Author Topic: JUST FOR A LAUGH  (Read 339582 times)

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Offline Bee964

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« Reply #780 on: May 14, 2010, 11:45:29 pm »
Because I'm a man, when I lock my keys in the car, I will

fiddle with a coat hanger long after hypothermia has set in.

Calling the AAA is not an option.  I will win.



Because I'm a man , when the car isn't running very well,

I will pop the hood and stare at the engine as if I know what

I'm looking at.  If another man shows up, one of us will say

to the other, 'I used to be able to fix these things, but now

with all these computers and everything, I wouldn't know

where to start.'  We will then drink a couple of beers and

break wind, as a form of holy communion.  


Because I'm a man, when I catch a cold, I need someone

to bring me soup and take care of me while I lie in bed and

moan.  You're a woman.  You never get as sick as I do, so

for you, this is no problem.  


Because I'm a man, I can be relied upon to purchase basic

groceries at the store, like beer, milk or bread.  I cannot be

expected to find exotic items like 'cumin' or 'tofu.'  For all I

know, these are the same thing.  


Because I'm a man, when one of our appliances stops

working, I will insist on taking it apart, despite evidence that

this will just cost me twice as much once the repair person

gets here and has to put it back together.  


Because I'm a man, I must hold the television remote

control in my hand while I watch TV.  If the thing has been

misplaced, I may miss a whole show looking for it.....though

one time I was able to survive by holding a calculator.....

( applies to engineers mainly).


Because I'm a man, there is no need to ask me what I'm

thinking about.  The true answer is always either sex, cars,

sex, sports or sex.  I have to make up something else when

you ask, so don't ask.  


Because I'm a man, I do not want to visit your mother, or

have your mother come visit us, or talk to her when she

calls, or think about her any more than I have to.  Whatever

you got her for Mother's Day is okay;  I don't need to see it.

And don't forget to pick up something for my mother, too.  


Because I'm a man, you don't have to ask me if I liked the

movie.  Chances are, if you're crying at the end of it, I didn't

...and if you are feeling amorous afterwards....then I will

      certainly at least remember the name and recommend it to others.  


Because I'm a man, I think what you're wearing is fine.  I

thought what you were wearing five minutes ago was fine,

too.  Either pair of shoes is fine.  With the belt or without it,

looks fine.  Your hair is fine.  You look fine.  Can we just go now?  


Because I'm a man, and this is, after all, the year 2008, I

will share equally in the housework.  You just do the laundry,

the cooking, the cleaning, the vacuuming, and the dishes,

and I'll do the rest...... Like wandering around in the garden

with a beer wondering what to do.  

This has been a public service message for women to

better understand men
How to handle grief.
Little Known Facts.....

Did you know that in the human body there is a nerve that
connects the eyeball to the anus?  

It's called the Anal Optic Nerve, and it is responsible for giving
people a crappy outlook on life.

If you don't believe it, try to pull a hair from your arse and see if it doesn't bring tears to your eyes.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2010, 12:03:44 am by Bee964 »
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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« Reply #781 on: May 19, 2010, 06:24:53 am »
When to start cussing,

A 6-year old and a 4-year old are upstairs in their bedroom.  The 6 year old asks, "you know what? I think it's time we started cussing." "YOU KNOW MOM AND DAD USE CUSS WORDS SOMETIMES"? The 4 year old nods his head held in approval.  The 6 year old continues, "when we go downstairs for breakfast, I'm gonna say something with hell and you say say something with ass." "mabey that will get their attention".  The 4 year old agrees with enthusiasm.  When they get downstairs mother asks the 6 year old what he wants for breakfast, he reply's "AW HELL, mom I guess I'll have some Cheerios".  Mother is busy washing a big black spider (for those of you who don't know, this was a big black iron frying pan) and she had the spider in her hand as she was rinsing it off in the sink.  WACK! Mother takes one swing at the 6 year old.  He flies out of his chair, tumbles across the kitchen floor, gets up upstairs crying his eyes out, with his mother in hot pursuit, slapping his rear with every step.  His mom locks him in his room and shouts, "you can stay there until I let you out!"  She then comes back downstairs, and looks at the 4 year old and asks with a stern voice "AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR BREAKFAST", young man?"  "I don't know he blubbers, "but you can bet your fat ass it won't be Cheerios!"

