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Offline Philip

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2009, 12:49:16 pm »
Thanks Peter and Robert for the advice,
My lady says:

"When you were here, I would love to take you wherever you want to go. I was born here, but I am not sure which places you would love to visit it, but I will show you around the places I like most. I want to show my life to you, I would love you to know everything about me. Do you like that? If you like, I will also show you the agency, it's our love bridge, don't you think so? When you were here with me, I know there are lots of things we can do it together, we'll picture our best memory in our life."

Hi Vince,
I have the Besta CD-869. You can write in English or Chinese using the stylus pen and get the translation and get it to speak the word or phrase back. You can practise your Chinese writing, download all kinds of suff with a USB connection, and the battery charges easily from any socket using a universal plug adaptor. It probably makes the tea too and it's small and rather cute. Got it off Ebay for about $300.

Offline TomFisher

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2009, 09:05:33 pm »
Hey Vince, I found the Besta 627 on eBay from a seller in Shanghai who shipped it directly.  She loves it and says it very helpful in learning English.

Offline froseman

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2009, 07:23:40 pm »
I traveled to Changsha in 2008.

Positive experiences:
The lady looked like the photographs (I choose a lady that had a realistic photograph).
The lady and the translator met me at the airport.
The Hotel was good.
The lady helped me get back to the airport.
I went to movies, parks, rivers, and other places.

Negative experiences:
The lady did not seem sincere about a romantic relationship or marriage.
The agency asked for money for the lady?s parents.
The email address provided by the agency was not the real email address of the lady.  The agency controlled the private email.  The agency generated the email address for the lady.
I got the stomach flu in Changsha.
After gifts, money, and many EMF messages, the lady said that her parents will not allow her to move to the USA.  The lady said that her parents will not allow her to marry a westerner because the culture is too different.  I started communicating via Skype.  I did 3 way calls via Skype.  I had another translator on the Skype calls.  The agency seemed to be interested in keeping the EMF messages going.  I ignored the last EMF message from Changsha.  The lady cannot move and the lady cannot marry a westerner, but her profile is still on the Chnlove internet website.  The lady and the agency maybe just a scam.

Offline Peter

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2009, 11:53:24 pm »
Quote from: "froseman"
I traveled to Changsha in 2008.

Negative experiences:

The agency asked for money for the lady?s parents.
The email address provided by the agency was not the real email address of the lady.  The agency controlled the private email.  The agency generated the email address for the lady.
After gifts, money, and many EMF messages, the lady said that her parents will not allow her to move to the USA.  The lady said that her parents will not allow her to marry a westerner because the culture is too different.  I started communicating via Skype.  I did 3 way calls via Skype.  I had another translator on the Skype calls.  The agency seemed to be interested in keeping the EMF messages going.  I ignored the last EMF message from Changsha.  The lady cannot move and the lady cannot marry a westerner, but her profile is still on the Chnlove internet website.  The lady and the agency maybe just a scam.

Froseman... What agency was it ???
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Philip

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2009, 02:19:30 am »
Hi Froseman,
sorry you had such a negative experience.
I too would like to know which agency you were in contact with in Changsha. The girl does not sound like she is covered in glory either. What are your plans now?
good luck

Offline froseman

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2009, 05:53:20 pm »
I did the Chnlove Rating System for Agency Services for the agency.  Then I got an email from the lady.  The lady said that her parents do not like my skin color.  I am an African American.  My skin is a little lighter than the current US President (President Obama).  The lady said that her father has cancer.  The lady said that the agency requested money because the lady?s father is sick.  I recommend that you go shopping with your Chinese lady and buy gifts for her parents, but you should not just give a large amount of money to the parents.  The lady did not ask for the money.  The agency asked for the money.

The Changsha Agency is:
Changsha Love Bridge Company
Agency ID: P216

I have terminated the relationship.  I am talking to another lady.

Offline cHi

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2009, 08:07:45 pm »
Sorry to hear about the experience :(  It's horrible that the agency and the lady had no regard for the kind of money and planning that go into traveling across the globe to meet them.  Would you mind posting the lady profile in the scam section as well?  I'd think it best for us all to stay clear of that one >_<

Offline metooap

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Re: Uncharted territory - There is So much more!
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2009, 02:29:21 am »
It sounds like the agency you were dealing with is shaky.

I am African American. I went to meet my lady in April. I had the absolute time of my life. My lady met me at the airport in Beijing along with the translator. The translator is great. We are great friends to this day.

We traveled all over China went to some very fabulous places, and every where I went I was treated with respect and courtesy. In fact, my lady had to tell the women that would approach us that I was her husband!

I met my lady's mother and father, both are great. Both had some tough questions to ask me and rightfully so. They let me know that my lady was there only daughter so I must treat her with care. I assured her parents ? in fact I gave them my word I would do that.

After the first day, my lady and I decided that the services of the translator would no longer be required and we quietly moved on without our translator.

You name it, we did it from horseback riding to mountain climbing we did it. We did some fantastic personal things as well!

I use to be in the Air Force so I have traveled a lot and experienced many cultures. I have certainly fell in love with Chinese culture, and obviously I have the best looking lady on the planet ? don?t we all. But I am lady is fine?.beautiful inside and out!

Any way, if you have any problem at all, or need a hook up or two, let me know. My translator friend always ask me?is there another like me?.I tell her she must be joking ? like me no way. But I am sure someone out there is close.

