Author Topic: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded  (Read 28903 times)

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Offline Irishman

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #105 on: November 12, 2009, 01:57:47 am »
Willy only unusual thing i see in that photo is that the two bikers got helmets on, i suppose it helps to keep the rain off .
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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #106 on: November 12, 2009, 10:31:47 am »
Those two guys must be up to something illegal, to be trying to look like they are law abiding citizens.  Two guys on a bike with China???

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #107 on: November 12, 2009, 12:40:52 pm »
The closest thing to a real helmet in Changsha was a man on his bike with a helmet for a constructor worker, you know the yellow one .. I don't know what thing will fall on his head while driving but I suppose it would be good for something..
Irish.. I am really pleased to read about your adventures in China.. It is like a ship that finally get to the shore so to say... I am very happy for you..
I looked at the photos in Martins blog and you seem to had a nice time together.. Sorry about your wallet but this is things that happens. It gave you some nice answers too so there must have been some purpose with this happening to you this time..

Keep up the good work

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #108 on: November 12, 2009, 02:21:35 pm »
Quote from: 'abigbutt' pid='22719' dateline='1258053348'
You finally have stopped the "rollercoaster ride"!!:icon_cheesygrin:

Jim remember , he is NOT home yet .:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: November 14, 2009, 06:22:10 pm by Vince G »

Offline Irishman

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #109 on: November 13, 2009, 02:18:07 am »
Thanks Arnold, not!!

What a beautiful day today in Guangzhou after the all day deluge yesterday. Its clear blue skies with perfect visibility, the air has been washed clean for a day or two. Its cool at around 18C, a perfect Irish summers day, though the locals are wrapped up like its Siberian cold outside haha!!

Sunny cant wait to see me, she texted me that its only 4.5 hours until we meet and that she has an important question for me....maybe I should hide the booze in the fridge haha
She normally works a half day on Saturdays but is taking  unpaid leave tomorrow to be with me, the second time she's done this.

So just the beginning of a great weekend i think.
I have the sniffles today and a sore throat, i think i must have caught a cold in the rain yesterday, its nothing major though and i got some tablets in Watsons earlier so hopefully doesnt get much worse, i really hope I don't pass it on to Sunny and have the pair of us with runny noses, could make snuggles messy!
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #110 on: November 13, 2009, 03:52:30 am »
What time did you post your last message Irishman?

 Cos we are all waiting for the 4.5 hours to pass to find out what that important question was!!

And I bet it is not to ask if you want Vick rubbed into your chest to ease the sniffles.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline zook144

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #111 on: November 14, 2009, 05:56:20 pm »
Irishman, Where are you? I miss reading your updates. It sure has been a long 4.5 hours.
Must have been a heck of a question!  Hope everything is still turning up "Sunny" for you.
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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #112 on: November 14, 2009, 06:24:47 pm »
Haha , the question was on TIME ... but now , he has to look for the answer :huh::icon_cheesygrin: .
Maybe they're on their Honeymoon already ?

Offline Irishman

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #113 on: November 15, 2009, 09:26:40 am »
Sorry about the lack of updates folks, its the end of the weekend now and havent needed to use the computer for a while, fil in the blanks yerselves :D
Oh and my replacement credit card arrived on Friday , just three days after it was stolen was very impressed with that.
I still feel like i'm dreaming its all going so well so far.
Am utterly knackered right now so just sinking a quiet reflection beer than hitting the hay.
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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #114 on: November 15, 2009, 11:52:32 am »
I think he means EVERYTHING has come together, he just doesn't want to blurt it out!!  haha!!
So he's had company over the weekend, who is far more pleasurable than sitting at a computer, writing updates to us band of reprebates ...hahaha!!

Glad to hear things are going so well for you so far Ronan....


Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #115 on: November 16, 2009, 03:03:50 pm »
Quote from: 'Irishman' pid='22932' dateline='1258295200'

Sorry about the lack of updates folks, its the end of the weekend now and havent needed to use the computer for a while, fil in the blanks yerselves :D
Oh and my replacement credit card arrived on Friday , just three days after it was stolen was very impressed with that.
I still feel like i'm dreaming its all going so well so far.
Am utterly knackered right now so just sinking a quiet reflection beer than hitting the hay.

Excellent, even the Irish accent is included :D

Good luck to ye :D

By the way, can't make to GZ in time to see you, sorry about that, I'll be 2000 miles west that weekend. ... not that it looks like you would have time anyway ;)
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 03:04:30 pm by Voiceroveip »
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Offline Irishman

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #116 on: November 17, 2009, 11:14:31 am »
Had a nice day today.
My cold is finnaly gone. I did some gift shopping in the morning and hooked up with Ted outside the bookstore opposite the TeeMall and we went to an Italian restaurant for lunch. It was nice having some western food after weeks of Chinese food it has to be said, the apple pie dessert was very tasty!

I wanted to do some more gift shopping so Ted called his wife for advice as to where would be a good spot as the TeeMall is extremely expensive. His wife suggested Beijing Lu and we were trying to figure out how to get there reading a map I had when a kid came up to us and offered to help which was very kind. He told us which stop to go to on the Metro (Gongyuanqian) and we found it no problems (take exit C at the Gongyuanqian stop and walk about 150 metres straight ahead) and your there.