The sheriff pulls up next to a guy dumping garbage out of his pickup truck into a ditch.  The sheriff asked "why are you dumping garbage in the ditch? "Don't you see that sign over there" "Yep" he replied.  "Thats why I'm dumping it here, cause it says: FINE FOR DUMPING GARBAGE".

Offline Bee964

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« Reply #782 on: May 19, 2010, 01:10:57 pm »
The Talking Centipede     

A single guy decided life would be more fun if he had a pet.

So he went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual pet.

After some discussion, he finally bought a talking centipede, (100-legged bug), which came in a little white box to use for his house.

He took the box back home, found a good spot for the box, and decided he would start off by taking his new pet to church with him.

So he asked the centipede in the box,   "Would you like to go to church with me today? We will have a good time."

But there was no answer from his new pet.

This bothered him a bit, but he waited a few minutesand then asked again,  "How about going to church with me and receive blessings?"

But again, there was no answer from his new friend and pet. So he waited a few minutes more, thinking about the situation.

The guy decided to invite the centipede one last time.
This time he put his face up against the centipede's house and shouted,  "Hey, in there! Would you like to go to church with me and learn about God?"

This time, a little voice came out of the box, "I heard you the first time! I'm putting on my shoes!"

Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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« Reply #783 on: May 22, 2010, 09:18:25 am »

The Preacher

The Preacher says, "Anyone with needs to be prayed for, come forward to the front, at the altar!"

Lenny gets in line, and when it's his turn, the preacher asks: "Lenny, what do you want me to pray about for you."

Lenny replies: "Preacher, I need you to pray for my hearing."

The preacher puts one finger in Lenny's ear, and he places the other hand on top of Lenny's head and prays and prays and prays he prays for Lenny.

After a few minutes, the Preacher removes his hands, stands back and asks,"Lenny, how is your hearing now?"

Lenny says, "I don't know, Reverend, it ain't until next Wednesday."

Offline Bee964

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« Reply #784 on: May 26, 2010, 12:08:32 pm »
Subject: Priceless

                      The light turned yellow, just in front of him. He
 did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have
 beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

                      The tailgating woman behind him was furious and honked her
 horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through
 the intersection,  dropping her cell phone and makeup.

                      As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her
 window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The
 officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up.

                      He took her to the police station where she was
 searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

                      After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the
 cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk
 where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

                      He said, ''I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see,
 I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off
 the guy in front of you and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the
 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the ' Choose Life ' license plate holder,
 the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated
 Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally....I assumed you had
 stolen the car.''

Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.

Offline Bee964

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« Reply #785 on: May 26, 2010, 12:42:22 pm »
A woman went to a pet shop and immediately spotted a large, beautiful parrot.
There was a sign on the cage that said  $25 .00

"Why so little?" she asked the pet store owner.
The owner looked at her and said,
"Look, I should tell you first that this bird used to live in a house of prostitution, and sometimes it says some pretty vulgar stuff."

The woman thought about this, but decided  she had to have the bird anyway.   She took it home and hung the bird's cage up in her living room and waited for it to say something.

The bird looked around the room, then at her, and said, "new house, new madam."

The woman was a bit shocked at the implication, but then thought "that's really not so bad."

When her two teenage daughters returned from school, the bird saw them and said,  "new house, new madam, new girls."

The girls and the woman were a bit offended but then began to laugh about the situation considering how and where the parrot had been raised.

Moments later, the woman's husband Keith came home from work.
The bird looked at him and said,

  "Hi Keith." 
 ::) ;D ::)
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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« Reply #786 on: May 27, 2010, 03:51:38 pm »

Al Qaeda on strike

Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike on Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to in the afterlife. Emergency talks with Al Qaeda have so far failed to produce an agreement

The unrest began last Tuesday when Al Qaeda announced that the number of virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death will be cut by 25% this February from 72 to only 60. The rationale for the cut was the increase in recent years of the number of suicide bombings and a subsequent shortage of virgins in the afterlife.

The suicide bombers' union, the British Organization of Occupational Martyrs < or B.O.O.M. > responded with a statement that this was unacceptable to its members and immediately balloted for strike action. General Secretary Abdullah Amir told the press, "Our members are literally working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don't ask for much in return but to be treated like this is like a kick in the teeth".

Speaking from his shed in Tipton in the West Midlands in which he currently resides, Al Qaeda chief executive Osama bin Laden explained, "We sympathize with our workers concerns but Al Qaeda is simply not in a position to meet their demands. They are simply not accepting the realities of modern-day Jihad in a competitive marketplace.

Thanks to Western depravity, there is now a chronic shortage of virgins in the afterlife. It's a straight choice between reducing expenditure and laying people off. I don't like cutting wages but I'd hate to have to tell 3000 of my staff that they won't be able to blow themselves up."

Spokesmen for the union in the North East of England, Liverpool, Ireland, Wales, New Zealand and the entire Australian continent stated that the strike would not affect their operations as "There are no virgins in their areas anyway".

The Scottish Al Qaeda spokesman said they had not had any volunteers since the emergence of Scottish singing star, Susan Boyle - now that Scottish Muslims know what a virgin looks like they are not at all keen on going to paradise.



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« Reply #787 on: May 28, 2010, 02:07:41 pm »

Can't remember if i've posted this before, but just recieved it again in my mail box, and it still put a grin on my face!!  So it should do the same here too ...haha!!!!

Foster Lager

An Australian guy decides to travel around the Greek Islands. He walks into
a bar and Jill (the Australian Barmaid) takes his order, a Fosters, and
notices his accent. Over the course of the night they get to know each
other. At the end of Jill's shift he asks her if she wants to come back to
his place and have sex with him. Although she is attracted to him she says
no. He then offers to pay her $200 for sex. Jill is
travelling the world and because she is short of funds she agrees.

The next night the guy turns up again, orders Fosters and after showing her
plenty of attention throughout the night he asks if she will sleep with him
again for $200. Jill remembers the night before and is only too happy to
agree. This goes on for 5 nights. On the 6th night the guy comes in, orders
Fosters and sits in the corner. Jill thinks that if she pays him more some
attention then maybe she can then shake some more cash out of him again, so
she goes over and sits next to him. She asks him where he's from in
Australia and he tells her: "Melbourne".

"So am I... What suburb in Melbourne?"

"Glen Iris" he replies

"That's amazing..." she says, "So am I - what Street?"

"Cameo Street" he replies

"This is unbelievable..." she says,² What number?"

He says "Number 20" and she is totally astonished.

"You are not going to believe this but I'm from Number 22! My parents still
live there!"

"I know..." he says, "Your Father gave me $1,000 to give to you"



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« Reply #788 on: May 28, 2010, 02:46:26 pm »


The nun teaching Sunday School was speaking to her class one morning and she asked the question,
"When you die and go to Heaven ... which part of your body goes first?"

Suzy raised her hand and said, "I think it's your hands.

"Why do you think it's your hands, Suzy?"

Suzy replied, "Because when you pray, you hold your hands together in front of you and God just takes you hands first."

"What a wonderful answer!" the nun said.

Little Johnny raised his hand and said, "Sister, I think it's your legs."

The nun looked at him with the strangest look on her face.
"Now, Little Johnny, why do you think it would be your legs?"

Little Johnny said, "Well, I walked into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom the other night. Mommy had her legs straight up in the air and she was saying, "Oh God, I'm coming!" If Dad hadn't pinned her down, we'd have lost her."

Don't you just have to love ....Our Little Johnny!!!! ...hahaha!!!!


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« Reply #789 on: May 28, 2010, 03:03:48 pm »


Two Eagles, an old Indian chief, sat in his hut on the reservation, smoking a ceremonial pipe and eyeing two US government officials sent to interview him.

One US official said to Chief Two Eagles, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he has done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the two government officials for over a minute, and then he calmly replied:

"When white man found the land, Indians were running it.
There No taxes,
No debt,
Plenty buffalo,
Plenty beaver,
Women did all the work,
Medicine man free,
Indian man spent all day hunting and fishing,
All night having sex.''

Then the chief leaned back and smiled before he added,

"Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."


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« Reply #790 on: May 28, 2010, 03:39:50 pm »

The Shepherd & The City Slicker

A shepherd is herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a
brand-new BMW roars towards him. The driver, a young man in a Hugo Boss suit, Gucci shoes, and Ray Bans, leans out and asks the shepherd, "If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?". The shepherd looks at the city slicker, then at his field full of grazing sheep and calmly answers, "Sure."

