Author Topic: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .  (Read 18730 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #60 on: October 10, 2009, 03:25:13 am »
One of the "best" ways to know if all that could be true would be to write to his family members.. as I said on Facebook, 'seems like he got 2 profiles.
Not that I want to "hurt" her wife nor his family in U.S.A if Michael is really gone (too bad) but ... I don't realy know how and why nobody could see :
- he didn't support the anesthesia? I think he was in his country, so, there should be any "sign" to show what he could support or not, for that to not happen.

Maybe, for any unknown reason (welcome to the Paranoïa????), someone wanted to make him choose between China and here.. I really doubt about it but... why not.
If Michael is really gone, I'm sure that we could easily join the hospital and ask about him....I've seen some infos about it... but??? no way to get some more??
« Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 03:25:42 am by Sylvain D »
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Offline Danny

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #61 on: October 10, 2009, 03:28:36 am »
It would be a good thing to have all the particulars of the matter, so we can remember him better. Not to show any disrepsect to his friends and family, only to show how other people have noted his passing. We are not his only friends.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #62 on: October 10, 2009, 03:35:21 am »
( )

I can not find his other profile, 'seems like deleted.
However, Here's the link to one of the family's members : :
Tiffany Maines.
No way to know if she could be her daughter or not, I sent a message, no reply...
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Offline David E

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #63 on: October 10, 2009, 03:39:20 am »
Arnold...and everybody else who wrote in this Thread.

If what is suggested here is true, then this must be the most monumentious and cynical hoax in history ???

We all read his posts. many of us (me included) had several PM's. And Arnold and the founding menbers of this site had contact with "MLM" for a period of years. !!

I struggle to think what the motive for such a thing could be ? I struggle to think that anybody could go this far with a hoax?

Thee was only one flaw in the whole story for me....If you had a Business that specialised in catching Crims, it would have no assets, apart from computers, phones and furniture (maybe a few firearms etc.

This Business would have no Term Contracts against which a future value could be assessed, and it could not have a Business continuity in the accepted sense....therefore it had no "good will" to include in a sale...and yet the Business was to be sold to his Best Friend for over $ 1 Million...odd that ??


Offline stuart barlow

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #64 on: October 10, 2009, 03:41:51 am »
what's going on here? One minute we are mourning the loss of a brother,next it's a hoax,if it is a hoax
its a sick way to lose friends.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #65 on: October 10, 2009, 04:56:48 am »
This thread is "just a bit" difficult for most of us, so, maybe should it be closed and maybe the moderators should/could see if there's really anything wrong or not...
If Michael is really dead, so... there would be like some no respect for him and his family to ask many questions and having doubts about his death... but eh... we're missing many informations.
However, if not... that would be a very very very bad story...
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Offline Irishman

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #66 on: October 10, 2009, 05:04:37 am »
I agree Sly, maybe it is time to allow this thread to fade away.
I don't think we will ever know for sure what the truth of it is, maybe its best just to remember the MLM that posted here, real or not, he was a valued contributor and is missed in his absence for whatever reason.
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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #67 on: October 10, 2009, 05:39:06 am »
Agreed Ronan please close thread


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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #68 on: October 10, 2009, 06:04:47 am »
I have a suggestion. Instead of closing this thread like it is why don't we split this thread off to a new one.  What is happening is a natural part of grief.  The second stage is denial.  There are issues here with his death and for each man to vent and discuss is healthy.  But if you want to leave a proper tribute to Michael at this time split this thread and delete the denial from this one and let the men work through this. Once the most recent threads have been removed lock this thread.


Vince G

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #69 on: October 10, 2009, 10:20:38 am »
For those that do not know the way and laws of the US.

When there is a shooting and you go to the hospital BY LAW the Hospital has to report it to the police. A Police report is then filed.

The Hospital has the name in Admittance. They will not give much information out but they will say if the person had been admitted.

Xraying for bullet fragment. They know before surgery if the bullet has fractured into pieces. (I use to build Xray machines, I know what they can do)

Anesthesiologist that administers anesthesia has other medications on hand in case there are reactions to it.

If there is a death? There is a report a death certificate made by a M.E. licensed by the State. (ME: Medical Examiner) who puts in the report cause of death. P.S. A person is not declared dead until the M.E. says so.

"Bounty Hunter" in that state are not licensed but have to be registered.

