Author Topic: Hubei Province, October 2009  (Read 35476 times)

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Offline maxx

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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #75 on: October 16, 2009, 07:24:24 pm »
Willy you got it right brother.Actions do speak louder then words with a Chinese women.Brett you need to up the game  a notch.Hold the lovely womens hand.Let her see you smile.

Vince G

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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #76 on: October 16, 2009, 07:46:52 pm »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='20347' dateline='1255734810'

They are more responsive to action than words.   We tend to say things that they pretend to understand.

This is correct. I am always telling my lady I want to "show" her I care though I write it a dozen times. She responds very positive to it. :icon_wink:


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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #77 on: October 16, 2009, 09:46:32 pm »
Well guys it's now morning. I don't know what my lady has planned for us today.

I've taken some great pictures of her home town from my 17th floor hotel room. The window opens which is excellent health and safety hee hee.

It's very mountainous here, and I can see the Yangtze. I think Rio must look a bit like this.

Don't worry guys, there is plenty of stuff going on that I'm not posting here :blush:.

I don't know enough Mandarin to talk to her parents, but they know I am slowly learning. Their native dialect is nothing like Mandarin. Talking to my lady about important stuff is tough going.

I am not sure how traditional they are. Mr Wu wears different slippers in the lounge and kitchen. They eat their rice at the end of the meal. They like watching soap operas.


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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #78 on: October 17, 2009, 12:36:05 am »
Brett , now that you mention it ...Qing's Parent's do the same ... eat their Rice at the end of Dinner . I wonder why that is , many times .. but never ask . At the Reataurant we eat Rice with Dinner .. strange ?
Enjoy your Adventure very much , especially the surprises you encounter . Haha

Vince G

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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #79 on: October 17, 2009, 12:55:46 am »
Maybe the rice thing is the same as our salads. When you go to a restaurant they bring the salad first before dinner. When actually it is to be the last thing to have after dinner.


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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #80 on: October 17, 2009, 02:12:24 am »
You have a point there Vince .... ones more . Haha
I find that to be true in Germany , Salad after Dinner ... not so much here in California . It's alway's Soup or Salad before . we tend to do the same at Home .
Maybe the Rice is last ... to soak up the Beer you had at Dinner-time .:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #81 on: October 17, 2009, 03:27:12 am »
I always have my rice after I have eaten although my maid serves it at the same time as dinner it is usually left to the end just to fill up any small space left.  Needless to say I always leave plenty in the bowl so it does not get refilled.   Most people here finish off with the rice so I just followed suit.


Still havn't heard the name of your lady Brett!
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 03:28:45 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #82 on: October 17, 2009, 06:17:23 am »
Oh Dear,  ...This is another of my dislikes in food, i can't stand boiled rice, apart from anything else is so dammed bland. Whenever we have rice at home, she always does me fried rice, and that's just fine by me, it's never!!



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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #83 on: October 17, 2009, 09:40:31 am »
Wow, another lovely day with my lady.

This morning I did not feel good. Perhaps yesterday's food was too spicy, or perhaps it was the cooking oil or maybe I ate too much delicious Chinese potato.

When my lady arrived at the hotel we went out and bought a small mouse for my computer. Later we went out later to buy a mouse mat!

We tried to change my sterling into RMB, but that's not something that you can do here on a Saturday.

Today was a searingly hot day. My lady was regretting wearing long socks hee hee. We went for a long walk along the banks of the Yangtze. We saw men fishing, swimming and doing important stuff that men like to do. We stopped and ate an orange together. This part of China is famous for oranges and green tea. The orange was delicious.

There is a nice breeze by the river, and the sky is blue. The air is clean which makes the ladies beautiful. Wow, the ladies here are staggeringly beautiful. I think it is becuase we are so near to Sichuan Province, which does of course have the tall sexy ladies. Everybody in China knows this.

In the afternoon we returned to the hotel. My lady installed QQ for me, then spent a long time chatting to her friends. They loved the photos I had taken of her. I am glad that she is talking about me with her friends, it is critical that they approve of us.

In the evening we went out. We stopped by a music store. I stocked up on Jolin Tsai CDs and DVDs. Then we went to a nice restaurant. We sat in a nice private booth. I had eel with rice. My lady had a sizzlingly hot steak. She wolfed the steak down but left the broccoli. Ha! Even the Chinese hate broccoli. The restaurant had a soundtrack of classic 80's pop. My lady is indeed an excellent singer. Wow, such a beautiful voice.

The waitress in the restaurant was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. My goodness. I could not keep my eyes off her. She was totally exotic looking, and flawlessly beautiful. Hmm, I may get in trouble with my lady soon, although she does like it when I tell her that the ladies in her home city are the best in China. Gentlemen if you don't yet have a lady, then book a flight to Chongqing immediately!

I am going to find it hard to go back home. I need to think about moving to Asia. I'm not sure I could live here though. It would be very strange to be the only white guy in Hubei Province. And the trafffic noise is bad. Maybe I will look for an expat job in Shanghai or Hong Kong.

I am now back at the hotel and have been told to get an early night. Tomorrow it is an early start so we can take in a cruise down the Yangtze and see the 3 Gorges.

I am now on QQ. Gentlemen, your ladies have QQ on their mobile phones, so don't take any crap from them about not being able to use it.

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #84 on: October 17, 2009, 09:51:05 am »
Actually, are there any ladies under 40 who don't use QQ? I haven't found one yet.

Great trip Brett, keep it coming :icon_cheesygrin:
Go deep or don't go


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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #85 on: October 17, 2009, 10:11:31 am »
Brett , I see you are alway's seem to be looking at all the other Women around you .. even when with your Lady ( what is Her name ) . Not to worry , I have done the same thing on my first Trip to Shanghai . It really is like walking into a candy Store and you don't know what looks and taste the best . But , you must not over do it . Don't give your Lady any " Hints " your not 100 % with Her .
I also enjoy your Trip very much , especially someones first . Can't wait for the photo's .


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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #86 on: October 17, 2009, 10:39:40 am »
Ha ha ha my lady knows how much I love her. I even bought a mouse mat with her name on it :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:.

BTW, the stuff about the other ladies here, well it is for you guys of course! It works the other way of course - there is a sizeable amount of stuff I'm not posting here!!!
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 10:43:44 am by brett »

Offline JimB

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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #87 on: October 17, 2009, 10:46:19 am »

Sorry to not have written but it has been crazy since returning after so long of an absence.  I am really glad you are having a good time and enjoying it.  Wuhan is different.  My wife is originally from there so she and your lady will have something in common.  I will pm you her phone number.  I thought I did already but just in case.  I am thoroughly enjoying your trip with you.  You write well.  Did you get a chance to see if she washed her clothes in the hotel?  That is always a good sign. LOL.  I got the biggest kick out of that. And yes mine took everything the hotel had to offer.  But so do I.  Even a face towel because it was so hot I had to wipe the sweat off.  Anyway. Keep it up and tell us "everything".  We all did so it is your turn. lol.  Continue to have a great trip.

Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #88 on: October 18, 2009, 09:32:30 am »
Today was another good day. We got up very early (well for a Sunday that is!) and went to find the bus to the 3 Gorges Ferry terminal. The bus set off. My goodness, my lady had a huge todo with the tour guide using the strange local dialect (which reminds me of Swedish). Big panic, we are on the wrong bus!!!

Wow, we sprint back to the bus terminal and make it just in time for the right bus!

The bus takes us to a small boat terminal. Wow, the terminal is next to a phosphate spoil heap. Actually, that's not quite true - the terminal is in a phosphate spoil heap. We pick our way over huge piles of phosphate ore. I make a note that my lady's region is famous for oranges, green tea and now phosphate.

We have a boat trip down the Yangtze. It is raining, my lady is cold (so am I!!!) and the Chinese are not good boat mates! But I am blown away by the beauty of the Yangtze. I take many photos. I take so many photos I panic about running out of SD cards! It's fun to see the ships going up and down the Yangtze. Hmm, breathing their fumes was less fun.

Eventually we get out and go to a small local restaurant for lunch. It's totally mad and very basic. But the spicy potato dish was fantastic. The rest was so-so. There is a temple there. There are some lovely buildings. I am sorry I have no idea where we were, so I can't tell you where it was! There are a 400 year old man and woman in glass cases - maybe like the one abigbutt saw in Changsha. And there is a 1700 year old tree. There was also a horrifying gents toilet, the one with no cubicle doors. I took a sneaky photo to amaze the folk back home.

As the only Westerner in Hubei Province I had the honour of being photographed with a very attractive young lady. My lady thought this was very amusing. I hope she puts the photo of me and her on her wall hee hee!

After that the mystery tour resumed. It was a mystery as I didn't ask my lady what the destination was. It was more fun that way. My lady ate several items of fruit on the bus.

We ended up at the 3 Gorges Dam. There is strict airport type security. I don't know why, as you're not going to blow up the dam with a rucksack sized bomb. We went to a visitor centre. I saw some first rate Chinglish. I took plenty of photos of the lady. The dam was OK but the weather was not, so it was difficult to get good photos. The massive ship locks are impressive. The main dam is not much to look at to be honest. The gift shop prices were outrageous. Come to think of it, the tour really was a trip round several guideshops that happened to have good views beside them. After that we went to two more gift shops. One was next to a small park with some of the equipment used to build the dam. My lady was hungry again. I bought her some meat on a stick and some kind of other thing. I gave it a miss as it looked like the stuff Homer Simpson buys at the Quick-E-Mart.

After the trip we had a rest in the hotel. In the evening we went to a Sichuan Hotpot restaurant. It was pretty good. My lady has an unbelievable appetite. I don't know where she fits it in as she has the body of a teenager.

My lady is very tired today and so am I, so not much is going on. Her mother is going to buy my mother a gift. I need to talk about important stuff with my lady. But I find it very difficult to talk about such stuff when she is here. I don't yet know the depth of her English vocabulary. When I write Chinese I like to write things several times to get a good translation. Wow, even talking about mundane stuff like travel plans has been tough going. My voice is also very bad, maybe too much pollution.

I should not get too disheartened though. The aim of this trip was to determine if I want a Chinese wife, and if so, if this lady is the one for me. I am satisfied on both counts. Whether I push for an engagement now or whether I wait until later in the year I don't know. I only have 2 more days with my lady. I think I will wait to see how the talk with her mother turns out. I have 17 days more leave left from work so a return trip is possible. Maybe I also need to think about stuff back in England.

I asked my lady about QQ. I am still certain that everyone has it on their mobile, so my fellow brothers shouldn't take any rubbish about ladies not having it.

My cough has come back. There is a motto - man with bad lungs no live in China.


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RE: Hubei Province, October 2009
« Reply #89 on: October 18, 2009, 10:07:30 am »
Nice read Brett , I'm enjoying your Trip .

I would also wait with the Engagement , she is not going nowhere fast , after you leave . Before you  go though , try to get her Ring-size somehow ( by checking her finger and compareing it with your's ) . So you can bring it with you on your return Trip . Keep her happy and smiling till then . It also give you a chnace to take it all in , what that Trip has meant to you all together . Is this the Woman , that I want to give this Ring to ?
Only two more day's ? Make the best of them and see if you find out what her name is by then . :angel:  Ms. ----- Wu ?
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 10:09:35 am by Arnold »