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Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« on: October 22, 2009, 06:24:30 am »
After all the shit that went on about Keren and I.  You all know how bad and hurt I feel and still do.  Well I decided that so this would maybe help towards stopping this type of thing happening again.  I sent a letter of complaint to the Customer Care (CC) team about the way things transpired for me.

My name is Robert O'Donnell, my account number is CM6733276.

The lady I contacted is Kathy (Ke Ren) Wang, the agency she is from is the one in Qingdao...

On November 30th 2009 I received a reply to a cupid I had sent to this lady the day before. I only started sending emf's to her from December 24th 2008. From then until now I have sent nearly 150 emf's to her, and she has responded on 130 occasions.

In this time our relationship grew and we got closer, so 'we' thought a visit would be a good thing. I purchased plane tickets to the tune of £663.00 (7293 Yuan), I sent her £200.00 (2200 Yuan) to book a hotel. I have got the Visa which cost £90.00 (990 Yuan) I asked my lady to marry me and she agreed. So I have also bought presents for her and her family, this is not to mention the amount of credits that has been bought by me, which is somewhere in the region of 300, please check your records for the right amount.

I was due to go to Qingdao on November 15th 2009

Anyway I received this letter from her today 13th October...

I feel cheated by this lady because I find it shocking, irresponsible and cruel, just three words that spring to mind. Whatever her intentions were, the damage is criminal. A year of my life has been wasted. In the exchange of 280 letters, she needed to discuss her main worry, which she KNEW was potentially relationship-breaking. To not do that is, at best, irresponsible, and, at worst, cruel. No one deserves to be treated like this. How dare she close the door on you, not even allowing for the possibility of discussion. Family loyalty is one thing, but this is the final insult.  Ke Ren had looked at my profile and saw everything about me. i explained to her about me being only 143 cms tall she is 160 cms tall. She told me this would not be a problem We discussed this on many occasions and still 'she' came back with It's Ok

I sincerely hope I can dust myself off and find an HONEST woman, whose relationship is more important to her than the ignorant opinions of family members.

Here is her final letter...

I received the STANDARD reply, been sent to.  3 letters have been exchanged between CC and I so far...  Below is the one I received from them this morning !!!

Dear Rob,

Ni hao! Thanks again for your message. Firstly, we would like to thank you for your patience on this issue. Hope things are getting better.

Please be informed that we have forwarded your request to our Intendance Dept. They will contact the agency, P656 and try to collect this info during their investigation. Again, we would appreciate your patience at the moment. Once they have the result, we will contact you by email earliest.

On the other hand, though the problem seems to be caused by the communication between you and your lady, considering the lady, P656032 - Kathy Wang's insincerity during your communication and the negative effect she had caused to you, our Intendance Dept has hidden her profile from Chnlove. In this way, she will not receive more letters from other gentlemen, or use our service anymore. And before this problem is solved, we will not post her profile again and reserve the right to terminate her membership completely from Chnlove. Please setyour heart at rest.

Again, thanks for your time and support to our service. If you have other question or concern, please feel free to contact us, we will be glad to help you.

Kind regards,

Flora Tsui
Chnlove Customer Care

Will let you know further details when I get them:icon_biggrin:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 06:57:42 am by Scottish_Rob »

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 06:29:37 am »
I hope they come good for something.  The problem with these investigations, is its too easy for an agency to cover its tracks.

Offline victor-hills

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 07:18:10 am »
Rob im a bit lost here did you not wright her dad a letter trying to change his mind about you being a short guy so you to can be togaver ill shut up if im wrong ?
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.


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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 09:20:16 am »
Yes mate wrote, sent, and delivered to the agency at least.  Decided to do it through emf, so the translator could translate the letter to her father...

Ronan's idea, which I took
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 09:23:55 am by Scottish_Rob »

Offline victor-hills

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2009, 09:25:25 am »
Sorry rob i must of missed that bit still think its a load of poo about hight geez what diffrence if you are 5 feet tall or 6 feet tall dont make you any better man for it sorry ill shut up now,all the best rob.
regards vic.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 09:26:01 am by victor-hills »
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.


