Author Topic: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT  (Read 5027 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2009, 05:58:20 pm »
I don't really like how Jennifer replied. If she's the agency's boss, she should had been more "curious" about your letter and tried to better understand your point of view. For sure she didn't read the letters between you and Keren, and I would say : "what a pity"...
I agree that sincerity is always "well appreciated" when man is with someone.
Whatever it is in England, or France, or any other country, well, you asked Keren if your height was a problem, she always said "no", so, if she said "yes" at the end, for sure, she wasn't honest at all..
How can Jennifer compare and saying "inviting for diner"??? If that would be like that, for sure, you would have known about your height, if that would be a problem or not... Ok, you can send flowers without seeing her, but.... "dating/inviting to diner"... ====> lol ; that means you will have a "face to face" with the lady... Keren didn't let you any chance about it in her last letter... even Jennifer isn't really "honest" (I think).
You are a nice guy, you waited many months and did many things to show Keren you loved her..
Well.. to see that the agency doesn't want to "give you back" even half your credits, I just think that is purely "commercial business"...
I don't know how you can feel now, Rob, but now, for sure, Jennifer must understand your point of view.
Whatever you sent money to Keren or not, it is anyway your choice.

Well. I just hope things could be in your "side" and that Jennifer will understand your point of view. If not, you still can "reload" your complaint about chnlove, saying there's really something wrong...
As I read again Jennifer's letter, for sure, she doesn't really seem to help you. Sorry but it's my point of view... :-/
« Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 05:59:51 pm by Sylvain D »
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2009, 09:22:20 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='20787' dateline='1256218385'

Mate I know this sound stupid...And I don't mean to bring the forum into this kind of topic.  But Ladies EVERYWHERE (I Think) well all the British woman do)) relate height to the size your your dangler...

Even the old adage 'it's not the size it's what you can do with it that counts...' Does not really make a difference UNTIL they sleep with you and find out

Sorry for being blunt guy's...

Sorry Rob I thought it was the size of your feet they checked on.

I hope I am right because wearing shoes 3 sizes too large for years and it has ruined my feet but given other parts lots of comfort!!!  :icon_cheesygrin:

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2009, 04:53:09 am »
I do agree with what Mike has to say, but Mike, i do not I do not believe that Rob is actually blaming the agency here at all, but more so Karen, and i too would possibly have written a letter to Chnlove telling them about how she led me on, as it is their customer care we write to and not the affiliated agency right?  I think that Karen is definitely the one at fault here, and Rob is just looking for answers, And Karen did let this go on way too long before she said something, she new from the start about Robs height, and it was not an issue. Surely she must have mentioned something to the family before letting it go on this long? She must have told them about Rob right? I mean she agreed to marry him, so they must have asked her questions about him? And then to do this in the 11th hour? Seem a little suss to me, Ok, i know that if you read some of my posts, i kinda can be a little quick to think something is going on behind my back, but Rob, have you only heard from Karen that this was the issue? We all know that the Chinese and their families are all about respect, family loyalty etc, do you think that this excuse could have been a ''get out'' excuse so no other questions would be asked? I hate to say it but maybe there was another reason to why Karen ended things but she used the height/family one as she thought it may be easier than telling the real reason? I'm sure i'm wrong, but just a thought...

« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 04:58:10 am by wilsbrough »
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!


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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2009, 05:57:17 am »
It's over...It was never about the agency!!!!

Just to add... In a sense I agree with Jennifer to some extent, the ladies has the RIGHT to change her mind.  However Keren DID NOT change her mind, HER father changed HER mind, because of ego/face call it what you will.

The reason I posted the email was to show the brothers that they chnlove will not blame their women, it is all our fault!!!
She called me Stingy, I was the one who spent the money on these things, not Jennifer or Keren!
She called me tight?   If I was tight, there was no way I would have spent what I did to send emf's, birthday present, flowers, presents for the family etc etc.

I posted this email because I was angry that from HER viewpoint, SHE has the gall to BLAME fault that my 'feelings' were hurt?  This was Kerens lies that caused this not me...

I sent her an email today telling her I have requested that Chnlove drop my complaint.  WHY?? BECAUSE I knew I need to be on good terms with them..It Fucking stinks!!!  But, this one is GETTING put down to experience.

The truth of the matter is and if you read the my response to the email from Jennifer IT was about the truth from Keren...

Mods please close
« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 08:45:38 am by Scottish_Rob »

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2009, 05:39:11 am »
Rob, you have every reason to be angry with Ke Ren, she was looking for it and hurt you badly, there is absolutely no excuse, not for such a long time. It's a pity you can't get back at her, unfortunaltely your anger is now hurting the agency who came clean it seems. After all we expect them to translate  honestly, and it seems they did. I find the agency' reference to dating at home quite realistic, it will quickly cost a few hundred Euro to get to know a girl in France between going out, flowers etc ... and you have no guarante of sincerity or anything else as a matter of fact.

So even if I would like to say that you should get your credits back, I do appreciate you a lot and sent an EMF to support your case with Ke Ren,I don't think that you are entitled to get the credits reimbursed because neither the Chnlove service or the agency are at fault. It's all about Ke Ren, and you can't hold anyone else responsible for her failure to be truthful other than her. Chnlove could push some free credits your way because with 280 EMF's, you're a really good customer, but I think that is all one could expect.

