Once I was back at the reception it was time to change from my red Chinese outfit to the tuxedo shirt and bow tie. Yan also changed into our traditional western white dress. Sometime after 5:00 pm the guest started to arrive. We had 6 tables set for 12 diners each. The room had a big banner displaying one of our wedding pictures from my February trip when we registered our marriage. Displayed on two TV sets was our wedding album from the same photo session accompained to music. Yan and I were set by the entrance into the dining room to greet our guests. Just about everyone who arrived got pictures taken with us. I was always being prompted by my wife to greet the girls "Ni How" followed by "Ni zhen Piao liang". I kept wishing for our Western tradition where I could in turn kiss all the girls that passed by the wedding line. But instead I had to console myself at admiring their beauty whilst knowing that I had the most beautiful girl as my wife.
It was getting difficult to have a natural smile upon one's face after many pictures being taken. But I tried to remain relaxed and keep up a lively banter with each new arrival. Sometime after 6:30 the guests had arrived and the tables were filled, signify the start of our service. At her apartment with the red envelopes the theme was - here comes the bribe, but here now was the traditional - here comes the bride. Yan and I strolled down the aisle followed behind by Guan Han and my wife's bride maid.
The MC for our wedding had a clear loud voice and his discourse gave food for thought to the guests. Most of his speach was beyond my level of understanding as I waited for my cue. On the ride back to the reception Guan Han asked if I had a speach prepared for my wife :huh: Something else I had not the forthought for. As you guys can attest to, I can usually drum up a witty reply and soon I had an inkling(who says I need a pen) of an idea for what I would say. I had been given some instructions on how the evening would proceed so once given my cue, I was prepared.
I had been surprised when I had to find two pairs of shoes instead of the logical one pair. I used this to my advantage as the bell rang for the beginning of my round. First a couple of quick jabs to soften my audience, "Ni How Chung guo rian". I turned to my wife and carried on with " Yan - Wo Ai Nee, Wo Ai Ne Chin Ai Da". Now the right cross followed by the uppercut. "Today I had a test to pass. I had to find two pairs of shoes. Two pairs of shoes! I thought lucky me - two pairs of shoes must mean that I get to marry two Chineses wives." I recieved laughter from the audience after that translation. Now that I had them on the ropes, I launched my knockout blow. " But no, I understand my mistake now, two pairs of shoes because a Chinese woman is two times better then any other woman in the whole wide world." The round of applause that greated that translation made me think of running for election.
I believe next Yan's boss came on the stage to give a speech. He had a girl do the translation for him. She spoke very good english. She has told me that she has a Canadian boyfriend that is teaching English in a Shenzhen school. Apparently he has played 6 years professional North American football. I was asked how long the distance for love between Canada and China was. Since I had no idea and didn't want to hazard a guess I answered by another yard stick. "The distance can be measured by 6 months of Love letters written every day." A few more questions were asked of me and then it was the turn of the owners from the agency that Yan used to give his speech. I had no idea that he was going to speak. His speech was a little long winded as I think he tried to plug his agency with some free airtime. But we thanked him anyways.
Then we got to the main event of the evening. Instead of our traditional question, " Do you take this".... with the reply "I do", we just had to reply with a Yes. My YES was loud and distinct, while my wife answered yes - Me Too. I miss the standard answer "I Do" because it has great potential for a joke. When ever asked about your wedding you can reply, "I meant to say Do I? but was confused and said I Do! and know I am trapped."
Finally the time came for the mischievous rings to part and claim their rightful place each adorned upon a fingers. Da pair have now become one, symbolising our union as man and wife. It had been a grand adventure(more like 5 grand, but who's counting) to reach this part. The harder the struggle then has made greater the Joy. I am husband to a remarkable lady. I have been blessed and with the lifting of her veil a beautiful world of possibility sparkled in her eyes. First hesitantly, then eagerly we kissed to seal our pack. Both of us had been hurt before in Love. But on this day Cupid truimphed as he gave us each a second chance.
Next came the cutting of the cheese...oops bathroom break....potty humour - the cake. The champagne bottle followed and I watched the one row of people pull back as I edged the cork open. POP - the sound was echoed by the bursting open of a party favour that showered coloured paper upon the wedding cake, while the champagne bottle sprayed its own frothy campaign of salutation. We poured the contents onto a champagne glass fountain to be used in hearty rounded cheers of "Gung Bay" around the 6 dinner tables.
The food was now served to nourish our joy as we partook of feast and fame. From Yan's Art school where she teaches the enchanting zither, two co-workers graced us with their talents. First up was a slender, gracefull lady that hearlded a lovely voice that soon had me not regretting Barry White's apperance(this for U to Shaun). After her song was the dance teacher from the school. She came in wearing Persian type garments and procedeed to give a lively belly dancing, male eye opening dance.
After a few plates graced out table, Yan and I left the room to once again change into red outfits. She wore a new red dress and I clothed myself in my original garment. We re-enetered into the dining room to a smattering of applause and then made the circuit of tables Guang Baying every glass. After a little more food we once again made the court circut where I judged another round of Guang Baying. Small pleasantries were made and soon the evening drifted by. Guests started to leave as we bid them farewell. My mind was drifting towards the hotel bed. I noticed the wedding cake and realised that although I had my cake, I never got to eat it too. I didn't mind because my thoughts were on a finer sweet dessert that soon would be mine :blush:



?say precious for wife 


I am sure my wife posted these Chinese characters. I guess she went to the website from her laptop where I have automatic sign in. Maybe I will suggest she start her own account here.
Stay Tuned for the next episode called ..... Arest in a Shenzhen Police Station