Yup, it can be REALLY hard, the waiting and being apart for a long time. I went to China 3 times in the past year to be with my wife and still that was not enough for me, I almost went into a depression here back home in Canada, I told my wife "TO HELL WITH IT" , I am packing up my Stuff, selling the house and moving to China to be with her, I don't give a damn, after we will figure stuff out. However she calmed me down, I put my 2 feet back on the ground. There were so many different emotional crap that I never really experienced before in my life. One day it would be frustration, another day it would be deep sadness and sorrow, the next it would be joy, trying to think of the moment we will finally reunite again (for good!) talk about an emotional roller coaster. I can honestly say, one of the most hardest moments for me in my life, was saying good-bye to my wife at the airport the first time, God that was rough. The second hardest thing of all is the waiting, and the waiting, and the waiting, it has been more then a year now and still we are not together. That damn Canadian Embassy sure drags it's ass, everything has been done, all the paperwork,interviews, all has "passed",,and still we must wait for those clowns to issue the visa. We are suppose to get news in 4 weeks time now. I told my wife,,one way or another we will defiantly be together by Christmas time !!! Visa or no visa !! There is only so much a person can take, and I have had enough, I am at the end of my rope !! You know, when you have been waiting, and everyone tells you to wait a little longer, then you wait,,,,,then they tell you to wait some more,,,and again you wait,,,,and once more they tell you to wait,,,and wait,,and wait,,,and some point you have to draw the line, I can not wait any longer, I am a patient guy,,but I know longer have the strength or the patients to continue like this, it is even starting to effect my health. The days, weeks, and months are passing by,,I am not getting any younger,,and my life is on hold at the moment, (our lives together are on hold). I love my wife very much, and I will never abandon her, I will find a way for us to be together, if that means that I must go to China, then so be it.
Sorry for venting a little here, but it is just so frustrating. I have spoken to a friend of mine, he is currently in China with his wife, and he has had enough as well,,the American Embassy is giving him grief, he also has provided all the paperwork and such,,still no answer from them after so many, many months. I also have another Canadian friend,,and it is the same story with him and his wife,,waiting and waiting for the visa. (they have also been approved) Someone should be held accountable for this crap, someone, somewhere is not doing their job right, and it is those idiots at the Embassy.:@
I do not know about the American immigration system, but I will tell you a little about the screwed up system we have here in Canada. We get ILLEGAL immigrants each day, they fly into Canada from other countries, while in the air on their flight to Canada, they destroy their passports and other identification, flush it down the toilet on the plane,,then they walk into the airport, go to the counter, and ask for refugee status !! Guess what happens next? yup, the Canadian government gives them money, gives them a place to stay(temperarly), and helps them in every way possible to get started with their new life in Canada. I have nothing against immigrants,,it is the system that is in place that I have a problem with. Here I am doing everything buy the book LEGALLY, signed governmental and immigration documents that states I will be responsible for my wife, and I have to wait, go through hell, go through their dysfunctional system, and here I am a year later, and still no wife with me!? This is what I would do if I was in charge,,illegal immigrants,,return them to their countries on the next flight out and tell them to apply for immigration status like everyone else if they wish to come here and live. Those that did everything "by the book",and signed for the other person (sponsored) let them into the country.
There,I said my 2 cents.:exclamation::dodgy:
Okay, to get back on topic,,,,"How to make a long distance relationship work" , Lot's of determination, understanding, deep love for each other (couple) , commitment, and this web site for us guys to help each other through the rough moments.(and to allow and understand when another brother is venting) :icon_biggrin: