Author Topic: JUST FOR A LAUGH  (Read 335193 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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« Reply #1140 on: July 09, 2012, 12:17:15 am »
Willy it is a attempt at humor.And a warning to thoose who would in crouch on somebody elses property.

U.S.A poor standerd of living? your gonna have to explain that one to me.And explain to me how you come to this conclusion.

Not standard of living Maxx. Standard of life.    Life is getting less valuable in the USA to some sections.   Your murder and manslaughter rate is quite high for a modern country. Then again after only two hundred years old so its still a new country.   But I will say that the UK is also heading the same way.   There is a reason but that is another question.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 12:31:12 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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« Reply #1141 on: July 09, 2012, 12:27:51 am »

Are you sure someone isn't putting something in your tea ??? are digging a lot of big holes lately...maybe it's just an age thing ??....or are you being mischevious again  ;D ;D ;D

I would make one small point....

If somebody half-crazed on drugs, with a knife or a gun, and is attacking somebody in your the heck do you plan to kill them...with your bare hands, or the yard wouldn't even get close before you too became a victim.

That the Law allows you to kill them is right and you can manage it is yet another story.

Give me 2300 ft/sec from a 0.223 and I dont care whether they are running towards me or away....they wont ever do it again !!!!

I am surprised that even you are not reading what I say.  No where in that item does it say someone has broke into your home, raped a woman, buggered the dog or anything else .  It just says ' If you cannot run at 850 feet per second your ass better be bullet proof'  So as no one on earth can run at that speed then does it mean that you can just shoot anyone in the back?  Just a simple question. Not asked for reasons why you would shoot someone just asked would you use a gun on the way the advert/item suggests. 

Mischevious maybe.  But only I would know that! 8)


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Rhonald

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« Reply #1142 on: July 09, 2012, 01:09:53 am »
Not asked for reasons why you would shoot someone just asked would you use a gun on the way the advert/item suggests. 


Willy, then your understanding of the poster's meaning is different then mine. The poster, to me, implies that if you are going to mess with me, then you better have some superior power, be it quick reflexes or a donkey as a body guard. With the expression " you mess with me and I am going to kick your ass" I could make a similar poster and put Nunchakus on it instead of a pistol. But I will agree with you that the poster's bravado could instill the wrong message in more juvenile minds leading to pursing negotiations through superior firepower.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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« Reply #1143 on: July 09, 2012, 03:38:29 am »
Not asked for reasons why you would shoot someone just asked would you use a gun on the way the advert/item suggests. 


Willy, then your understanding of the poster's meaning is different then mine. The poster, to me, implies that if you are going to mess with me, then you better have some superior power, be it quick reflexes or a donkey as a body guard. With the expression " you mess with me and I am going to kick your ass" I could make a similar poster and put Nunchakus on it instead of a pistol. But I will agree with you that the poster's bravado could instill the wrong message in more juvenile minds leading to pursing negotiations through superior firepower.

Well Rhonald if those eloquent words means that you understand my point of view then I agree with you.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline shaun

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« Reply #1144 on: July 09, 2012, 06:55:42 am »
Willy, all joking aside.  There are laws that apply to this.  The law does not allow one to shoot a person running away.  You will end up in jail doing that.  Imminent danger is the only provision for shooting a perp.

Here is a legal description; "Some laws allow use of deadly force when imminent danger is present. Typical considerations to find imminent danger include the attacker’s apparent intent to cause great bodily injury or death, the device used by the attacker to cause great bodily injury or death, and the attacker’s opportunity and ability to use the means to cause great bodily injury of death."

"Some laws," means some states and I think you would find that most states allow this.  If the attacker has quit and is walking away then the imminent danger law does not apply.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 06:57:45 am by shaun »

Offline Robertt S

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« Reply #1145 on: July 09, 2012, 07:13:06 am »
  The image is basically a warning to others not to trespass.I know you have seen peoples lawns with the signs advertising their burglar alarms systems. The first  sign is along the same train of thought with a funny twist. Here is another popular sign I see quite often here in the south! You are going to love this one! ;)

« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 07:19:40 am by robertt snellgrove »

Offline David E

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« Reply #1146 on: July 09, 2012, 03:28:11 pm »

If someone broke into my house house and was violating a family member I would kill that person without question.  And the law will allow that.


