Author Topic: My dad just got diagnosed with prostate cancer.....  (Read 2736 times)

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Offline Johnboy

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RE: My dad just got diagnosed with prostate cancer.....
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2009, 09:46:07 am »
Hello Irishman,

I'm very sad to hear about your dad, but please be assured it's not all 'doom and gloom' by any means and the huge advances in recent years of medical knowledge and the treatment of prostate cancer have meant that most suffers are now able to live a much longer and much more comfortable life than was previously possible.

Also, the example given by Josh is, these days, very much the exception to the rule - unless you are a man of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity where the mortality rate is much higher -  as conventional medical wisdom is that men with prostate cancer are much more likely to die from old-age related illnesses than the actual cancer itself.

So, just to echo what Shaun, Buzz and others have said here.  Paramountly, it is very important to get a second or even third opinion about your dad as quickly as possible and I would suggest you get that from a consultant who specializes in prostate cancer, which should not be too difficult for you as there are some excellent medical faculties in Dublin.  Annexed to that, staying positive and thinking positively yourself, and keeping your dad focused on being positive - in ways that he doesn't even realize you are doing it.  Lastly, sharing love and happiness, even when what you are feeling is fear and confusion, because others pick up on love and happiness and want to be a part of it.  I'm sure you've been there yourself and know what I mean.

My good thoughts and wishes are with you,

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)