Author Topic: Uncharted territory  (Read 16250 times)

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2009, 02:42:46 pm »
Changsha is an amazing city!  I only wish my wife lives there.  The food is fantastic, the sights are great...just stay away from the spa's.

Offline Philip

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2009, 12:57:56 pm »
Thanks Anthony and Martin for your positive words of encouragement about my trip and about Changsha. This thread is called 'Uncharted Territory', but I feel I have more of a map than when I started it.
It will be the trip of my life, whatever happens. I am trying not to project too much into the future to a time when I am back in England and missing my lady terribly, but I'm kind of preparing myself for it.
I know there are a few guys going to Changsha in the coming months - I am sure I will be booking another trip very soon after this month's trip - it would be nice to synchronize with some of you if possible. I feel so lucky to have found this woman. I'm going to repay all her faith in me - with interest.

Offline metooap

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #32 on: May 04, 2009, 01:24:48 pm »

Go have some fun; go with your heart; and stay confident. Your lady if she is like most of ours- will want you to display some confidence in yourself, and about your situation.

Yes, if things go as planned, you definitely will go through a period where you will miss your lady. If you keep smiling and do things right - she will miss you too!

But right now - just go and enjoy yourself!


Offline Ed W

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2009, 02:02:09 am »
metooap... your right on the money. I couldnt say it any better.....
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2009, 06:00:21 am »
Go for it Alex, stay cool man and good luck mate.... :D


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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2009, 09:08:49 am »
Alex , go have a good time , remember ... Martin and Peter are not there at the moment , so it's quite safe . Hehe


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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2009, 10:30:26 am »
Martin and Peter are not there at the moment , so it's quite safe

HAHAHA  You can imagine the looks people gave when they saw two lau wai together.

Offline cHi

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2009, 11:49:04 am »
Quote from: "Martin"
Changsha is an amazing city!  I only wish my wife lives there.  The food is fantastic, the sights are great...just stay away from the spa's.

So.. anyway, I'm a newbie. What's wrong with the spas?


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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2009, 12:24:07 pm »
What's wrong with the spas?

Nothing is really wrong with them.  They just don't let you wear anything, cept a pair of plastic slippers...then when they do let you get dressed, they give you pajama's that are too small (If you are tall like me).

Ask Peter about it, he can tell you all about it...we were there together, with our ladies (but the ladies were in another part till the pajama's were provided).

Seriously though, there is nothing wrong with the spa's...I was just not expecting to walk all around this place with no clothes on....and then be scrubbed from head to toe with what I think might have been sandpaper.


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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2009, 12:28:10 pm »
Dinger ... you're lucky they didn't use the electric sander.   :shock:

Offline Philip

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #40 on: May 05, 2009, 01:08:37 pm »
I may try the spas. On the plus side, I am not blessed with the Nordic height of you or Peter, so those fashionable pyjamas may be just my size. I believe I am closer to the Chinese average height. On the minus side, the kind of extreme exfoliation you described may remove as much skin as Hannibal Lecter does when he's dining out with a friend.

Offline cHi

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2009, 11:09:54 pm »
ahahaha I am glad I asked - I would be very surprised without a heads up LoL.  How tall are you and Peter?  I'm 6'2" / 188 cm so I was wondering how out of place I would be

Offline thender5

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2009, 01:18:55 am »
:arrow: ...recently I viewed a documentary about a young Chinese girl who went to work on a river boat.  She cried herself to sleep at night because her coworkers had several nicknames relating to her supposed darker complexion.  It would seem that those who grow up working on the farm and in the sun daily-along with other factors, have darker skin.  The same slants were used in Victorian Europe to label "commoners". This whole discussion of skin tones is getting to be quite boring.  I have never seen a yellow person.

Wow, I am a bit surprised by the post from Froseman!  I have been in the wings of these forums for quite sometime. (Hey I can't wait for the "scam" section.)  Anyway, I am sorry to read about your experiences with the China Love Bridge Agency.  I to am of mixed race ancestry, and have not had any direct implications due to race (there is one young lady shut our relationship down after, I suspect her parents saw my picture)  So when I read your post I had to comment.  Peter had already had me in his blog about his marriage, and about Changsha.  I have been communicating with a young lady from Changsha. Is it just me, but does Changsha have ALL the beautiful ladies? (Just my opinion of course)  I hope that I do not have any bad experiences with this current young lady or CLB.  Her letters to me are OK I guess, and we seem to be getting closer.  So plans are underway for her and this agency to accommodate a visit from me later this year.  Again, your post scares me as I have a few out of Changsha and CLB, that I might write to if this one does not work out.  I know, but I've several admirers from Changsha and this agency.  Coincidence?  Tonight I only see Purple and Gold vs the Red and White, Go Lakers!

Froseman, Thank You very much for the information and I wish you the best!  As a matter fact, Thanks to all of you, I am glad to be apart of the "brotherhood".

Anthony, you to had a wonderful post.  I might be contacting you via private messaging.  I live in the Megalopolis, maybe we can get together.  I would love to talk to you about my trip later this year. I will be going to Beijing and Shanghai, after I leave Changsha.  

I have not yet asked my friend any questions about my ethnicity, but I assume she is OK with it.  I also assume that her parents are aware as well as they are very close.  Only time will tell. I like her, she was my last attempt on China Love for this year, as I was going to stop and save a few bucks and a little pride until next year.  

I have never attempted anything like this in my life.  Trying to meet someone in the "cloud" is truly uncharted territory.  Like many of you, I have no problem with meeting women, but for me it was and is time to expand the limits of my physical world and navigate the horizons.  I am headed east.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 09:45:55 pm by thender5 »

Offline metooap

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Re: Uncharted territory
« Reply #43 on: May 07, 2009, 03:09:44 am »

If I can help in any way, let me know. I have been to Beijing and can recommend this great hotel there so let me know.

Also, to eliminate the confusion about who you are and your ethnicity is pretty easy. Do three things:

1) I am sure you have pictures of the lady you are talking with, natural pictures that are not touched-up. If not, ask for pictures. Send the lady plenty of pictures of yourself in your daily life. When you send pictures - tell her what the pictures are about and what you are doing in the pictures.

2) Get on Skype and talk with her as much as you can. Initially you may have the agency set up the first session. I suggest you move past this after the first session. Talk with her, communicate with her as much as you can through Skype.

3) Do not assume - ask. It does not matter what your ethnicity - you need to ask about her parents, her family and how they feel about her dating a guy from the West. You will get a direct answer.

I have found that the heart and love has only one color.....

The key is not to assume, to communicate, to ask questions, to answer her questions directly....and above all do two things:

1) Have fun; and

2) Display confidence!

It is not about getting a lady?.it is about finding ?The lady? ? that is out there waiting for you!

Go for it!