Author Topic: Going to Behai need some advise!  (Read 4656 times)

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Offline Irishman

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RE: Going to Behai need some advise!
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2009, 12:29:18 pm »
Quote from: 'brett' pid='22443' dateline='1257783956'
I must admit I found my notebook computer really useful as well, I'm glad I took it. Both the hotels I stayed in had free Internet access. My lady showed me how to install QQ and the thing she uses to type chinese characters. We could also look at all the photos I took, and of course I could keep the guys here updated about my adventures.

It was also good as an entertainment device. I couldn't venture far in Wuhan, and the TV was mostly rubbish.

Too right brett, it keeps me sane during the time I'm not with Sunny here n Guangzhou and gives me information about stuff I want to do as well as being a link back to home and of course the forum here. Chinese hotels have free Internet as standard so if you have a small laptop or preferably a netbook  - bring it.
I wrote this on my NC10 Netbook which has been to China now three times by me and i note the sticker on the bottom says Made In China!!
My 32" widescreen TV hasnt even been turned on here.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 12:30:49 pm by Irishman »
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Offline heckerd

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RE: Going to Behai need some advise!
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2009, 01:10:25 pm »
1. Bring any medication with you in the original bottle. Get your doctor to write you a prescription if you need anymore. You can get them easily.
2. Bring a laptop if you have one. Most hotels have free internet in their rooms.
3. Wear comfortable clothes but not too casual for your plane trip.
4. If your carrying alot of cash with you get a money belt.
5. Leave your passport at the hotel in a safe if they have one and use a photocopy.
6. Get a gift that is made locally in your area to your new in-laws. They might not like it but its the thought and you respecting them that counts.
7. Make sure you have all the paperwork done to get married before going to china.
8  Make sure your single certificate is translated by an authorize translation company in China. You soon to be wife can call the marriage office and ask where to get it translated.
9. Never drink water unless its been boiled or its bottled.