The yuppie parks his car, whips out his notebook and connects it to a
cell phone, then surfs to the NASA website, where he calls up a GPS
satellite navigation system, scans the area, and then opens up a
database and an Excel spreadsheet with complex formulas. He sends an
email on his Blackberry and after a few minutes, receives a response.
Finally, he prints out a 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized
printer, turns to the shepherd and says, "You have exactly 1586 sheep."

"That is correct; take one of the sheep." said the shepherd. He watches the young man select one of the animals and bundle it into his car.

Then the shepherd says: "If I can tell you exactly what your business
is, will you give me back my sheep?". "OK, why not?" answers the young
man. "Clearly, you are a management consultant" says the shepherd.
"That's correct" says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"

"No guessing required." answers the shepherd. "You turned up here
although nobody called you. You want to get paid for an answer I
already knew, to a question I never asked, and you don't know crap
about my business. Now give me back my collie dog."



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« Reply #791 on: May 31, 2010, 12:20:30 pm »


Little Bruce and Jenny are only 10 years old, but they know they are in love.

One day they decide that they want to get married, so Bruce goes to Jenny's father to ask him for her hand.  Bruce bravely walks up to him and says, "Mr. Smith, Jenny and I are in love and I want to ask you for her hand in marriage." 


Thinking that this was just the cutest thing, Mr. Smith replies, "Well Bruce, you are only ten years old. Where will you two live?"  Without even taking a moment to think about it, Bruce replies, "In Jenny's room.  It's bigger than mine and we can both fit there nicely."


Still thinking this is just adorable, Mr. Smith says with a huge grin, "Okay then how will you live? You're not old enough to get a job.  You'll need to support Jenny.  Again, Bruce instantly replies, "Our allowance, Jenny makes five bucks a week and I make 10 bucks a week.  That's about 60 bucks a month and that should do us just fine." 

Mr. Smith is impressed Bruce has put so much thought into this.  'Well Bruce, it seems like you have everything figured out.  I just have one more question.  What will you do if the two of you should have little children of your own?"  Bruce just shrugs his shoulders and says, "Well, we've been lucky so far."

Mr. Smith no longer thinks this little shit is Adorable!!!!..........................


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« Reply #792 on: May 31, 2010, 06:05:25 pm »

The Mistress.....

A husband and wife were having dinner at a very expensive restaurant when an absolutely stunning young woman in a very tight revealing dress comes over to their table, gives her husband a big kiss, then says she'll see him later and walks away.

The wife glares at her husband and says, "And Who the hell was that?"
"Oh," replies the husband, "she's my mistress."
"Well, that's the last straw," says the wife. "I've had enough, I want a divorce!"

"I can understand that," replies her husband, "but remember, if we get a divorce it will mean no more shopping trips to Paris, no more wintering in Barbados, no more summers in Tuscany, no more Mercedes and Jaguar in the garage and no more yacht club, the maid and the credit cards will go and some of your jewellery will have to sold. But the decision is yours."

Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous lady on his arm.
"Who's that woman with Jim?" asks the wife.
"That's his mistress," says her husband.

The wife thinks a while - ........."Ours is much prettier," she replies


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« Reply #793 on: June 01, 2010, 03:26:47 pm »

For Sale

Now ain't that the TRUTH!!!!


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« Reply #794 on: June 01, 2010, 06:47:23 pm »

Lame (but true) Airline Joke....

A guy sitting at an airport bar in New York noticed a beautiful woman in uniform sitting next to him. He thought to himself, "Wow, she's so gorgeous she must be a flight attendant. But which airline does she work for? "

Hoping to pick her up, he leaned towards her and uttered the Delta slogan:

"Love to fly and it shows?"

She gave him a blank, confused stare and he immediately thought to himself, "Oh shit, she doesn't work for Delta".

A moment later, another slogan popped into his head. He leaned towards her again, "Something special in the air?"

She gave him the same confused look. He mentally kicked himself, and scratched American Airlines off the list.

Next he tried the United slogan: "I would really love to fly your friendly skies?"

This time the woman turned on him, "What the fuck do you want?"

The man smiled, then slumped back in his chair, and said . . .

"Ahhh, Cyprus Airways!"