Author Topic: On and off  (Read 1597 times)

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Offline Jimmy

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On and off
« on: October 23, 2009, 12:41:26 am »
Well Li and I have been on and off so many times that this time I felt glad for it to be off. So thanks guys for all the help and encouragement over the past year. I have decided to leave it off with her and have ended my search.
She got a little psyco on me last night again and gave me an ultimatum again and I made my choice. She again tried to makeup this morning as she always does and I cant do it.  Hey I did it with her for almost a year and spent many hours and dollars. Don't get me wrong I'm not happy about it, I just not all torn up like I would have been a month ago.
I'm 53 years old and have 4 young children to raise 7,10,12 and 15 and being alone with them I should continue to stay very busy. And if a nice lady were to come my way I would not run her off,but I am tired of looking.
I have a trip to China planned for next year maybe I will move it from January to the spring when its not so cold and go anyway.
The way you guys that have been talk about it, sounds like a great vacation anyway.

Anyway not looking for advice and I know I'm a pain in the ass most of the time but every disfunctional family needs one right.
Just lettin you all know where I'm at with things. I know a couple of you like me ok.
Think I'll go Fishin
Jimmy Henson


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RE: On and off
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 01:05:01 am »
Jim , sorry this is how things went with Li ... but who needs all this ON and OFF at a start of a relationship anyway ? It's bad enough during . It will take a special Lady for you and your four young Children , by any means . She is somewhere , please don't stop looking ... don't your Children need a Mother again to Love them as they grow up ?

Second , yes ... you should go to visit China anyway , you wont be sorry .
« Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 01:05:33 am by Arnold »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: On and off
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2009, 04:34:36 am »
Arnold, a saying says that most of time, when man doesn't look for love, love comes to him naturally :)
So. All we can hope and wish to you, Jimmy, is that you can find your love, whatever it would be tomorrow, in a street near your home, maybe for Christmas (whiile buying presents for your children ^^) or later.
But anyway, the brotherhood's still here for you. If you need anything, you know where to knock ;)
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