Author Topic: Here we go Again...  (Read 8602 times)

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Offline Irishman

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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2009, 08:15:06 pm »
Fair play Rob, its respectful and from the heart, I hope he reads it with an open mind.
How will he read it though?, did you write it in Chinese, does Keren speak English enough to translate the meaning well to him?, this is kind of letter will be very hard to translate and keep the feeling and meaning intact.
It might be an idea to write that as an emf to her and add a note to the translator stating that you wished they would make a written translation and seal it up for the father. The translators are people too, i honestly think Keren's one will have her heart warmed by your story with her and might go the extra mile to help, worth a try mate.
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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2009, 08:20:17 pm »

As i understand it, he is getting his Chinese teacher to translate it, and is posting the letter via ''Snail Mail'' to the parents address in China...


Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2009, 12:51:14 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Rob happy belated birthday.  Sorry I dod not send our wishes earlier but these last few days I have been packing up my apartment and driving my effects to my sister in another province through the rocky mtns.  I have been a little out of touch.

As for your letter to her father Rob, I have to say nicely done!!  You expressed yourself well and brought out many valid points without being rude or intrusive.  I would say you should expect some form of reply and hopefully its a positive one.

Good luck my friend we are all rooting for you.


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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2009, 04:45:29 pm »
Happy Birthday Rob, and I sincerely hope all works out with you.  I went through the same thing, except at least you got an explanation, I got nothing at all, so I moved on.  But, perhaps all will work out and if it doesn't, we perhaps it wasn't meant to be and there is somthing better down the line.  I truly hope all works out for you bro.  Scares the hell out of me to try agian, but I am anyway.  (I never learn)


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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #49 on: October 20, 2009, 04:55:58 pm »
Right guys a little update...

As per Ronan's discussion on translation, I decided the best way to do this with the letters... was his way.  Later that night this was done and sent.  Now it's just the wait...I won't hold my breath, however, I half expected a reply later the next day as she usually does, but up to now , NO REPLY.  I am hoping that the old adage is right... 'No news is good news...'

The letter included a note to the translator asking if she would translate it and seal in an envelope for Keren to give to her father.  A letter to Keren asking to PLEASE deliver it, and the letter to her father that you all saw.

As a true romantic I realised THIS letter IS my last chance...Sorry if some think I should have let it go, BUT as I mentioned within the letter to her dad, I could not give up without a REAL FIGHT it is after all my decision...If I lose or get hurt as a result it is my fault.  Someone said, and I cannot remember who it was, that a fight is worth fighting, if the rewards are there, but, if only one party is 'fighting' IS it worth fighting then??  He was right of course...I only hope that I am proved right, just this once...

I read what Chinese Knot said to me in a Pm about the thread and my questions.  He basically told me that (if I am reading between the lines RIGHT here) it is HER and not the family.  But he also said this was HIS opinion... So this news was not good for me, so I wait now...

No matter what way this turns out, I am settled in my mind.  As you can possibly imagine it was all over the place these last few days.  I am going on with my plans...3 weeks and 3 days I leave the UK to continue my life in China.

Oh BTW just a note for you guys .  I got an email from CS Mike tonight he asked me to say HI to you all...
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 05:01:03 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Offline JimB

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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #50 on: October 20, 2009, 05:21:20 pm »
Rob, you did everything you could.  So you can rest easy on that, you tried your best and if it doesnt work out, it was not meant to be.  My mother has always told me that everything happens for a reason.  I know guys here have said it too, but I have heard it all of my life.  My divorce was a killer but without it I never would have met my wonderful, beautiful LaoPo.  You will too.  By the by happy belated birthday.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 05:27:32 pm by JimB »
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Offline Josh Markley

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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #51 on: October 20, 2009, 05:28:41 pm »
Hey Rob,

Sorry to hear about your misfortunes.  I do not know the full story since i have been gone so long.  Can you point me in the direction what section you discussed what happened i would like to read about it.  Or you can send me a pm.  Thanks man.  And good luck you will find your real love i believe its out there.
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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #52 on: October 20, 2009, 08:14:41 pm »

Don't feel like you are disappointing those who told you to run.  You need to be true to you.  When I throw out an idea to the brotherhood I expect different answers.  It helps me to decided either what I am already feeling or there may be a group of different ideas that blend well but I look for the thing that sets well with me.  The best example of that that I can show you is JimB. He listened to everyone when he asked about Qingqing then realized there was only one way that would work for him.  He did great.

Just be true to yourself and don't worry about the rest,


Offline Irishman

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RE: Here we go Again...
« Reply #53 on: October 20, 2009, 08:26:38 pm »
Rob, you are giving it your best shot, you can hold no regrets, I'm hugely in admiration for how well you are handling this, you can go to China to follow your dreams with your head held high mate - and with an attitude like yours, i have no doubt at all that a bonnie lass is just waiting there for a fun loving Scotsman to sweep her off her feet.
I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason as Jim says, may the road rise to meet you as the aul blarney would say ;)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 08:30:05 pm by Irishman »
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.