So keep your head up? the China experience is for real?

The approach I took was I read everything on the boards at China love, face book and now here. I spent at least 3 to 4 months writing to my lady, sending her many emails, talking with her directly on Skype and getting original pictures of her, and I sent her many pictures as well. When I got off of the air plane, there was no question, who I was or who my lady was and exactly what I was doing there, and what she was doing there at the airport.

At the end of my visit my lady and I traveled from her home back to Beijing where she saw me off, with tears in both of our eyes, and after all the hugs and kisses that would make most of the guys here blush... I did the custom thing got on the plane...but I knew that I would be back soon and that I had really found the person I had hoped for and dreamed about.

Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. You have certainly come across the wrong agency, but there are some great ones there. I know, I have been back about three weeks, I am still smiling. I will be headed back in June with a ring!

A heart has only one color?and so does love?..

Hope this help. If you need any help in meeting someone sincere, email me.

Offline metooap

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2009, 02:43:30 pm »
Vince G,


I am from Alexandria Virginia.

No, the translator does not have a profile on Chnlove.

She is a great young lady though...her focus is on helping people meet their life partner.

Her approach alone tells me we will here a lot from her in the future.

She has a slew of really beautiful young ladies that she is trying to help.

So I am very impressed with her.

Offline metooap

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2009, 05:01:30 pm »


I am off to a rip roaring start with my lady.

I spent a lot of time reading on the Chnlove forum, facebook, and sorted things out.

Really everything one needs to know is on the forums.

I was skeptical like most at first. Then I said the heck with it....worse things can happen is I lose a little money. Best thing that can happens is that I find - the one. Well I have found the one...

I really only put a small portion of what my lady and I did while there.

AFter visiting her family, we flew from Beijing to a mountain retreat that was fabulous; we stayed there for three days; even took in a local play there among other things!

My name is Anthony and my lady's name is Wei!

And no, the translator is not into scamming at all. She is the type that you have to insists that she take some sort of compensation. She wants to do things free. I tell her I understand - but you have to eat too!

I met the translator and her boss and still keep in contact with her often. While there she was even thoughful enough to bring me a gift. So I am talking about a first class person. Not because she brought a gift - but because the person is simply a good and thoughtful person.

The translator is a young lady and she is for real.

Obviously my lady is the real deal.....and she is as fine as home made apple pie! Seems like I should have put some dumplings in there some where! Any way, she is straight forward, gets to the heart of things....and made it her business to really take care of me....making sure we were treated properly and paid....what local folks pay...and she let prying eyes know in no uncertain terms that she was my lady and that I was spoken for.

I took the Arnold approach....slow and easy....We are well beyond the introductory phase; in June I will head back with a ring and my hat in my hand....I can see myself now...!

It is good to be here - thanks for the kind words!

Offline cHi

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2009, 05:31:56 pm »
That is absolutely wonderful, Anthony!  Stories like yours are what all the newbies like me are aiming for ;)  I would love to keep hearing of your adventures, great to see you here!

Offline Philip

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2009, 05:37:32 pm »
Hi Anthony,
congratulations! I hope that I will be as fortunate as you.
Since I started this thread, I have heard a lot of negative stories in other threads, and found out that my lady's agency has had some bad reports. I am trying to hold onto the trust that I and my lady have built up since we have been corresponding.
It is less than a month away now and my excitement is tempered with nervousness. A few letters back, she replied to a question I asked about our meeting like this:

Dear Alex,

Thank you for reading about the Chinese customes about showing affection in public. To be honest, Chinese girls are more conservative, might not like the girls in your country. I welcome your hug most when we first meet each other at the airport. For I think I might be very neverous and excited when I first meet you here. Oh, my dear Alex really comes here and stands in front of me now. My dear Alex, it's more nicer for you giving me a little time to calm down my feelings. When we are back to the hotel, and we have some talk, and we have the feeling just like we are in the letter, I want you to give me kiss, ok? It would be very sweet. My face is flushed now.

I hope it will continue to be what I believe it is, which is a genuine relationship. I will only really find that out when I meet her. I haven't felt anything in her correspondence to send out warning signs, but I will visit the agency and check it out.

I feel a diary coming on.

wish me luck. :)

Vince G

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #27 on: April 29, 2009, 05:45:48 pm »
Alex that's real and good luck.  :D

Offline metooap

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #28 on: April 29, 2009, 06:31:06 pm »

I will certainly post my experience at the mountain retreat and visit to Beijing and Handan!

You may like it...I had a great time.

Thanks again

Offline metooap

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2009, 06:50:43 pm »

You will do great.

The heck with the agency...focus on your lady.....the rest will follow..

Your lady's response sounds familiar?.

My lady and I talked about what we would do when we first met at the airport.

Fact is we were both nervous as all hell... I took the initiative when we first met..and planted one on her delicately....with some style.

After the first was on!!

Hand in hand ..or arm in arm everywhere we went..

After the first lady was making me blush!

I kept telling myself..heaven must be like this!

A lot of ground work was laid before we trust each other..and believe in each other...

Open, honest, and go with your cut...everything else will fall into place...even eating with chop sticks....

Once you are at the point where you need to be...your lady will tell you what you need to know...she will answer your questions...openly about agency well as anything else..