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Other Sites
« on: November 08, 2009, 11:49:28 pm »
Since we started making a lot of noise several days ago about other sites, I was wondering if anyone has had any time to check any of these other sites out and what their opinions are of the various sites.  Has anyone had any success with any of them or trust issues.

I know a few profiles of some of the women on chnlove are on multiple sites.  From the looks of it, there are usually several discrepancies that are starting to raise some flags...I think we should pool our information and see how it goes.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2009, 11:57:32 pm »
Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='22408' dateline='1257742168'

Since we started making a lot of noise several days ago about other sites, I was wondering if anyone has had any time to check any of these other sites out and what their opinions are of the various sites.  Has anyone had any success with any of them or trust issues.

I went on China Love Links and have no faith in it at all.  I could not remove my profile so I changed it to one that basically reads - 'I am only looking for wealthy women who have lots of money to share with me and who also like sex very much'

I have had at least 50 admirers notes - none answered of course but none had obviously read my profile.

Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2009, 09:40:09 am »
I think Chinese Love Links (note: not China Love Link) is good in the sense that you can get direct contact with the ladies immediately and then move on from there. I've met several nice ladies that way. Since I am occupied with a lady through Chnlove I am not interested in anything else than friendsship with these ladies, but it's fun to chat and exchange cultural differences. However, if it for some reason does not work out between me and my lady, I will give Chinese Love Links a serious try.

Just try it and see where it leads you. It's way cheaper than Chnlove and will save you both time and money (on the other hand, the number of girls who are only interested in chit chat is larger).


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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 01:25:19 pm »
I am checking out   called Cherry Blossom.   I am talking to six women right now.  Two are telling me they do not know what I mean my dating/marriage agency.  Does anyone know what to call it that would nail the issue to the wall.

I am talking to one woman that is at P218 in Changsha.  She sent me a cupid note several months ago and I didn't respond because I was talking with Pinky at the same agency and didn't want to upset the apple cart.  I did want to talk with her though.  She was the first one on my list should Pinky fall through. I asked her if she was still at P218 and she said yes.  But she has said a couple of things that caused me a little confusion.  The excerpts from her mail is below;

"I have not found my soul mate until now,so maybe we can make friends ,how about your ideas?"

At first I thought she meant me and after writing a few lines the thought came to me that she had found her man but she wanted to be friends and have me inline should this fall through.  She has been on chnlove a few years. So I wrote her trying to gracefully bow out of the picture so that I would not interfere with their relationship.  She replied;

"Many thanks for your letter,so have you found your soul mate now? If you want to make friends with me ,maybe we can write to each other in personal email address:*****"

Now I am really confused because I am thinking, she is telling me that I could be her soul mate. Good golly, am I seeing this all wrong or what?  I know the email name is the agency and she has not hid that fact. She is hot!!!!! She is drop dead gorgeous. I don't have to tell you guys, I WANT her, but we are talking P218 and quite possibly the dreaded Melody. But second mail she offered her email so??????

What is she saying?  Can you guys figure this out on this little info?   :@:s:huh:

Gad,,, I feel like a babbling idiot.


Offline wilsbrough

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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2009, 03:15:52 pm »
Yes, having fallen out of favor with Chnlove, if you have read my post on previous threads you will know my story. In all honesty, i will never use them again, before Chnlove i had a go on Asian euro and had a couple of good results, (with Asian girls in the UK) but there were also alot of girls, who by reading their messages were angling for money or some sort of sugar daddy to pay for everything. Now, i am on Chineselove links, it is affiliated with Asian euro, and i'm having some success there. I'm in touch with three girls at the moment, one i think i'm definitely punching above my weight,:icon_cheesygrin: she is a proper Chelsea girl, very well paid job, flash car and a flat in Chelsea harbour. Definitely a go getter, where i'm kinda of a beach bum/ surfer who's happy with my lot in life. The other two, both Chinese living in the UK, one who writes to me more often at the mo, is only a ten minute drive from my flat...So could be meeting her pretty soon. The other girl, who to be honest, i am more attracted too, looks, dress sense, interests etc, and she's tall. (i'm 6'4) and i'm hoping things will develop with. But rather annoyingly lives in Scotland. (shhh, don't tell Rob!!!:icon_cheesygrin:) But unlike the girls in China, all of these are in my time zone, so it's easy to keep in touch with them, and all have pretty good English. But even with this site, you have to sort the wheat out from the chaff, but that's the same with all of these sites right? It is annoying, as with my profile, i have stated that i am only looking for love within my own country, but i still get regular messages from girls in China...! Guess they are just trying their luck? As like me, i have always thought ''If you don't ask, you'll never get''