Anyone that has been jailed can not carry or be near any guns. (Joe/Rabbit)


This is not a multi million dollar business... no way! A desk, phone/computer and a file cabinet is all there is. Most of them live in their cars.

Tracking: No report filed by police on a shooting of this kind. Name is not admitted to any hospital with this type or any injury. Calls made showed a real Bounty Hunter never heard of him? No death certificate issued with that name (and age group).

The non sense things: They don't drug up a woman that is having a child. Why would the woman that shot at him shoot only him? and miss Joe and the boyfriend? Good shooting in the dark. No arrest report of such a woman. A bullet doesn't split unless it hit something hard like bone. (A 22 does break apart, but they would have seen this). Why is the wife leaving the US? with 1.6 mil? He didn't bring her here. And another note, She ain't leaving the country with that amount of money. It's against the law, as some of you know how much you can carry into China. Nothing said of selling the house and other assets?

A HOAX? Not a good one. Making people that cared and putting them through this? I don't know what is going on. All I now is it's not funny and heartbreaking that someone would make this thing up. But I can say whatever the outcome, ALL of you can be proud, for you showed you are all good caring guys. It's an honor to have all of you here.

Lets say a Amen and move on.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 11:23:37 am by Vince G »

Offline maxx

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #70 on: October 10, 2009, 11:11:02 am »
What Vince is telling you guys is true.Some of the  mods have ben following the story.We have ben checking the newspapers for the obituararies.And the news of the shooting.No record was found.The hospitals that were mentioned by Joe/rabbit.Were called.The hospital had no record of anybody by that name being addmitted.

I even went back and looked for a marraige record for Zhou and Michael Maines no record was found..So I think you can all draw your own conclusions.

Sly The family member that you mentioned the girl Tiffany Maines.Is his daughter.SHe wrote a short note to Michael Maines.That said hi dad.His profile was closed on facebook.The day that he was supposed of died.

So there it is.That is what we know.


Offline Irishman

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #71 on: October 10, 2009, 12:13:20 pm »
What i don't get is the why?
I mean , why the need for the deception, he was a good poster here, he made many friends, he seemed like a genuine good guy, why the need for the hoax?

Maybe he doesn't even have a Chinese girlfriend/wife and the deception weighed on his consciousness at the end and he decided to get out.
Its weird, i don't understand it at all, whatever about if his story was true or not, this forum lost a good poster that many of us liked and respected and I miss him for that.
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Offline phil

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #72 on: October 10, 2009, 12:55:04 pm » are some more facts

about 30 minutes before the last post from "Joe" I called and spoke with "Patient Information" at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital (there's only one) I was hoping to provide an update on his condition to his "Online Brothers" here. I was unable to get any information about a "Michael L. Maines" I spelled the name for her and nothing, I told her that he might have been transfered to the VA possibly. She said "sorry they didn't show anything on "Michael L. M-a-i-n-e-s" she spelled it back and gave me the Veterans Administration Hospital's number....I called them 5 minutes after and they had no knowledge of him.

When people pass in hospitals a public record is established, there is none that I can locate...Short of going to the county records office.

Grieving widows don't rush to delete Facebook accounts, likely an online Persona that got out of hand and was too much to maintain.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 12:57:52 pm by phil »

Vince G

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #73 on: October 10, 2009, 01:32:39 pm »
Quote from: 'phil' pid='19600' dateline='1255193704'

Grieving widows don't rush to delete Facebook accounts, likely an online Persona that got out of hand and was too much to maintain.

Yes, this was another thing that didn't make sense. Only the account holder can delete the profile. But yet this drugged up with sleeping drugs had the thought of going online to delete a "Facebook profile"?? I know this wouldn't be my first thoughts after a situation.

Offline ron

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RE: Michael L. Maines News of his shooting .
« Reply #74 on: October 10, 2009, 02:23:13 pm »
I hate to jump into this either way its a loss the way I am looking at it.A couple flags went up for me as well.I dont know of any bounty hunting agency or bounty hunter selling their buisness for 1.6 million dollars that quick.I also only live 8 hours from phily and i couldnt find any obituaries on him or any shootings except a couple about 3 days after his death.Some things dont add up?Either way its sad to lose somebody that had such a good insight and friend skills as MLM.I am sorry if I insulted anyone with this its just what I saw and think.