Dentist Pulls All Ex's Teeth Out; Anna Mackowiak Faces Jail Time
This is a recent news in fact :
Breaking up is never easy -- having 32 teeth ripped out is even worse.
A scorned dentist is facing jail time after surgically removing all of her ex-boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her, authorities in London said.
Marek Olszewski, 45, made the mistake of scheduling an appointment this week with his ex -- 34-year-old Anna Mackowiak -- for a toothache, according to the Daily Mail.
So Mackowiak allegedly did what any burned lover with a set of pliers and some anesthetic would do: she doped him up, pulled out all his teeth, and wrapped his head with bandages so he wouldn't notice until he left her office.
"I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions," she told the news site. "But when I saw him lying there I just thought, 'What a b-----d.'"
Olszewski could tell something was wrong when he awoke and couldn't feel any teeth in his mouth. But he said Mackowiak assured him that he'd be fine once the numbness wore off, NDTV reported.
"I didn't have any reason to doubt her -- I mean I thought she was a professional," he said.
He was wrong.
"But when I got home I looked in the mirror and I couldn't f--king believe it," he said. "The b--ch had emptied my mouth."
Worse, Olszewski's new girlfriend dumped him because, well, she couldn't date a man without any teeth, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Mackowiak is under investigation for medical malpractice and abusing the trust of a patient. She could face three years in jail for the alleged stunt. Olszewski plans on saving money to get "indents or something."
**** end ****
When reading it at first, I ask myself : why did the guy have to go to see his ex for his teeths? I would NEVER do that, even if some of my ex can be nice with me.
I just can imagine now some jokes about it /
"say Cheese" or "smile" ^^
No more pain now to the teeths, just because no more teeth.
eh you got a good price, 32 teeths off, instead one. Don't be angry, you should be luck I don't ask you to pay some more...

I can remember another "crazy" story, I think it was in England, too. A woman cut her ex's sex and put it to the bin, just because there was something wrong between them...
so, can man guess he should be careful now with his wife and beware of his ex?