I think it all comes down to what your looking for, as like i say, i have now given up with Chnlove, Three failures, including one trip out there. Now,i think i will stick to the Girls already in the UK, as i do not know about the rest of the world, but the UK boarder agency is one of the strictest around, There is such a thing as a fiance visa, but there as rare as hen's dentures....!!She could come in on a student visa, but only if she has a guaranteed place at a college before she arrives, If she has her own business, she could apply for a business visa, but on going out to China, i sat next to a lady on the plane who had done this (for work reasons) and she was only granted a 5 day visa...!! From what i can tell, the only real way of getting your girl in, is to marry her in China, visit her regularly and after about a year, she should be granted a spousal visa, but again its not guaranteed!! And for me, i would never consider marrying a girl from overseas before she had spent a few months living with me in my country first. Sorry, going off on a bit of a tangent here...:icon_cheesygrin:

If you want to meet a Chinese girl in China, there are a lot of sites that will cater for you, and who knows, in your search, you may find a Chinese lady already in your country, but not with Chnlove, all the profiles i went through, i did not find one who was living outside of China. The main plus with these other sites is that you can join for three months at around £30. So £100 would get you three months membership at three different sites, (i was spending about that every month keeping in contact with one girl on Chnlove..!) and you can send as many messages as you like, it does not cost you to receive messages to you either. And normally you will have direct email addresses within 2/3 replies. Also with these other sites, all the girls seem to have their own computer and internet connection. (including the ones in China) And as you upload your own pictures (no agency) the vast majority that i have seen are from holidays snaps/mobile phones/webcam pictures, so you know what the girl really looks like.

But everyone is different right? i know some guy's here really rate Chnlove, but like with every site, keep your wits about you as there will be scammers. But if like me, and you have had no luck with Chnlove (or another site you are using) Why not try another one?

« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 04:37:28 pm by wilsbrough »
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!

Offline Danny

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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2009, 04:11:27 pm »
Quote from: 'wilsbrough' pid='22457' dateline='1257797752'

Now,i think i will stick to the Girls already in the UK, as i do not know about the rest of the world

Andy, I don't think this is such a bad idea. It's really hard and really expensive having an overseas relationship. I think if my relationship does not work out I am going to do what you are doing. As they say, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Don't be a stranger, and let us know how it all works out.

I think the lads here who have been burnt by chnlove have as much as a reason to hang out here, as the ones who have got lucky, probably more so *laughs*

Take care and best of luck!

« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 04:12:14 pm by Danny »


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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2009, 04:42:16 pm »
Quote from: 'wilsbrough' pid='22457' dateline='1257797752'

...The other girl, who to be honest, i am more attracted too, looks, dress sense, interests etc, and she's tall. (i'm 6'4) and i'm hoping things will develop with. But rather annoyingly lives in Scotland. (shhh, don't tell Rob!!!:icon_cheesygrin:) ...

Yeah Wills she was good when I was with her mate...hehehe:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2009, 04:56:51 pm »
Hey Guys,
I met my lady on a completely different site. It's Plenty of Fish. Their link is
It's absolutely free to join, and to e-mail back and forth is free as well.
There are a lot of cuties on the site, and some of them even know some English.
Good luck all!!

Offline wilsbrough

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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2009, 05:01:47 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='22463' dateline='1257802936'

Quote from: 'wilsbrough' pid='22457' dateline='1257797752'

...The other girl, who to be honest, i am more attracted too, looks, dress sense, interests etc, and she's tall. (i'm 6'4) and i'm hoping things will develop with. But rather annoyingly lives in Scotland. (shhh, don't tell Rob!!!:icon_cheesygrin:) ...

Yeah Wills she was good when I was with her mate...hehehe:icon_cheesygrin:

Thanks for warming her up for me Rob, i guess she just wants to be taken for a real ride eh?? :icon_cheesygrin:
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!


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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2009, 07:42:04 pm »
Quote from: 'wilsbrough' pid='22466' dateline='1257804107'

Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='22463' dateline='1257802936'

Quote from: 'wilsbrough' pid='22457' dateline='1257797752'

...The other girl, who to be honest, i am more attracted too, looks, dress sense, interests etc, and she's tall. (i'm 6'4) and i'm hoping things will develop with. But rather annoyingly lives in Scotland. (shhh, don't tell Rob!!!:icon_cheesygrin:) ...