Yes I did read what you said Willy. Amongst other things, I noted your comments as above. As you are anti-gun I just wondered how you would deal with such a situation as described. I would (and anybody would) feel the sense of outrage and horror at such a situation and would be compelled to "deal" with the attacker............but how....that is the question.

Calling the Police is the obvious solution, but by the time they got there, maybe you would be dead/attacked too, if you had no means to defend yourself, or your family member.

Offline maxx

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« Reply #1147 on: July 09, 2012, 07:37:37 pm »
I just read a story on MSN about a guy in England who got a 90.00 ticket for checking out a woman's rear end.While he was driving down the road.He wasn't swerving or hanging out the window.He didn't Even whistle at her.But the limey cops still gave him a ticket.

Hey Willy welcome to the Start of the British empire Total control policy over there subjects.Next you all will be goose stepping and saluting the prime minister.Or bowing down and kisssing his ass when he walks by.I bet you all  wished you had kept all those weapons we gave you back in the 40's.

Remember Willy when they are tattooing a number on your arm.And you are  standing  in front of a death panel.Waiting for some no account politician.To pass judgment on you and your worth to the British empire.Remember We tried to warn you.That you needed to be able to protect yourself.Even from your own government.

I'd take another toke from my smoke.But I'm afraid I would choke.When I read a story about a man from England.Who gets fined for checking out the scenery.Somebody save us all from jacked up politicians and there inane laws.

Offline Pineau

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« Reply #1148 on: July 09, 2012, 07:59:50 pm »
i think i got this from this forum.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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« Reply #1149 on: July 09, 2012, 10:14:47 pm »
I just read a story on MSN about a guy in England who got a 90.00 ticket for checking out a woman's rear end.While he was driving down the road.He wasn't swerving or hanging out the window.He didn't Even whistle at her.But the limey cops still gave him a ticket.

Hey Willy welcome to the Start of the British empire Total control policy over there subjects.Next you all will be goose stepping and saluting the prime minister.Or bowing down and kisssing his ass when he walks by.I bet you all  wished you had kept all those weapons we gave you back in the 40's.

Remember Willy when they are tattooing a number on your arm.And you are  standing  in front of a death panel.Waiting for some no account politician.To pass judgment on you and your worth to the British empire.Remember We tried to warn you.That you needed to be able to protect yourself.Even from your own government.

I'd take another toke from my smoke.But I'm afraid I would choke.When I read a story about a man from England.Who gets fined for checking out the scenery.Somebody save us all from jacked up politicians and there inane laws.
What you or the report did not say was that at the time he was oogling some biddies butt he was also using his cell phone.  That is dangerous and a no go in the UK but then unlike others we are interested in protecting innocent people and 'driving without consideration to other road users'.

The rest of your insights are not worthy of receiving any comment whatsoever A) because I do not understand them and B) I don't think you do either.
But remember YOU and FELLOW Americans, present and before, made the USA the ultra safe place it is today!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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« Reply #1150 on: July 09, 2012, 10:28:02 pm »

Yes I did read what you said Willy. Amongst other things, I noted your comments as above. As you are anti-gun I just wondered how you would deal with such a situation as described. I would (and anybody would) feel the sense of outrage and horror at such a situation and would be compelled to "deal" with the attacker............but how....that is the question.

Calling the Police is the obvious solution, but by the time they got there, maybe you would be dead/attacked too, if you had no means to defend yourself, or your family member.

Anti Gun - maybe now.  Not always.  I have had to many encounters in that quarter. What I am now against is the blaise way people, who have never had a real life experience, talk about guns in a ' I am a big I am' way because they have a gun.

All I will say is that I was never born with the names I now have. 

Maybe I should get this thread back to being just a laugh!


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline maxx

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« Reply #1151 on: July 10, 2012, 12:38:39 am »
Willy there was no mention of a cell phone.In the story I read.So this tells me that either the story I read was missing all the facts.Or that the story you read was twisted by the media.To warrent two bored Limey cops to look like hero's.The world may never know the truth of the matter.

I seen That you posted something about violence in America and you mentioned.The Zimmerman shooting.That is where the Mexican guy shot the black Kid While the Mexican was doing neighborhood watch patrol.The Media made Zimmerman out to be a cold blooded killer.Who is a racist and a cold blooded killer wanting to kill someone.I don't think the guy is a racist.I think he just got himself stuck in something that he wasn't capable of handling.The reason I bring this up is because. of the media and the half truths they print.They almost got another couple killed with the same last name.After the media released there home address.And it was picked up by someone on Twitter.Who passed the information on to a Fa mouse American.Who passed it along to all his followers on twitter.The elderly couple had to flee there house.And hide with some relatives with a different last name.In a different state.After they received death threats.

I was going to give you a history lesson.On how something like this can spiral out of control.You know government's in acting more laws to control the masses.While they feed and steal from the people.All the while they are telling us it is for are own safety.All threw the media.But you and I have ben down this rd before so there isn't much point in going down it again.

If the truth be known I'm not a huge fan of Guns.But like some of the others have posted.I do believe that they are a scary evil.To protect ones self and loved ones from the evil man doe's do to his fellow man.

I read another story on MSN tonight.It was the story of a mentally ill man.Who was killed by the police.After he pointed a toy gun at the police officer.The sad part of the while story was.That the cops were supposed to know that the gun was not real.The victims family called 911 and told the 911 operator that the man had a gun but it wasn't a real gun.So why did the cops kill the man?

Probably because the story I read didn't tell the whole story.And maybe the victims family is looking for a payday.Or maybe the guy had  a knife and lunged at the cops.And the cops shot the guy to protect themselves.The world mite never know the truth.

I know this is a long post.And it kind of rambles.I have had 4 hours sleep in the last 24 hours.My point is unless you were there actually  there watching what was going on.You never know what really happens.Because what is posted on the enternet.Or whatever you get off the nightly news.IT Is probably not the whole story.And you probably shouldn't be jumping to conclusions

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« Reply #1152 on: July 10, 2012, 12:43:27 am »
well Willy,
I will say you are the lone beacon of sanity in “just for a laugh”. and bravely stayed your course. I commend you for that.
for one is always personal conjectures that foul any argument..too many what if's? if “X” happens, then I do “Y”. guns are made to kill. like, kill people. we conveniently forget this. 
basically, most people are idiots when armed. they assume certain invincibilities of whatever their fancy.
when it comes all down to crunch time, it is a different story. they do not know how they will react.

I will say one thing...the quality of life does come into question when people feel the need to be armed to protect themselves.

Offline Rhonald

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« Reply #1153 on: July 10, 2012, 02:24:28 am »
guns are made to kill. like, kill people. we conveniently forget this. 
basically, most people are idiots when armed. they assume certain invincibilities of whatever their fancy.

I will say one thing...the quality of life does come into question when people feel the need to be armed to protect themselves.

Guns are made to kill - Starter pistol, stun gun, nail gun, BB gun, tazer, water gun are all forms of guns that are not designed for this purpose.

I will agree with the second statement and its supporting 3rd statement, but it also needs to be expanded to include other tools of violence. With no easy access to guns, then knives become the next choice of destruction. The USA has a problem with guns that Willy likes to take a shot at but I will inturn take a stab at a UK problem.

The last statement in regards to quality of life is bang on the money and is an unfortunate reality in many places in the world. I would hazard a guess that most people who are armed do not feel invincible but feel scared and use the weapon as a crutch to mask their fear. It takes many hours of training to be able to use a wepon proficiently, be it a gun, knife, or martial art. If the weapon of choice - being guns in the USA - is some how restricted, then the next availble alternative causes the same problems.
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Offline Scottish_Robbie

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« Reply #1154 on: July 10, 2012, 03:57:40 am »
In the early 80's I was attacked IN my home. IF I had a gun I would have shot the f*&^%s, but I didn't, vengeance was done a couple of months later by my family members...

A few years later when my ex split from me I wished I  had a gun then. I would definitely not be here today if I had 'had' one then...

And this statement may ound stupid and confusing but I'm anti violence.

As for the press, they are usually always printing untruths or missing information to 'sell' papers

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