Author Topic: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies  (Read 2948 times)

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Offline mustfocus

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Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:02:24 pm »
After posting in another threat, I realise that I haven't seen a thread related to agencies where which we could trust.  A lot of us have had bad experiences with some of the agencies under CHNLOVE's umbrella (as evidenced by another thread in this forum).  But I'd like to see a thread started with people who have successfully married because of the agency that their ladies were from.  A form of encouragement to get the good agencies going...

Promote the good and the rest will follow...
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline Danny

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 04:58:30 pm »
Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='21011' dateline='1256500944'

After posting in another threat, I realise that I haven't seen a thread related to agencies where which we could trust.  A lot of us have had bad experiences with some of the agencies under CHNLOVE's umbrella (as evidenced by another thread in this forum).  But I'd like to see a thread started with people who have successfully married because of the agency that their ladies were from.  A form of encouragement to get the good agencies going...

Promote the good and the rest will follow...

There actually is such a thread. I remember it from the long distant past. I can remember there being four agencies in total *laughs*

Offline maxx

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 05:17:33 pm »
Mustfocus Danny is right there is a list on here somewhere.It had maybe 5 agencies listed out of 45.

Offline Irishman

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 07:51:31 pm »
I'd second P202, that's where i met Ling 2 and from the second Pm they had already forwarded her QQ number to me and we took it from there. Was no fault of theirs that we didn't work out in the end.
I will say this, they do refresh the profiles automatically even if the lady is just talking to you, but then I expect most if not all the agencies do this unless explicitly asked not to by the lady.
Quote from: 'Irishman' pid='21018' dateline='1256514691'

I'd second P202, that's where i met Ling 2 and from the second Pm they had already forwarded her QQ number to me and we took it from there. Was no fault of theirs that we didn't work out in the end.
I will say this, they do refresh the profiles automatically even if the lady is just talking to you, but then I expect most if not all the agencies do this unless explicitly asked not to by the lady.

I would also add P606 in Shenzen.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 07:53:29 pm by Irishman »
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Offline mustfocus

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2009, 07:55:37 pm »
Ok,  think I found the thread you guys were talking about...  Someone please confirm for me, but...

That said, maybe we could merge these two?  And consolidate the list on the first post? :icon_cheesygrin:

But this is what I want to see.  If any of us have to spend credits on EMF, the companies that provide the better service should get them.  That way we start to weed out the bad ones.  Now if only we could get more of the guys using the site to visit here too.

梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline Johnboy

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2009, 08:57:18 pm »
Hi In-Jaul,

Nice idea, so I decided to visit and ask if anyone had any experience of using Agency 223.  Chongqin Yanghongniang Marriage Introductory Company Ltd?  According to Proteus it has one of the worst success ratings of any agency.

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Offline Proteus

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2009, 11:51:34 pm »
Quote from: 'Johnboy' pid='21024' dateline='1256518638'

Hi In-Jaul,

Nice idea, so I decided to visit and ask if anyone had any experience of using Agency 223.  Chongqin Yanghongniang Marriage Introductory Company Ltd?  According to Proteus it has one of the worst success ratings of any agency.


sorry John, what I figured out is its worst Feedback Rating which is given by males who are writing with ladies from this agency. To check success rate, you can go to this link

unfortunately there's not a search engine to target one particular agency and count all of its successes.

In my opinion, if we are going to judge "good agencies", we'd better rely both our own experiences and data from this link, to avoid being mislead by individual cases.

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2009, 11:54:15 pm »
Quote from: 'abigbutt' pid='21036' dateline='1256528082'

Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='21011' dateline='1256500944'

After posting in another threat, I realise that I haven't seen a thread related to agencies where which we could trust.  A lot of us have had bad experiences with some of the agencies under CHNLOVE's umbrella (as evidenced by another thread in this forum).  But I'd like to see a thread started with people who have successfully married because of the agency that their ladies were from.  A form of encouragement to get the good agencies going...

Promote the good and the rest will follow...

Hello In-Jaul,

I made a thread about honest experiences with the agency's and and I have posted there and a few others! I posted a positive experience with agency, the experience with the lady did not turn out to be positive! This had nothing to do with the agency! :blush:
I think this is a good agency! Wuhan Oriental Love Consulting Company P509


Hi Jim, :)

Actually I wanted to start something beyond that specifically for good experiences and limited to the trustworthy agencies.  Translators and ladies aside, the agencies are the ones that we need to focus on.  They're the ones that hire the translators and they're the ones who we would be paying any fees to if our marriage is successful.  So they're the ones that need to be held accountable.

梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline Danny

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2009, 05:23:46 am »
I love this exchange from that thread . . .

Chong's & Arnold's " Double Heart " Agency
Comes with a 30 day guarantee after marriage !!!  
Spruik Wrote:  I only accept a life-time guarantee.  
Chong Wrote:  Your woman is not a screwdriver or rachet set.
Spruik Wrote:  Even the best screwdrivers now have a label "Made In China"

It cracks me up every time . . . *laughs*
« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 05:25:07 am by Danny »

Offline Johnboy

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2009, 02:32:50 pm »
Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='21038' dateline='1256529094'

Quote from: 'Johnboy' pid='21024' dateline='1256518638'

Hi In-Jaul,

Nice idea, so I decided to visit and ask if anyone had any experience of using Agency 223.  Chongqin Yanghongniang Marriage Introductory Company Ltd?  According to Proteus it has one of the worst success ratings of any agency.


sorry John, what I figured out is its worst Feedback Rating which is given by males who are writing with ladies from this agency. To check success rate, you can go to this link

unfortunately there's not a search engine to target one particular agency and count all of its successes.

In my opinion, if we are going to judge "good agencies", we'd better rely both our own experiences and data from this link, to avoid being mislead by individual cases.

Thank you for correcting me about that Proteus, and my apologies for getting it wrong.  However, I would have thought that Feedback Rating and Success Rate are, by their very nature, interrelated and analogous.  Would you not agree?  Thus, if an agency has a very bad Feedback Rating it would, commensurably, be far more likely to have a low Success Rate.
Thank you for the 'Success Rate link'; I had a quick look and will return to have a proper look at it later.  I am puzzled by your comment that there is no search engine to target and count the success rate of a particular agency, as surely that information could be extrapolated from the data provided by the search engine that compiled the statistics for the Success Rate link?
Similarly, from my brief perusal of the Success Rate link, the testimonial corroboration would (at first-sight), appear to be another chapter from Chnlove's anthology of propaganda.  In my opinion, therefore, we would be far better served by focusing and relying on our own experiences, as posted by the Brotherhood, and by considering Chnlove's Success Ratings cautiously and as an adjunct to that.  
Kind regards, John
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)

Offline Proteus

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RE: Good Experiences with CHNLOVE's Agencies
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2009, 01:28:07 am »
Yes John, it is perfect logic to relate low feedback rate with low success rate. But in my position I have to be careful not to leap into conclusions without taking envidence. I am very careful, maybe too careful sometimes, too careful to mention any particular agency names and make comments even of that I've worked for before.

The reason is here, I know the service quality of some agencies but I don't know the average standard of this trade so I can't make the judgment whether those ones I know are below or above average, in other words, bad or good.

The chnlove success story link is indeed some kind of ads but the credibility is acceptable. I believe at least they are all real cases. From your comparison of their data with that of brother's stories here, I feel you are inclined to place more trust in the later. This reminds me of an example I once read in an economic book, that people are usually more influenced by comments of a product from one friend or neighbour than from one hundred strangers. This is not rational but indeed human.

To make clear my attitude here. (It might be bias from my own experience) I am not going to believe there are any good or bad agencies unless chnlove take some substantial measures to improve service quality of all agencies. So far, I only believe there are agencies who sometimes do good things a little more than bad things.

More than effort, luck is still what you will rely on in adventures on chnlove especially at the beginning.