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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2009, 09:32:11 am »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='20779' dateline='1256207377'

I hope they come good for something.  The problem with these investigations, is its too easy for an agency to cover its tracks.

You got that right.  I am dealing with a situation similar to that. More later once it is resolved.

Rob, be careful and notice who the send to investigate.  My first investigation report back the investigator was the manager of the agency.  Can you guess what he said?  Anyone? Hmmmmm???   There are not any problems here!!!
I told them to try again and use a real investigator.  Not heard back yet.


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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2009, 09:33:05 am »
Mate I know this sound stupid...And I don't mean to bring the forum into this kind of topic.  But Ladies EVERYWHERE (I Think) well all the British woman do)) relate height to the size your your dangler...

Even the old adage 'it's not the size it's what you can do with it that counts...' Does not really make a difference UNTIL they sleep with you and find out

Sorry for being blunt guy's...


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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2009, 10:26:27 am »
Hmm, this is a sad story. I hope it has a happy ending. From my limited experience, however, I would add that Chinese women do seem reluctant at bringing up important topics to discuss. I don't know if other brothers have experienced similar issues.

Offline wilsbrough

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2009, 02:04:56 pm »
Hi Rob.

I hope you get something good out of this in the end..:)

You say you have your plane ticket and visa paid for? Maybe you are anyway, but why not still go? You will have a great time, even if it is just a sight seeing visit, maybe you could go to the agency and see if they have any other ladies to hook you up with? Failing that, you could meet up with brothers who are out there, and who knows, either they or their wives/girlfriends could have a friend to introduce you too? Just a thought...:icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 02:06:02 pm by wilsbrough »
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!


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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2009, 02:07:11 pm »
It's all set Wills...I'm Still going there and going to take up a job offer that I have...Just have to speak to them in person while I'm there...:icon_cheesygrin:

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2009, 02:27:03 pm »
Glad too hear... Go for it bro, you'll love it...Try not to eat too much bao zi  :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 02:27:20 pm by wilsbrough »
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!

Offline David E

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2009, 07:10:06 pm »

It begins to look like CHNLove will blame the whole saga on KeRen....saying she is the only one cheating, banning her from the Site..."so solly Mr Rob"........"what more can we do "

I am sure the "Intendance Department" will do their usual trick...which is to make sure that their "intendance" is NOT to give you any refunds. !!!!!...but cover the whole thing in Beaurocratic Bull****it.

Put this one down to experience Mate and move on...lotta good stuff heading your way over the next few months :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:




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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2009, 07:26:12 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='20811' dateline='1256253006'


It begins to look like CHNLove will blame the whole saga on KeRen....saying she is the only one cheating, banning her from the Site..."so solly Mr Rob"........"what more can we do "

I am sure the "Intendance Department" will do their usual trick...which is to make sure that their "intendance" is NOT to give you any refunds. !!!!!...but cover the whole thing in Beaurocratic Bull****it.

Put this one down to experience Mate and move on...lotta good stuff heading your way over the next few months :icon_cheesygrin



Yeah mate...I checked she has been hidden...:icon_biggrin:

I am sure that there was a member before who was scammed, and he threatened them with 'Someone' in a higher (Government I think) office or something like that, but cannot remember who it was?:huh:

But yeah that's what I'm gonna have to do mate...

And your right there is a lot of good things heading my way.:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Although and I think this is funny now, I got an admire letter from a lady in Beijiing so I answered it.  However, I had already sent a cupid to this lady in Guangxi and She' responded so I did what any red blooded male would do...I responded to her:dodgy:..   NOW (lol) when I also responded to the lady in Beijiing, I mentioned the other lady's name, and thanked her for the answer to my cupid?...Are you following me?:huh:  So earlier today while I was going through the letters and reading them, I realised this mistake and thought OH SHIT (lol):blush: So it bloody cost me another credit to send the lady Beijiing):@  But it's ok i may have retrieved the situation...I sent her a long (long) letter of apology, (full of remorse etc) I even specifically mentioned things from both her admire letter and also her profile, so hopefully this will work:icon_biggrin:

Offline David E

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2009, 08:21:42 pm »
Hahaha Rob

When you write to gotta keep good records or you get confused !!!!!....been there, done that !!!



