Author Topic: A Southerners continuing journey in China  (Read 44480 times)

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #315 on: October 28, 2009, 11:35:13 am »
If you saw how happy my lady was about me bringing a roll of blue toilet paper to China then you would understand :icon_cheesygrin:.

So that is brett's coloured toilet paper rule... forget about posh gifts from Fortnum & Mason, you are guaranteed to woo your lady with a roll of coloured toilet paper :heart:.

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #316 on: November 07, 2009, 05:11:15 pm »
Just an update on Qingqing.  She did not win the International modeling competition, her best friend did. So she is happy and sad at the same time.  Good experience for her, plus now she has a tape of her on TV.  So it will help to show to potential clients.  It was on live TV last night.  My wife is still trying to get all her paperwork together, it is very difficult because most of it has to come from Wuhan.

My son in law leaves on the 14th for Afghanistan.  I actually said I wanted to go with him until I picked up his flak jacket.  The thing weighs 50 pounds without anything in it.  Load it up and it weights over 100 lbs.  The reason I wanted to go is because it would put me that much closer to my wife.
We still talk on QQ twice a day. They have finally turned on the heat in Beijing.  She has had to wear 3 layers of clothes and an overcoat to bed.  it is all about gas.  They normally do not release any until November 15th, but it has been so cold they decided to release it earlier this year.  I tried to talk her into getting an electric blanket.  I told her i would send her one, but she said no, she does not like them.  She said so many people are sick with colds and flu that she is required to wear a mask each day at work.  I understand and agree with some of the policies that China has about energy conservation but this one is ridiculous.  Even the hospital did not have heat until the big snow.  She said she is used to it.  She has been doing it for 42 years.  I told her it will be the last year.
I wasnt going to say anything about this but when my lawyer told me it couldnt help, I will tell others so they know.  I have a US Congressman that told me he would do anything he could to help.  (He is my brother in laws friend and he owes him big time).  I talked to my lawyer and she said that he could not do one thing to help unless there is a hangup some where.  he cannot get things moved up or help in any other way.   There is no politics played in this.  I am sure if he was on the homeland security committee it might be different.    
 I havent looked for a part time job yet.  I am going to wait until I get to Savannah.  Being retired is ok.  I get up in the morning when I want to.  If it is a nice day, I hop on the bike and go for a ride while I still can.  But am getting a bit bored.  It was fine when I was with my wife but here all I have to do is think about her and how much I miss her.  I would go back in a heartbeat if it wasnt for Bobby leaving and my daughter being pregnant and lack of extra money lol.  That is it for now.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #317 on: November 07, 2009, 06:02:24 pm »
Polititcans will do ANYTHING for money or votes, but they are mostly full of hot air....shades of the godfather..he owes him bigtime....


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #318 on: November 07, 2009, 06:20:52 pm »
Thanks Jim for the up-date . I hope your Son in-law will stay safe for your Daugther's sake and your's .

Jim, why not start building a Model Sailship , with same nice Music ( instumental ) that use to get me passed boredom real fast . It also teaches Patience and requires all of your concentration . As long you wont forget your Wife's name .:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Irishman

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #319 on: November 07, 2009, 06:37:44 pm »
Nice update Jim, regarding the cold, when I landed in Beijing on Thursday it had warmed up a lot, there was still some snow in the shade but i think it was melting fast. It was actually sunny..yes blue sky over Beijing!!, and no wind so hopefully the real cold is gone for the moment there.

Maybe Arnold has the right idea, become a ship builder to pass the time lol. She isn't going anywhere, she will be waiting for your return no matter how long it takes. Its a waiting game for everyone this crazy Chinese adventure we are all in together. Best regards.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #320 on: November 07, 2009, 06:39:42 pm »
And you could always call the model ship, you lao Po's name...:icon_biggrin:

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #321 on: November 08, 2009, 12:39:15 am »
Thanks but I do not have the patience for that.  Or the talent.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #322 on: November 08, 2009, 07:46:10 pm »
Quote from: 'sameldrum1' pid='22356' dateline='1257723710'


I also want to thank you for sharing with us during your extended time in China, and also your thoughts now after returning...not many guys would be willing to share all the details you have, the good, bad, and the ugly (even from your "beautiful" new step-daughter, who may be the emotional roller-coaster ride of your life!).  

