to MLM about Zhou...hahahaha:icon_biggrin:


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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #64 on: September 27, 2009, 06:51:35 pm »
Well, Danny, everyone has just about said it all. You have found a good fortune Ya Ya.  Good luck in discovering who Ya Ya is and the love you have for her.  My it grow beyond your expectations.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 06:53:22 pm by shaun »

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #65 on: September 27, 2009, 11:09:44 pm »
Danny, I can understand how you feel.  It is hard to go from being in love with one person, having your heart broken and then finding someone else in such a short time span.  Just be true to yourself and you'll do fine.  It'll take time to get over the lady in Zhuhai but now you have some awesome motivation.  Lucky guy.  I wish you all the best. irresistible as chocolate

Offline MLM

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #66 on: September 28, 2009, 07:16:54 am »
Danny, I happy to see you have your head on straight but, I have found this in an other thread in which you wrote " My YaYa (from Wuhan) is looking forward to their national day ", I think this says enough for its self, don't you. :icon_biggrin:
Good luck and best wishes Danny,
Mike & Zhou

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #67 on: September 28, 2009, 03:49:30 pm »
I see you noticed that also Mike, sounds like maybe Danny is letting a little of his heart feel that warm and tingly sensation. Go with the flow Danny and enjoy every minute of it. Best of luck to you and like Maxx said she just dropped in your lap, and her patience is awesome
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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #68 on: September 29, 2009, 10:09:57 am »
Am just blown away by the last letter I received:

Dear Danny
Last night, I couldn't sleep as you will visit me at Mid-Dec, I think I had fallen in love when I saw your profile this early spring time, and so happy to meet you at your birthday, that's my milestone, firstly, I had a daughter and second, I met you in my life.
And I want you know, really I want to marry you soon, and have a baby, and raise him together if you would like get to marry me.
I had already told you I love Emma and you at that night when we were passing the crossroad.
Danny, I love you, I want to marry you.

You sure don't get a letter like this every day. A letter like this changes everything. I am just so happy.

Most of us only get a few lucky breaks in our life. This seems to be one of mine.

Sure I am going to take it one day at a time, and I'm going to take care to think carefully through it all. But at the same time, I really hope this works out. I am going to do my best to make her happy and make sure she never regrets what she has written to me tonight.

Photos, as promised.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 10:21:59 am by Danny »

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #69 on: September 29, 2009, 10:25:22 am »
I am so pleased for you Danny , and the photo's are terrific , regards Robert and Ying .
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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #70 on: September 29, 2009, 10:31:28 am »

Now what can anyone say to that!!!! Your not left with anything to the imagination as to how she feels about you. Now totally down to you, ....Oh, and don't you dare hurt this lady, this one don't deserve that from you......

I'll say it again, you'll be going to China mid December with a sole purpose in mind, and that will be to secure the bond you already have.... I reckon it won't be too long after December that you'll be going back again, only that time you'll be going back to Aussie a married man again!!!!!  

Wishing you all the luck you can handle Danny, your a lucky man anyway hahaha!!

Just goes to show, you can fall into a pile of fresh cow pat, ....and still come up smelling of roses!! haha!!

« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 12:00:47 pm by David5o »


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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #71 on: September 29, 2009, 12:00:29 pm »

Great letter, and great photos.  I agree take it slow.  Wait a couple of hours then make the plane reservation for tomorrow.  Whatever you do don't let go, she's a keeper.


Offline victor-hills

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #72 on: September 29, 2009, 12:06:27 pm »
Danny what can i say well happy for you,about time some thing went right for you bud all the best mate.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 12:06:59 pm by victor-hills »
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Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #73 on: September 29, 2009, 12:22:25 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='18491' dateline='1254240029'


Great letter, and great photos.  I agree take it slow.  Wait a couple of hours then make the plane reservation for tomorrow.  Whatever you do don't let go, she's a keeper.


Greetings Brothers,

Shaun I agree take it slow  hehe you made me laugh out loud with that comment hehe.

Well Danny boy, I hear the pipes a calling...
not from glen to glen to be sure but from a wonderful beautiful lady in China.  

Congratulations my friend I dont think it gets any better than what you have just received!!  From here on out you have joined the ranks of the luckiest men alive,  Welcome Brother!!

Regards, and best wishes to both of you from both of us

Zhen and Brian


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RE: Danny's second trip to Zhuhai
« Reply #74 on: September 29, 2009, 12:46:25 pm »
What can be added to what has been said...Get you ass over there, grab the lady, and have a wonderful life together...:icon_biggrin:

Congrats brother....:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin: