All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

National day

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Sylvain D:
Should I thank you for the compliment, Willy? :blush: :blush::icon_biggrin:

Willy The Londoner:
No need Sly just a couple or Merci's will do.  

Come to think of it - a while ago  I was with one that was speaking French and crying Merci Merci but maybe she was speaking English and it was Mercy Mercy!!!!


My lady loves France. Come to think of it, I guess all ladies love France :heart: :fi_lone_ranger:.

I will speak some French to my lady and see what happens :s.

Sylvain D:
Willy, I do guess that "Merci" and "mercy" are quite different ^^ :D

Brett, if you want to impress your lady with some french words : maybe can you say to her :
"tes yeux rayonnent tel un arc-en-ciel" ^^
"your eyes are shining as a rainbow"

for sure, she'd like it..
but please, don't tell it to her if she would wear sunglasses :D

Vince G:
Your teeth are like the stars... they come out at night.


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