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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2009, 05:14:58 pm »
An email I received tonight once I logged on...It's from Jennifer the AGENCY BOSS
I have responded with an email back to her...In it I was calm, and collected
But first the email from her...

I really don't know what you are doing now?
This side, you are so nice to ask my help about your coming to Qingdao, other side, you complain to chnlove, think everything is our fault, what did I do to hurt you so bad, so you must hurt me back? I can say I am the best agency of chnlove , I know you have so many net friend who you know from this site, they told me, so please go and ask them, if they did come to qingdao, ask them what kind of agancy we are, ask them what kind of person I am, I am honest and kind, I never cheat people, but you forget one important thing, that is I can't control my ladies, how can I???
Ke Ren decided to break up with you, this doesn't mean she is cheater, or we were lie to you, people always have right to choose, right?????  I know you spend a lot of money on writing her letters, this just like----if you dating with a girl in England your country, you spend a lot of money to invited her for dinner, flowers, dating and so on, when you guys break up, you will ask all the money back from that girl???? Really??? If you do, I don't think any girl wants you, because that's is such stingy, I don't believe you will do that.
See, this is the same thing, you spend a lot of money on writing her, but when you guys break up, you want her pay you back??? Is that really you want? Today, when she told me, she said, You just break her last love from her heart, she can't image she fall in love with a stingy man like this, she is so dispointed, I know you think you gave the money to the website, but this is why she can have a translator to talk to you, how can you do that?????  And in fact, the letter were destroy, very simple, because the father angry with her, he did.
Rob, I can't charge you, because I don't have the power, but you need to learn that let it go, let it go, things happened, you can't get her back, so take it, I know it's hard for you, but all you did now, hurt me, hurt her more, and you get nothing result, the only thing I can tell you, nobody cheat on you, you just get hurt from your own feeling, if you change your mind, you will find there are many more girls is waiting for you, and there will be just a right one there.
We are chinese, I know so people got cheated from chinese, that doesn't mean every chinese will cheat on you, and you can't look down us, because your country also have many cheater, everywhere in this world, always good people, bad people, you can't charge people before you meet them.
I am very upset now , because I am ready to help you, but got so many complain for the web, because you, I don't know how can you do that????
Why you just can't be a easy person, let it go, let it go, when you are so tigh, nobody want to close to you, because we don't know if we can't make you happy, you will punish us, but you don't have the right to do that, you don't have the right to hurt people who is willing to help you.
Think about my words, and ask some men who already been here, and we can talk again next time.
Nice day
My response to this email...

See Jennifer, I knew something like this would happen because of my 'Complaint' to Chnlove.  This is why in our recent correspondence I wanted to meet up with you, as I mentioned to you 'We can talk about this then', remember...

I don't know why you think this of me..I HAVE NOT set out to hurt you or your agency

Firstly please let me explain my side to you then you can make up your mind about me and my reasons for my actions..

There will be some words that I am putting in capital letters Jennifer, this is just so I can emphasize these points, please don't think I am shouting.  I am writing this letter to you in a controlled and calm manner.

First... let me tell you I DID NOT complain ABOUT YOU or your agency...
I have a couple of friends that have been there to your agency and I have heard nothing but praise about how good it is.

Second, WHAT I complained about was the way I FEEL I was LEAD ON by KEREN..

IF you look at your records you will see that I first contacted Keren on 30th November 2008.  I done this by sending a cupid note to her, because she looked so beautiful and I was so attracted to her.  After she responded to to this note, I wrote a proper letter to her on 24th December and from then until 13th October we sent over 280 Emf's each way.  I sent to her 150, and she responded by sending me 130 back, of this I have each letter to and from each other.