We went into a traditional clothes shop when we were very pleasantly assaulted by several really pretty ladies that could probably sell oil to the Arabs and snow to the Eskimos. A real fun experience and both Ted and I got gifts for our ladies having barely escaped buying the whole shop up (I might be slightly exaggerating a little here) western shop assistants have a lot to learn abut service form the likes of the Chinese ladies. I hate clothes shopping but these women made it fun for all and they got the sale as a result.

Ted and I strolled around a bit more and I got a pair of gloves for Sunny as she hasn't gotten any and its so damn cold here recently her hands are always ice cold (she loved them). We also checked out a Tibetan store which again had funny attractive shop assistants trying to sell half of Tibet to us, thankfully for me my wallet was near empty so we walked away unscathed this time!

Ted and I headed back to Tiyu Xilu and had some coffee in Victory Plaza Starbucks and relaxed and then parted our ways. Ted , if you are reading this, it was a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to seeing you again if not this visit, definitely on the next one.

When i got back to my hotel i freshened up and headed back out to meet Sunny. As usual the metro during rush hour is nuts, you literally have to shoulder charge your way in to the train and be prepared to be squeezed like a sardines in a tin, I'm used to it by now but when that train pulls into the station i still get that oh crap here we go again felling.

I met Sunny and Yamaha at the Panyue station and Yamaha wanted to bring us to a nice restaurant and we walked in the freezing windy cold for about half an hour, if i'd have known how far and how cold and miserable i'd be by the time we got there i'd have insisted on a taxi. So utterly chilled to the bone we got to the restaurant. It seemed to be mainly a hot pot restaurant. My heart sank, hot pot is a novelty the first time, the second you realise its just you dunking bits of raw food into spicy oil and it just is like cooking at home except it really doesnt taste like much in my opinion. I just walked half an hour , froze my ass off, i was damned if i was going to have to cook a tasteless meal for myself. Sunny saw the look on my face and said did i like hotpot, i just said no and do they have a menu. They did and we had a wonderful meal. I had donkey for the first time (tastes a bit like ham but has a different texture) that you dip into a really spicy black garlic sauce, really good. There was four other courses , beer and rice and it all came to 133 RMB. A great meal and the girls seemed happy to. Sunny and Yamaha chatted for a long time at the end of the meal, Sunny with her hand on my knee kept looking over at me with smiles and it seemed that i was the topic of conversation and it was all good.

After that, we got a taxi and dropped Yamaha home (she lives in the same area as Sunny) and then Sunny brought me to her apartment to meet her colleagues from work that were home and were all curious to meet me. They all had checked out my profile of course on chnlove (two of them are on chnlove) and apparently I'm much better looking than my photo suggests..yeah right..but flattery is always welcome!!That was good fun and apparently tomorrow night they are going to hold a dinner party for me, Sunny apparently really is a good cook and she is going to do the cooking. The way Chinese dinner parties go down is that the ladies first of all decamp to the food market (they dont have a fridge so everything is bought fresh) then depending what ingredients are best value and freshest on the day decides what is cooked, actually i'm looking forward to watching them buy fresh food and then haggling with the seller, i bet they make sure its top quality at the absolute lowest price they can get. It promises to be a fun evening. Sunny gave me a gift of a flower thing that goes on a car dashboard that apparently moves in the sun or something :)

I have a gift for each remaining day for her to keep things ticking over nicely so looking forward to my last few days here before the inevitable tears on Sunday morning.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 11:52:01 am by Irishman »
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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #117 on: November 17, 2009, 12:06:06 pm »
WOW Ronan,

I am jealous.  You are having such a great time. I am so glad you found Sunny.

Here's to you my friend.


Offline Irishman

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #118 on: November 17, 2009, 12:38:06 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='23179' dateline='1258477566'

WOW Ronan,

I am jealous.  You are having such a great time. I am so glad you found Sunny.

Here's to you my friend.


Thanks Shaun, I guess i've learned some had lessons from the mistakes i've made in the past and so far am right on target. It's no lie to say that I'm falling for her.
Honestly, the only thing i think at this stage that will stop me marrying her is her parents, but theres no point in me worrying about that, its out of my control, I'm just going to make her as happy as can be and hopefully that will be enough for her mother (the matriarch) to decide that I can take care of their daughter.

I have a few precious days left with her, and I'm gonna enjoy every last minute i have with her.
When I get the Metro back to my hotel she holds my hand over the barrier until the escalator pulls us apart and she then watches me until i go out of sight..did i mention how much I like this girl already?l :) She doesnt care abut the stares the other folk in the station give us. Its always with smiles though, the Chinese are very personable people, I think they like a good romance scene more than most so I usually get big grins from men and women alike on the escalator as this goes on :)
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Offline heckerd

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #119 on: November 17, 2009, 07:50:49 pm »
Since you have a few days left before leaving, think carefully on what your future lies with Sunny when your alone. If you plan to ask Sunny to marry you take this opportunity to meet her parents if you can.

Whatever you decide its best to it in person before leaving so you know what to plan for on your next trip to China.