I am now communicating with a woman from Beijing daily through QQ, and it is wonderful!  I used to read about guys doing this, and was very I know get to chat with them every day, even though the language barrier is there (she is just learning English, and uses a translation program on her side).  She has a young daughter, age 6, so if we do get married I will have the privilege of parenting a teenager girl myself one day...  :s

Thanks Jim!

I hope everything works for you.  I just hate being away from her.  I have all of these ideas running through my head.  Selling everything and going to her.  But she says to stay and we will work it out through the normal channels.  She knows i would not be totally happy there even though it would be with her.  So she is being the level headed one.  We have some things in the works and if they pan out, we will be set for life.  She says to wait until January when we know what will happen.  I do not want to wait.  i want to be there.
I took the bike up the mountain today. Took some pics, very beautiful.  Wish I could figure out how to get them here.  But Scott, the best of luck and if there is anything she or i can do please let me know.  She would be willing to talk to your woman if you needed her to.

Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #323 on: November 08, 2009, 07:57:32 pm »
All you need to do is ask brother.  It will be done.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #324 on: November 08, 2009, 11:05:24 pm »
Well as you say Jim, China is not the place for everyone.

For many in China they look to go overseas to find a better life.  A life that gives them a better standard of living.

As you know I have done the reverse and I have come to China and I have definately raised my standard of living.

From just about getting by in the UK I have the capabilities of living a middle class life in China.  If only I can convince my lady of that.

I have managed to get her to buy only the best meat without heaps of fat attached.  But trying to get her to cook chicken legs in one piece is going to be more difficult.  That is legs, not feet - she has accepted that feet and heads are banned from our kitchen!

But she is willling to listen and this week we should be getting rid of the solid wood benches and arm chairs in our living room and replacing them with comfy leather ones.  

A luxury mosquito net has given the bed a four poster feel and I have not been bitten once side we fitted it even though she though the cheaper version made more economic sense.

Next on the list is to get a car - this is in preference to her choice which is that we both should have the one thing I dread in China - electric driven mopeds.  (You do not hear them coming along the footpath just feel the rush of breeze as they go past as close as they can get.)  So me me a car is a must - 'thinks I must get the drivers licence first.'

But all in all I am well used to life here and it gets better every day.

As I said China is not every ones cup of tea.  For some it is ok for the odd visit, but for me i am now living 'Beyond The Dream In China'

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #325 on: November 09, 2009, 06:25:47 am »
Yes Willy it's good to remind the brothers that life in China is hard for the majority of the population. If life in China is so great then why would doctors and other professionals throw away their careers out there to work all hours in a New York restaurant?

My girl is working so hard in her 1000RMB/month slave job that she's making herself physically ill. Which in China is worrying because you don't ever want to get sick and have to visit the cheap hospital of the kind I saw in Wuhan :s. My girl knows she would have a much better standard of living in the UK.

The place is also very noisy, and the pollution in some places is awful. I thought Wuhan was bad (industrial pollution), but in Yichang the air was just as bad (coal power stations & rice stubble burning?).

I'd guess if you had a good job or retirement income then China would be a good place for us Westerners. But I did not find it as cheap as I thought it would be, and I believe I was in one of the provinces with the lowest living costs (and salaries).

I did like the place though, and if I could come up with a way to massively expand my business interests I'd seriously consider moving there.

