Author Topic: Translators  (Read 2980 times)

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« on: September 25, 2009, 06:29:01 am »
Hi guys
To let you understand 'our' translator Yuki is off work at the moment through getting married herself.  Before she went off, she organized a different  translator for us.  Now my question is...

If any of the other brothers have 'Noticed' a different 'slant/tone in their ladies letters when their translator has had time off???

Vince G

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RE: Translators
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2009, 09:17:53 am »
YES. word changes. I use to have "darling" in every sentence. Then once in a while it would change to sweetheart (different translator). Now it is no longer there at all. Reason being my lady writes the letters herself now.

Offline Buzz

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RE: Translators
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 10:04:46 am »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='17993' dateline='1253874541'

Hi guys
To let you understand 'our' translator Yuki is off work at the moment through getting married herself.  Before she went off, she organized a different  translator for us.  Now my question is...

If any of the other brothers have 'Noticed' a different 'slant/tone in their ladies letters when their translator has had time off???

Rob, recently went from April to Betty.  I have noticed that the letters are not as 'polished' and more mis-spelled words than before.  The overall tone of the letters remain the same, it is just that there is quite a difference in language skills.  I am not sure of why the change, but my lady seems very pleased, and I have to say, her letters are much more direct than before with short to the point sentences.  Seems my lady has already hired her to be with her at the airport when we meet.  



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RE: Translators
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2009, 10:32:14 am »

We don't have the same translator but mine is off too on vacation.  This new gal has changed things quite a bit.  I'm not called baby any more and I miss it.  I don't know if it is Pinky or the translator that calls me baby.  Maybe I am falling in love with the translator and don't even know it.  I'd really be ticked if the regular translator's name is Mel rather than Melody!  :icon_cheesygrin:

But the differences are interesting. It causing me have a lot more questions.



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RE: Translators
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2009, 11:23:30 am »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='18027' dateline='1253889937'
Rob, and Shaun,

this can cause confusion in a big way .... I know at one point during my trip I was told the agency owner was the one who answered all my letters, with some input from Jessica ... it got me very upset, I remember telling Jessica, that I wanted to be in love with her, and NOT the agency owner... it took us a day to work past this "surprise"

and in all my communications with Jessica now all of the sugar names like sweetheart, darling, baby, are not there .... on the plus side we can be much more direct without a third party in the middle :)

Shaun .... if it turns out that your in love with a guy named Mel, I feel real sorry about that .... but look on the bright side, maybe Mel has a sister he could hook you up with !



The only real solution for me is to go over there and it just isn't in the picture right now.  Pinky was all about improving communication web-chat and all but this has died down and we are back to square one except I get quicker replies to EMF's.

I am seriously considering selling the store and moving over there for a couple of years.   The store and waiting for my 401k to vest, about 3 1/2 months, is all.

The other things is I need a game plan if everything is wrong.  Don't want to get there and try and figure it out.

Plus if I get there and find out it is Mel?  Got to have enough money to hire a hit man. :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cool: I didn't say that did I?


« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 11:24:58 am by shaun »

Offline JimB

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RE: Translators
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2009, 11:37:53 am »
Shaun, I work cheap.  have plenty of experience. No kidding.  Maybe we can work out a deal.  I will hit yours and you can hit mine. LOL
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: Translators
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2009, 11:59:24 am »

Just keep your sense of humor!  :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Translators
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2009, 12:57:20 pm »
I think I've only had the one translator. But I communicate with my lady mostly via MSN now. I've noticed my lady and the translator do use similar English words, even when there are many possible words to use in English. I think I have a top notch translator!


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RE: Translators
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 09:11:19 pm »
Quote from: 'JimB' pid='18035' dateline='1253893073'

Shaun, I work cheap.  have plenty of experience. No kidding.  Maybe we can work out a deal.  I will hit yours and you can hit mine. LOL

Now that I think about this a little maybe I can send my evil invisible twin over to take care of both issues.  Hmmmm....... :icon_twisted:

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Translators
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2009, 03:37:49 am »
Did not know where else  to put this.

Lawyer in Shenzhen.  Li Yen   8613902930208.

English Speaker - has German husband who lives in UK  

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Translators
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2009, 03:58:50 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='18559' dateline='1254296269'

Did not know where else  to put this.

Lawyer in Shenzhen.  Li Yen   8613902930208.