Now, from the very first letter I told Keren about my height 143 cms, which I knew 'COULD' possibly be a problem.  I done this because I had spoken to another lady some months before and she told me her father did not approve, but this was done after only 8 letters to her and 8 letters back to me.  That ladies name I have and the province she lives in.  I did NOT complain about that lady, and 'WHY', the reason will become clear.

I am a good Western man Jennifer, please believe this.  If Keren had told me 'I don't fancy you' or 'It will not work out' then I could have accepted this gracefully.  In MANY of our letters to and from Keren we spoke about my height, because I ASKED her to make sure it was ok.  In every response I was told, "My family love you, or miss you...YOUR HEIGHT IS NOT A PROBLEM..DON'T WORRY"  I have copies of all the letters that were sent to me, I can 'show them to you' if this is what you want.

Jennifer yes I am hurt about 'our' split...IF, as I have said, I was told that this 'Height thing' would have been a problem many months ago, I would have WALKED AWAY, AND THANKED HER FOR HER HONESTY.  However, she has taken 42 weeks (294 days), or 9 months and 2 weeks, to TELL me there was a problem, BUT SHE NEVER DONE THIS...Until the 12th October 2009.

In that 9 and a half months of communicating with her I fell completely head over heels in love with her.
I have never been outside my country before, in fact I have only ever been an a Plane once in my life.  Now since I got to know her, I decided that I would come there for a visit.  So I bought a passport, and visa,  I bought the plane ticket to Qingdao, and as you know, I sent her money to pay for the hotel...  I also made arrangements to LIVE and TEACH in QINGDAO because I did not want to take her away from HER FAMILY OR SURROUNDINGS...

Now Keren and I were in love I felt that I asked her to marry me...She said yes.  So I applied and paid for my single status declaration certificate and got it translated in mandarin, because 'WE' planned to get married when I got there.  You are correct Keren does have the right to change her mind...And yes you are right that in England we will pay for flowers and date a lady, taking her to dinner etc.  But there is a difference here.  SHE did not split from me because of the reasons I mentioned, SHE split with me because her father did not approve of my HEIGHT...Surely even you can see the difference?  YOU said in this email to me "you can't charge people before you meet them", Jennifer HER FATHER DID.  He looked down on ME, That man did not know me, nor give me the chance for him to get to know me..

I am NOT being Stingy here, please believe this.  If i was being 'Stingy' I would not have booked the plane and spent all that money, now would I?

Jennifer, there are things that maybe YOU DON'T know?  In a few of my letters I asked for a Webcam view for us to meet 'face to face', she would not do it?  I asked for phone number (she gave this to me) but would not answer her phone after the first or 2nd call.  I asked for Yahoo address so there was another way of communicating (she gave me this) but only answer a couple of times.  SHE did not make any effort.  I KNOW WHAT the money is paid for and I AGREE with it.  However, do you not agree with me that SHE SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME EARLIER?  SAY ROUND ABOUT FEBRUARY 2009???

I sent Keren the letters to Keren's father so see if there was achance that I could get him to change his mind..Keren DID not even have the decency to contact me and say "NO, he won't change his mind" or " I cannot show him the letters...I was being Sincere, and I know Sincerity in your country is huge, where was Kerens sincerity towards me?

I am resigned that Keren and I are over

I have not done this thing to be TIGHT or to HURT you...YOU MUST SEE MY POINT OF VIEW.

I am still coming to Qingdao, and my search is now on for another lady...If you would help then it will be appreciated, if you don't want to help, that is fine too...  My next lady will be starting with me on a clean slate..I do not take things out of anyone from something that was done to me before...

I have read your words and thinking on them, give me the curtiousy of doing the same with my words...I hope to see you when I arrive in your beautiful city...

« Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 05:23:53 pm by Scottish_Rob »