Author Topic: "Missing my Lao Po " Club  (Read 7660 times)

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"Missing my Lao Po " Club
« on: May 03, 2009, 12:10:52 pm »
This was a suggestion of Arnold's when he commented on my blog, and I thought it was a good idea.  Since there are getting to be more and more married members...with more happening in the near future, I thought it was a good idea to put this thread in here.

As hard as it is dating these women from far away, as we are all doing, it is even harder after you have been there, and met them in person.  This thread should not just be for the married guys either.  There are a lot of guys who are planning on getting married, or are still dating, but have met each other in person.  You guys are all in the same boat as us married guys.


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2009, 01:42:33 pm »
Thanks Martin , you sure are fast ! Hope you not that way , when it comes to Zhifang . Hehe

We sure are in the same Boat ( why not call it " The China Love Boat " ) , maybe all arriving in different Gang kou's (wan , shanghainese) , but we all are going to go through this period of waiting and missing and some of us even leaving tear's everywhere . So we are here to comfort each other as good , as posssible . After all , this is a Manly thing we're doing here , none of that Girly stuff allowed here .

So in other word's , this is the place for us Men to cry .


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2009, 02:17:24 pm »
Zhifang told me today on MSN that I was the first man she had ever seen cry.  It is a good thing we can laugh about it now.  Of course, i was also the first person to ever send her flowers as well.  i just hope there will not be too many more tears shed...I don't like parting.


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2009, 03:28:01 pm »
And doing it more than ones , makes it only harder each time . But it does help , knowing she's your Wife now and this will not change unless you / her will make it change . I feel sooo much more at ease , since having the Blog to vent my feeling's for her , so not to go totally crazy . I had it harder , because I had to deal with the lose of a Wife pretty much at the same time , so my Emotion's are running wild sometimes because of it . But leaving her behind three times is the Cake , that I do not want to eat , but have to taste .
Martin , the same goes for Qing , with the flower's . Isn't it amazing , Women in their 30's never ones receiving flower from a Man . We are going to spoil them in some way or another , but have to be careful not to over do it .


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2009, 03:37:00 pm »
Arnold...I have only left once.  It was brutal.  I can not imagine how it is after three times!  But it does help knowing she is my wife.  It really changes everything.  But it also makes is harder to not be with the one we love.

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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2009, 03:40:42 pm »
May I join the Club...
Martin knows what I am missing very much... I guess it will be harder to leave Changsha next time when we are married..
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2009, 04:09:38 pm »
Of course fit in just as have been there, and had to leave as well.  Although I don't know if you should be allowed in liked your pyjama's way too much!


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2009, 05:56:15 pm »
Michael , that just reminds me , that Qing's Mom with is 67 and she did never received Flower's , till I told Qing to give her one of the Dozen I send her , after finding out 11 if a better number than 12 . Looking at all the Parks , I know there is not shortage on Flower's in China , so it can't be all blamed on the Men there , it has to do with their Culture , that will change with more westerner's coming in and their Youth become more equal .. between Men and Wowen . That is one good thing that the west has to offer . But I know , these People are very smart and only upsorb what is best for them and their way of Life .

Offline MLM

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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2009, 04:45:34 pm »
Hi guys, I am in a different boat now but I know how you are feeling now, even though my Lao Po was here in the states for 5 years before I met her, I still had to go and meet her and then leave her a few times before we were married and she moved here with me and yes it was still very hard but, gentle man all I can say is hang in there the day will come when you will be able to say to your Lao Po " Welcome home " and guys there is no better feeling in the world when you relize that there will NOT be any more goodbys, but there WILL be more tears of joy from you as time goes on like I have when I found out that she is pregnant.
So to all you guys here be you married or not good luck and be happy, and Arnold, my Lao Po is 43 and has never received flowers until I gave her some, hard to imagine .

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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2009, 06:09:56 pm »
Martin, all I can say is that the waiting has okay days and low days. You will soon find that your moods can change. Usually I have 1 or 2 sad days each week where I really miss my wife. But the busy days of taken care of work and my son can distract me. The financial frustration of a long distance marriage can also weight me down. The webcam helps but also seeing her without being able to touch her can be tough. I sometimes imagine how tough it must be for people in dangerous situation such as our soldiers. They are seperated from loved ones for long time spans and also the unkowing of if they will ever return. Right now my wife is a little concerned because of the news of the swine flu, so she keeps cautioning me to be careful. Has any one else had their girls worried about the flu?
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2009, 06:36:00 pm »
Rhonald , you bet ! Qing was also worried about me catching this Swine Flu , since it is in Calif . as well . These Women really care about your Health , if not more than their own .


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2009, 07:26:33 pm »
I was hoping the swine flu would have been a bigger deal...stopping flights from leaving China...while I was still there...but no such luck!


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2009, 08:38:37 pm »
Martin ... all you had to do was sneeze on board and wear a facemask underneath your Mexican Sombero.  :evil:


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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2009, 06:20:08 pm »
yes My future Lao Po, she *warned* me to be

Paul Todd

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Re: "Missing my Lao Po " Club
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2009, 08:10:59 pm »
I got a text message from my future lao Po warning me in Capital letters! to take care. I see Hong Kong is not taking any chances after that "sars" outbreak a few years back. A Chinese restaurant owner in London at the time said that "sars" stood for seriously "affects" retail sales  :D