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #326 on: November 09, 2009, 07:52:40 pm »
I have my retirement and that could have us living well.  But for me, more than 2 months is uncomfortable.  I want to be home where I can get in the car and go see my daughter and my family.  We are a close family. I talk to my sister every day and my mother at least every other day, my daughter every other day, of course my son lives with me now so i see him everyday.  i cant do that in China.  Plus learning the language is a must if you live there.  I dont know how well you are coming along Willy, but for me it was extremely difficult.  i learned Vietnamese easily and still remember a lot of it even after 40 years, I know spanish that is easy for my to pick up but something about Chinese is so very difficult.
Willy you are one very brave soul to get a car and drive over there.  I would rather downtown Atlanta in rush hour than the expressway in China.  I drove downtown Washington DC, downtown New york, LA and Detroit and was never as nervous as I was in Beijing and Xi'an, Wuhan was a bit better but still bad.  I have my pilots license and landed in a snow and ice storm in marquette michigan with ice hitting the windshield from the propeller and was never as nervous.  I know part of it was that I was in control all those times but still...  My wife is getting anxious, she wanted to get a visitors visa to come and stay while we waited for the Marriage Visa but the Lawyer really said it would not be advisable.  If for whatever reason she was turned down on her visitors visa it would have a direct effect on the marriage visa.  We will not be separated for more than a year no matter what happens.  Even if they turn her down, (Which I doubt), then i will go there.  I will just stay 3 months at a time then come home for a month or two then go back.  I should be able to get a job teaching or rather tutoring there.  i would rather tutor so i could set my own times.  Plus every 4 months I have to go to the VA and get prescription renewals and let them check me out.  This way all of my medication is free. They would just send it to my daughter and she would send it on to me. Like I said, it is not my cup of tea but I will do it if necessary.  it seems each day it gets harder and harder to say goodbye on QQ.  I have been back a month now and it seems like a year.  it really does.  When you are engaged or in love with someone it is hard, but after you are married it is even harder.  She is your wife your Laopo and you should be together, not separated by some government red tape because they think everyone is a terrorist or a pimp. I can understand doing a background check. but after that it is the government saying they know better on how I live my life  than I do.   If she were Mexican she would be here in a couple of days. Not one year or so.  That is one of the frustrating parts also.  Now I am not accusing all hispanics of this.  But since they moved in here in Dalton, because of the carpet mills, this has become one of the top 10 drug areas in the country.  Hispanics are now 65% of the population here.  Like I said I am not accusing all of them.  I have a couple of hispanic friends, plus I have done business with them and I have trusted them more than a lot of whites when it comes to renting and paying their bills. They show up every month on time and pay their bills in cash.  I know I am ranting but I get frustrated at times like this.  Especially after she says she knows i will not let her down.  i feel like i am.  
 I talked to Qingqing this morning and she is doing better about losing the competition.  She will be 17 on November 11th.  She was more interested in what I got her for her birthday and will it get there on time.  Of course it will.  She wanted a diamond ring similar to the one I got her mother for our engagement. Of course I didnt get one that expensive but she should like it.  I wouldnt normally do it, but this is the first birthday since her mother and I have been married and she has been good the last couple of months.  Plus her father usually just gives her a card with 100 RMB in it.  Last year Mama got her a Blackberry type of cellphone and cost her about 5000 RMB.  Like I said she is spoiled. Mama told her this gift is from the both of us but she didnt buy that one bit.  Typical teenager. lol.
Well thats all my rant for now.  Thanks for listening.  Sometimes you just gotta get it off your chest.  
For this stuff, this is the perfect place.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #327 on: November 09, 2009, 08:04:41 pm »
JimB...I know this is not really the same, :sbut (apart from the last six years) I was always away from home an family for 12 weeks at a time over the Christmas period.:huh:  For ten years previous to the last six, I had not spent a Christmas or Christmas day at home because of my work. :@ So I sort of know what you are talking about.

This is the perfect place to rant, and you have the perfect sound boards (us guys) here to listen and help...:angel::angel:


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #328 on: November 10, 2009, 10:55:33 am »
your right it is hard and tough being apart but you have to go thru the
process. a lot of the immigration slowdown i think is because of all the
illegals coming across the border. so they make it tougher on everyone
else. thats what i was told by 5 immigration officers who are freinds of
my brother who is a correctional officer.  9/11 didnt help either as the wheel
really got a clog in it but im sure she will get there and then you could go back to
china and visit her family together
hope it all works out

Vince G

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #329 on: November 10, 2009, 01:50:25 pm »
Ted, that's what they say? but not what they do. People are coming in from many countries. Just some they give a hard time to. China being one. I live in south Florida. They come waltzing in here everyday. No problems, come on in.