A guy roams around China for a month, visiting many cities and meeting girls in all the cities. Looking for lust, he scores with most he meets. After flying back home, he tells all his buddies what a stud he is and how he was able to score easily and often in China. He is so proud of himself, he tells everyone that will listen.
After being home a week or so, he wakes up one morning, and as he is getting into the shower, he notices some very light red splotches and black dots on his penis. It's early in the morning, so he ignores it, thinking he is imagining things. Next morning, the splotches and spots looks a little more pronounced, so he goes to the doctor.
"Doc," he says, "I'm developing some weird markings on my penis!".
So the doctor looks him over. "I've never seen anything like this!" The Doctor then goes to his computer and starts typing furiously... "Ah! I see! Young man, you are the first American case of Mongolian Spotted VD!"
"Mongolian Spotted VD? Is it bad? Am I going to die?"
"No, no, you won't die. But you will need surgery as soon as possible. Within the next week."
"Surgery? What do you need to do?"
"We'll need to amputate."

?? Amputate my penis?"
"I'm going to get a second opinion!"
"OK, but you need to do it quick. We'll need to amputate as soon as possible."
So the man decides to look for a Chinese doctor, one who may have more experience with Mongolian Spotted VD. So he finds a Chinese doctor, and goes to see him. After the doctor looks him over, he says, "It is definitely Mongolian Spotted VD. I seen it many times on impetuous young men."
"So doctor", the man says, "I was told I had to get an amputation!"
"Hah! American doctors always look to make money on patients. Always recommend some surgical treatment. You don't need surgery."
"Wow, that's a relief. I was worried. So what do I do?"
"So my penis is going to be fine?"
"Well, at this advanced stage of Mongolian Spotted VD..."
"You mean I DO need to get it amputated??"
"No... in about a week, it should fall off on its own."
The moral of the story... Keep it in your pants and you get to keep it!