All About China > Visas, Immigration and Emigration

Emigrating to China - what inoculations are needed?

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Check out the World Health Organization web site.  It lists what is required for each country.

When I went to Viet-Nam, They gave us the works in two guns.  Your right arm feels like it's going to fall off after.  I believe you get around 21 overseas shots.  The general ones and then the more serious ones.  Now, they have an HIV inccoluation to keep you from getting the gift that keeps on giving.  Also, I believe a swine flu shot or whatever is going around.  
Just bend over and shut up, this won't hurt a bit....:icon_cheesygrin::sDamn neil, you took all of that, and your still walking?  you don't need a woman, you need a hospital bed and oxygen tent.

Like this old man that went to a funeral, with his wheel chair and cain.  After the funeral, the mortitian looks at him and says: Hardly worth leaving isn't it!   :dodgy:


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