I would even suggest writing to Chnlove customer service and making clear to them that you are not unhappy with the agency, just unhappy with the girl who was dishonest. Business is hard for everyone in China, and I think you are hurting that agency now.

Also on a side note, I would recommend to make your peace with the disappointment and let your heart heal before engaging in new adventures. You will make the wrong choices if your heart is still bleeding, unless you're only looking to be comforted which you will probably achieve when writing to new ladies, but then you're poising yourself to hurt them in the future, well what I mean is: just be careful, for yourself too, ok mate?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 05:44:41 am by Voiceroveip »
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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2009, 07:17:46 am »
Yes Rob has every reason to be angry.

But now I have been to China I understand. It is a hard place to live. I don't know if money was the motive here. But if you can make a little extra money from a Westerner then of course you're going to take that opportunity.

Today my lady told me her income from her job. For a 50 hour week she gets 1000 RMB a month. That was a revelation to me. China is a cheaper place to live than the UK, but it's not that much cheaper.


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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2009, 08:21:15 am »
Voice...The day after I got the email from the agency I sent one 2 off myself...

One to Jennifer to APOLGIZE because IT WAS NOT HER OR THE AGENCY.
And the second one to Customer Care to tell them to drop it.

After speaking to a couple of the guys through PM, I realized that I needed the agency (maybe?).

So I have chalked this down to experience, and have moved on.

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2009, 08:24:42 am »
Hehe yes the agency could be of great value!
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Offline Proteus

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2009, 09:33:14 am »
Hello Robert, your story is one of the few that make my heart sink because it brings a lot of memory back to my mind. I know some men who were hurt more deeply than you were but kept gentle silence. I appreciate both their tolerance and your courage. And I even know some Chinese women who lost more than you did in their sad stories ( in some cases even their chastity ). They either lack your courage or have no such custom care to seek for help as that you have turned to. Rationally speaking, I have neither the least nor the most sympathy on your story. Personally speaking, come on boy, we are always beside you!

I don't believe truth will be finally revealed in your story. By truth I mean Keren's and Jennifer's real thoughts and their private communication. If I let doubt or trust control my mind, I can weave totally opposite versions of your story with added details from my imagination. Perhaps her father does have a strong control in her life or perhaps it’s a one of the usual tricks to reject less qualified candidates when the time to make big decisions comes. I believe you’ll never know who truly deserves the blame in your story unless you have some super power to look into people’s heart. So let it go.

The reason you pay for EMFs is that they are done by human beings instead of machines. The superiority of human beings over machines, I believe, is heart. I understand the responsibility of an agency or a translator is difficult to define. But I don’t expect double standard. If we translators choose to jump aside and say, “it’s not my fault. I just do my work.” when cheating occurs, we ought to jump aside and say, “it’s not my effort. I just do my work.” when applause of success welcomes us.

Anyways I wish you enjoy a nice trip, preferably on your own, for sight-seeing. Take it easy, love and marriage is not something we can rush into.


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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2009, 05:40:44 am »
After my apologies to Jennifer, I asked her if I would still be collected at the airport, and if she was still getting me a hotel sorted.  Here is her answer...

Sorry Rob:
I didn't have computer for few days, sorry reply late.
I understand your feeling, that's why I will try my best to help you find your way in Qingdao if you are really coming.
China is a good country, but it's not that good like you thought, I will try to find you a job, and I already arranged a place so that you can live for a month, and then after you find your way here, you can move out.
And I can tell you Keren is a weak woman, she doesn't know what she really want, so forget her and move on, let it go, you will find a better woman.
I am not angry, I am ok, we always friends, I just hope you can understand I can't control these ladies, they have their own ideas, it's a big pitty you lost her, but maybe it's a good thing you found out the truth before you got married.
NIce day

so this has made me feel a little at ease, it seems the 'Flat' situation is sorted...So 19 days to go, Oh and I got another email about work two hours from Qingdao too this morning.   Just sent them an email so...:icon_biggrin:

Paul Todd

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2009, 06:26:15 am »
I just replied to your flats and apartment thread, what a waste of time that was:icon_cheesygrin:
Sounds like your up and running my friend! Great news, this is just what was needed !:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:



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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2009, 07:56:02 am »
I am not a Godly sort of person guys, but I do have to say this...

"Out of the darkness comes light..."

Offline victor-hills

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2009, 08:40:25 am »
Theres allways light at the end of a tunnel rob but some times that bloody tunnal long.
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2009, 10:00:28 pm »
Quote from: 'victor-hills' pid='21161' dateline='1256647225'

Theres allways light at the end of a tunnel rob but some times that bloody tunnal long.

 Hehe, I can't but agree with that ;)

Jennifer's note is quite surprising, maybe the way things are turning out is good after all.
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Offline David E

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RE: Letters to Customer care about Keren and RESULT
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2009, 04:48:13 am »
Now and again Rob, the light at the end of the tunnel is the bloody train coming :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

But for you it is the light of sweet reason (hahahah)

Cheers Mate...thought you had sold your computer !!!!