English Speaker - has German husband who lives in UK  



Are you suggesting the lawyer will be a hit man for translators or that he may know hit men? :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Evil Invisible Twin


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RE: Translators
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2009, 05:46:02 am »
This thread guys was basically to show people the different slants on translations from the same agency...
Below is one of the letters I received from 'the new translator' while Ke Ren is on holiday.  The other one is from 'our' proper translator.

"Dear Robert

Thanks for your nice letter for me, you have told me that you have not credit on chnlvoe, so I can understand your late letter, however to be honest I can not imagine that you will spend so long time to write to me, about half a month, I thought that you would give me up. Hehe just kidding.

Thanks so much for telling me the things in your side, I am well and everything is fine, my son is also very well, so don't worry about me, yes I am excited and nervous for your coming, I think that we have the same feeling, (^_^)

Thanks for your friends' nice words for me, say hello for them and also send my best wishes for them, Robert, you said that if I have heard something from chnlove about our wedding, honey I often communicated with the agent in Qingdao and they treat me very well, especially the boss Jennifer, so now could you tell me your meaning here? What should I heard from Chnlove? What do you want to tell me? I have a little confused.

Congratulations for getting your passport and also your visa was ready.
Send my best wishes for you
Yours Keren"


"My darling Laogong Rob

I hope this letter could find you well and fine, I am still on the way in Si chuan province, Yuki has back and called me , she said you will be here tomorrow If I respond this letter until I back, hehe, I decided to write you this letter now, I send the text message to the agency, yuki will translate them in this way, don't you think it's a romantic and special way to connect with each other honey ? Nothing can stop our love and our talking !

We had a good time here, we have visit many famous places, but the people are very very crowded because of this long holiday, all of them are driving themselves and travel to the different place, it made me miss you and think of you so so much, Rob, without you, I could not be the happiest Keren no matter what I do and where I go . I asked the people who live on taking pictures for the tourist to took some pictures for us, I hope to show you when you will be here .

Rob, I think a lot about our meeting and wedding, I also talked with my family before I start this trip, I will talk with you about these when I will back, I am supposed to back on 10th October, so wait for me baby !

I know how hurt to miss someone , Rob, you make me known how beautiful the love is and how hurt the miss is !

I have to leave for now honey, it's really difficult for me to write too much with the text message, my cell phone is hard to type so many words, I have to leave for now and wait for me until 10 October !

I love you


Yours Keren "

Which one is the 'Original' translator:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:  As you can clearly see, the different tone of the letters change because of the 'bond' that Ke Ren and Yuki have with their constant contact...
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 05:51:17 am by Scottish_Rob »


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RE: Translators
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2009, 07:55:10 am »
Well of course the second is from KeRen , it shows that and how close you two are at this stage . But one thing is wrong , you are not her Lao Gong yet . haha

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Translators
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2009, 10:56:16 am »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='19230' dateline='1254916510'

Well of course the second is from KeRen , it shows that and how close you two are at this stage . But one thing is wrong , you are not her Lao Gong yet . haha

Greetings Brothers,

 my Zhen calls me her Lao Gong also and we will not marry until Feb.  however as she puts it we are already married in our deep hearts (her words) so as far as the ladies  Ke Ren and Zhen they see themselves as married only the legalities are missing.  However on a contrary note when I move to China on the 26th Oct if I live in Handan where Zhen is I must have a seperate address as we are not married and we would get many special eyes (again her words).  So as always a little cutural confusion going on.  In her heart and mind and eyes Zhen and I are married, yet in the eyes of the community we are not, so we have to juggle both points of view.  It is a most interesting conundrum to be sure.

Obviously the cardinal rule takes precedence here .... when in China... and of course do nothing to cause your lady to lose face with her community.  As we all know this whole adventure of seeking your life partner in China is fraught with many pitfalls, adventures and confusion.  However as I am sure everyone who has found their love can attest the rewards so outweigh the difficulties.

  I for one am so glad that I found Chnlove and through them found Zhen.  Her agency is very good and actually care about the ladies they work with and our translator is fantastic.  Even the agency fees are reasonable, and they are always willing to help Zhen with anything.  They even helped her get the computer I bought her set for doing webcams as Zhen had problems after I left.  You would think that would be contrary to the best interests of the agency but they look after their ladies.

Rob, Zhens letters to me and mine to her are always full of fluffery if you will but that is how we have been since the first week.  Only one letter out of the multitude we have sent has had a different wording and tone and that was when our regular translator was off.  As has been said before the sentences were different, much less fluff and more basic english sentences.  I know it is Zhen who writes the fluff as she does it when we are on webcam and when we were together too.  She is a really romantic playful lady and I love her for it.


Zhen and Brian