Author Topic: Sportsfishing in China  (Read 2647 times)

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Offline daghoi

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Sportsfishing in China
« on: October 26, 2009, 02:40:27 am »
Hi !

Do anyone know about the possibilities for sports fishing in china? Tried some search on Google all the result that I found was for manufactures of sports fishing equipment, not surprisingly ;)
Anyone that know of area’s where this is done or guide companies etc ? I would be interested both in freshwater and sea.
Understand that this is not a Chinese tradition, but curious if it was possible ?


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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2009, 06:41:10 am »
I'm not sure what I'm talking about as I don't know much about fishing. I saw a few people fishing in the Yangtze just downstream from the 3 Gorges Dam. They weren't catching anything bigger than my hand so I guess that wasn't much fun.

I also saw someone fishing in the green water of a stream in a park in Wuhan, I just pray to god that he wasn't going to eat his catch!!!

Offline daghoi

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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2009, 06:51:42 am »
Quote from: 'brett' pid='21058' dateline='1256553670'

I'm not sure what I'm talking about as I don't know much about fishing. I saw a few people fishing in the Yangtze just downstream from the 3 Gorges Dam. They weren't catching anything bigger than my hand so I guess that wasn't much fun.

I also saw someone fishing in the green water of a stream in a park in Wuhan, I just pray to god that he wasn't going to eat his catch!!!

Hi !

I was thinking about fishing for recreational purposes. The people you saw was probably going to eat whatever they catch. Noticed the same in Guangzhou, in a muddy shallow river that runs into Pearl river. A few people every time i went by, they tried to hook small fishes with some ugly fishing hooks.

Offline victor-hills

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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2009, 10:24:16 am »
Hope this helps mate
im sure there be some carp fishing there can just see my self all set up with my carp rods and all the setup that go,s with it the looks i would get lol hope you get to fish over there let us know how you get on mate i love my fishing.
oh i found this have a look mate
« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 10:35:43 am by victor-hills »
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Offline daghoi

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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2009, 02:40:07 pm »
Quote from: 'victor-hills' pid='21071' dateline='1256567056'

Hope this helps mate
im sure there be some carp fishing there can just see my self all set up with my carp rods and all the setup that go,s with it the looks i would get lol hope you get to fish over there let us know how you get on mate i love my fishing.

oh i found this have a look mate

Great thanks. Belived it was something like that out there. Still some time i will be able to do any fishing in China. I do like to fish, so it is good to have my option sorted out before i go next time.


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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2009, 09:52:27 pm »
Only fish I have seen caught was on a video and it was some sort of chinese catfish/carp, they caught it with a net and it took 5 guys to haul it to shore, but i would not consider eating it. Kinda looked like somthing from the dinosaurer days.  If were fishing there, and I also love to fish.  It would be in the ocean only, where the water is circulated, where do you think they dump all the sewerage?  Yep, you got it right into those sparkling waters that your going to fish in....:icon_cheesygrin:  
About the only thing I would do is eat from the sea, at least your going to live longer and will only get small amounts of mucury in your system.  Stick with fresh crab, oysters and other shell fish everyone that eats from wall mart can't all be wrong.  I love the oysters, but I am wondering if they grow them in the ocean or out of that
I'll let you know if I grow another arm or another set of

Offline victor-hills

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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 03:26:32 am »
lol alot us of euro guys just fish for the sport then put them back so the eating would not be the prob ie no exstra arms and ears hehe.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 03:27:20 am by victor-hills »
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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 08:53:32 pm »
Put them back....sir, I'll have you know, I have never thrown a perfectly good trout or salmon back in my life....(except when the game warden said to)....LOL LOL:blush:


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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2009, 10:19:06 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='21198' dateline='1256691212'

Put them back....sir, I'll have you know, I have never thrown a perfectly good trout or salmon back in my life....(except when the game warden said to)....LOL LOL:blush:

Stop fishing with dynamite and the game warden won't come around.


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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2009, 10:41:21 am »
Gentleman - this is Chinese sport fishing. It's like russian roulette, there is a 1 in 6 chance of getting a serious virus from whatever you catch and eat.

P.S. This was taken in a Wuhan park. God I hope he wasn't going to cook his catch!

Offline Peter

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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2009, 01:06:37 pm »
I visited a "Fishing farm" outside Changsha on my last trip. There was 2 big ponds, about 300 x 300 meters each, that was full of fishes and it was for sports-fishing. My wifes sisters husband regularly went there to have some time fishing.. The water was quite clean and the fishes quite big. I reckon about 1 or 2 kilos. There was also a restaurant th could cock your fish for dinner while you was waiting..
As equipment they used bamboo rods. I didn't figure out what they used for bait..
Sorry that I didn't take any photos on this

Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove


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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2009, 02:56:50 pm »
I thought the idea of ''Sport Fishing'' was that you put the fish that you caught, back into the water course you were fishing??!!! Or am i missing something here ??  And No, i'm not a fishing man, i haven't gone fishing since i was a boy..... Well, not fresh water fishing, i have been out sea fishing overseas with friends a good few times!!


Offline victor-hills

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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2009, 08:36:19 pm »
[my-youtube width=425 height=344][/my-youtube]David your spot on mate sport Fishing you do put back well over here you do lol.peter 1 to 2 kilos small fry lol i hade a few 30 pound mirror cap thats a fish lol ;)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 08:53:11 pm by victor-hills »
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RE: Sportsfishing in China
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2009, 09:20:40 pm »
you can also use carbide rocks, stuffed in with a lead weight into a baby food jar with a screw on lid, poke a few holes in the lid and throw it overboard.  Looks like a mine going off, and it will bring fish to the surface.
2. throw a electric line overboard and plug into generator, fire up the generator and when the fish rise, turn the generator off and take your net and collect the big ones...
3. learn to scuba dive, take nice worms and the fish will come to you, pick out what you want....

want some more tips shawn....:s:s:P

by the way, that guy in the picture with the pole has a puzzled look on his face, perhaps he needs to put bait on the hook....or used it for lol :icon_cheesygrin: