Author Topic: My friend in China is looking for love in the West  (Read 11244 times)

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Offline seagull

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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2009, 12:06:15 am »
Wow. Is she still available?


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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2009, 12:18:04 am »
NO .... I saw her first .

On the other Hand , go ahead ... I busy with my Wife and two Sister's already .:angel:


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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2009, 05:09:12 am »
What about Josh?


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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2009, 03:35:48 pm »
She is still available. Tell we why you deserve it, and I will pass you her contact info! :icon_biggrin:
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 03:36:31 pm by feisnik »


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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2009, 05:52:55 pm »
Quote from: 'seagull' pid='20290' dateline='1255691622'

I asked because I am planning to go to Shenzhen early next year and work in China for several months (or years if it turns out to be good over there). She's cute, seems to be able to write English, and I meet the age requirement (30), so why not?:idea:

Seagull, go for it!!!!!!!!!!!


Offline Irishman

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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2009, 06:56:10 pm »
Great to see someone showing interest, she's a real cutie, why the heck isn't she snapped right up by a Chinese guy..are they all blind??? .
Fair play seagull, you do realise that if you treat her bad you wont just have Nik to contend with haha?, the brotherhood led by Don Willy will be after you!!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2009, 10:49:25 pm »
Seagull , there is nothing wrong what your doing . I'm actually very happy that you are . I helped one of my two Sister's ( Lily ) with the Man she is quite happy with right now , and he is from Calif too . That would mean I get to meet Lily someday here . These Lady's
( like Nik's ) are good picking ... the Brotherhood know's or we wouldn't advertise them as good Lady's .

Offline Josh Markley

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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2009, 02:46:59 pm »

     Man you should have no shame at all writing here it the forum.  I tell these guys everything that has happen with me.  This group of guys is different than you everyday hot shot.  We care about each other and the women we date and marry.  So you shouldnt feel humiliated at all.  If Nik hooks you up good luck, and stay true to her.
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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2009, 07:57:34 pm »

Don't worry!!!!  We'll accept you just fine and this is nothing to be embarrassed about.



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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2009, 09:11:44 pm »
See this is were I disagree with everyone here...And I am as MAD as HELL ABOUT THIS...:@

If the truth be told, what RIGHT has NIk to say "Tell we why you deserve it...".  All he is, (and I'm sorry NIK), is a friend to this lady...

Does this mean that should SHE meet someone else 'HE' will want to VET HIM???:huh:

Do any of you brothers vet a friends admirer?  I don't think so.  I don't think you have the right to say or do this mate...Yes you can pass on his details because she may want to get in touch.  BUT HOW DARE YOU PRESUME TO VET ANYONE LOOKING FOR LOVE...  Whether this lady is your friend or not IT IS HER SOLE DECISION to choose for herself...:@

After what has happened to me with the lady I fell in love with through bloody letters and possible interference from others, WHAT did you expect me to say?....

Seagull all the best with your hunt I hope NOW that you've been VETTED, he has the decency to tell his lady friend all about you.

Paul Todd

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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2009, 09:53:23 pm »
Rob mate,

I see where your coming from on this. All I can say to you is my experience in this. My wife has a few friends here in Baoding that are looking for "western" husbands and asked me if I could help them. I thought about it for a while and even pm'd a couple of members. Oh and thanks Scott for the input. In the end I came to the conclusion that it's such a minefield that I would not get involved. To recommend someone to one of my wife's friends and that's what there asking me to do ,that I don't know is something I decided I could not do.I was interested in Nik's approach and thought I will watch this and see where it goes, could be the answer I was looking for
 I think you have to cut the man some slack here, he's just doing his best to protect his friend from any potential scumbags that might be out there. What else could he do?  There are quite a few members that are in the same boat with wives or girlfriends asking for help to find there friends husbands but so far no one here including myself have come up with a way of doing this. Maybe we should set up a lonely hearts section! Someone suggested joining Wilson's agency and maybe that's the answer. Like I said I do see your side of this Rob,but I see Nik's side too.


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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2009, 10:16:15 pm »
I'll tell you what he could have done mate...He could have omitted 'Tell me why you deserve it...'

He could have said if anyone is interested PM me...
He could have said send me your profile number in an email or PM and I'll pass it on...

Mate at the end of the day I still think he had no right to say this whether he was looking out for a friend or not.  You mentioned to me about the couple of ladies from your area that would be interested in me, yes...WILL you VET me?  By asking WHY I DESERVE TO SEE THEM OR THEM TO SEE ME?

The decision that will be made is DOWN to the lady...NOT NIK...

Oh and btw, why haven't you PM'd me about Ming's result in her

Paul Todd

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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2009, 11:21:38 pm »
Like I said Rob it's a minefield out there this matchmaking lark!
Me vet you that's a laugh, a lad from Liverpool vetting a Scotsman there has to be a joke there somewhere!:icon_biggrin:  At the end of the day even if you put two people together that are genuine and want the same thing there is no way of telling if they will hit it off or not. So yes it's up to them to make it happen and nobody else.
 As for why no update from Ming Zhi, until you know where you stand with Keren I think it's best to put that on hold for everyone's sake.:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2009, 11:31:06 pm »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='20667' dateline='1256095298'

Like I said Rob it's a minefield out there this matchmaking lark!
Me vet you that's a laugh, a lad from Liverpool vetting a Scotsman there has to be a joke there somewhere!:icon_biggrin:  At the end of the day even if you put two people together that are genuine and want the same thing there is no way of telling if they will hit it off or not. So yes it's up to them to make it happen and nobody else.
 As for why no update from Ming Zhi, until you know where you stand with Keren I think it's best to put that on hold for everyone's sake.:icon_cheesygrin:

Yes it is a minefield...
There must be a joke...

And I never thought of that...No well that's not completely true, I think I know in my heart it's that's Why i mentioned it probably

Nik I apologise about my outburst maybe I must still hurt...It's not like me to go off on


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RE: My friend in China is looking for love in the West
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2009, 12:38:06 am »
Ok , I guess ... I must say " WHY " I took it on to find a good MAn for my Sister Lily , Which bty the way is working out great .
She has been with Chnlove for a good year and a half and her Profile is somewhere near the two hundredth page . Nobody ... I say Nobody will EVER look that far down the Lady's Profile's . So ? What chance does / did she have left to find somebody ? re-sign and Paying some more Money to the Agency , that could not find her a Man in the first place ? This is why I jumped in and (Since she is my Sister like capital SISTER ) and help her find somebody we both can trust . She now is as happy as can be . Should I feel bad about this , playing Match-Maker ? Hell NO !!! Match-making is as old as history as I can remember , so why would it al of a sudden be not Kosher anymore ?
Well , this is how I feel and I willl find somebody for my other Sister ( MIN ) someone also . if she needs my Help .

Ah , had to get this of my Chest . Sorry Guy's . Also , this is not aimed at nobody . It was brought up and I spoke my two cent's , that's all .