Yeah Wills she was good when I was with her mate...hehehe:icon_cheesygrin:

Thanks for warming her up for me Rob, i guess she just wants to be taken for a real ride eh?? :icon_cheesygrin:



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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2009, 08:35:27 pm »
Hello All,

 I to became very disappointed with chnl and during the time i was on there i also went to Chinese Love Links.
 It was there that i met the lady i am now married to and i will tell you the difference is night and day. seems to me
 that there are to many dissapointments with chnl as i read thru the forums but i guess if you dont try you cannot
succeed. to me it just doesnt seem to be they are upfront. well it worked out for me so if you are not happy with
chnl then give it a try at least you can chat directly with the ladies and who knows maybe you will have the success
that i managed to have happen.  I didnt like Cherry Blossoms as it was full of to many filipinos who were in love with
you from just looking at your profile. and most of them were 18 to 20???  just looking for a meal ticket out of there.
when i posted on Chinese love links i put in my profile thaat i wanted to move to china and live for 5 or 6 years and then maybe
go back to the USA to live. i received many responses from this and chatted with many women till i found my wife.
ok my 2 cents worth on other sites

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2009, 09:14:12 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='22448' dateline='1257791119'

I am talking to one woman that is at P218 in Changsha.  She sent me a cupid note several months ago and I didn't respond because I was talking with Pinky at the same agency and didn't want to upset the apple cart.  I did want to talk with her though.  She was the first one on my list should Pinky fall through. I asked her if she was still at P218 and she said yes.  But she has said a couple of things that caused me a little confusion.  The excerpts from her mail is below;

"I have not found my soul mate until now,so maybe we can make friends ,how about your ideas?"

At first I thought she meant me and after writing a few lines the thought came to me that she had found her man but she wanted to be friends and have me inline should this fall through.  She has been on chnlove a few years. So I wrote her trying to gracefully bow out of the picture so that I would not interfere with their relationship.  She replied;

"Many thanks for your letter,so have you found your soul mate now? If you want to make friends with me ,maybe we can write to each other in personal email address:*****"

Now I am really confused because I am thinking, she is telling me that I could be her soul mate. Good golly, am I seeing this all wrong or what?  I know the email name is the agency and she has not hid that fact. She is hot!!!!! She is drop dead gorgeous. I don't have to tell you guys, I WANT her, but we are talking P218 and quite possibly the dreaded Melody. But second mail she offered her email so??????

What is she saying?  Can you guys figure this out on this little info?   :@:s:huh:

Gad,,, I feel like a babbling idiot.


I read the thing as saying that she hasn't found her soulmate yet.  Whoever translated the thing might not be the best translator.  I'm not sure about how good the translators are (I know some who claim to translate documents and are marginally better at english than the ones they translate for) but I could see the mis-translation happening.

I think she wants to start something with you.  I'm guessing she's been burned a few times as well and wants to take it slow by starting as friends.

That's my opinion of course.
To be honest, I'm willing to give chnlove another chance.  I still have a few credits that I can spend and then after that depending on how things go, I will consider another site.  I've been looking at  Looks reasonable.  If that doesn't work, then I'll figure out where to go then.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 09:58:38 pm by mustfocus »
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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2009, 11:13:50 pm »
Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='22493' dateline='1257819252'

Quote from: 'shaun' pid='22448' dateline='1257791119'

I am talking to one woman...
...What is she saying?  Can you guys figure this out on this little info?   :@:s:huh:

Gad,,, I feel like a babbling idiot.


I read the thing as saying that she hasn't found her soulmate yet.  Whoever translated the thing might not be the best translator.  I'm not sure about how good the translators are (I know some who claim to translate documents and are marginally better at english than the ones they translate for) but I could see the mis-translation happening.

I think she wants to start something with you.  I'm guessing she's been burned a few times as well and wants to take it slow by starting as friends.

That's my opinion of course.

To be honest, I'm willing to give chnlove another chance.  I still have a few credits that I can spend and then after that depending on how things go, I will consider another site.  I've been looking at  Looks reasonable.  If that doesn't work, then I'll figure out where to go then.


You are right.  She just replied to my email and she asked me if I wanted to see if we could be soul mates. So, I guess I will give it a whirl.


Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2009, 10:17:04 pm »
Quote from: 'wilsbrough' pid='22466' dateline='1257804107'

Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='22463' dateline='1257802936'

Quote from: 'wilsbrough' pid='22457' dateline='1257797752'

...The other girl, who to be honest, i am more attracted too, looks, dress sense, interests etc, and she's tall. (i'm 6'4) and i'm hoping things will develop with. But rather annoyingly lives in Scotland. (shhh, don't tell Rob!!!:icon_cheesygrin:) ...

Yeah Wills she was good when I was with her mate...hehehe:icon_cheesygrin:

Just like your days as a jockey Rob.  You warming up the fillies so that the top riders could go straight to the winning post!!!!!:icon_cheesygrin:


« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 10:17:57 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline wilsbrough

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RE: Other Sites
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2009, 04:19:50 pm »
okay, this may interest some of the guy's who like me have given up on the international dating for a while but who are still interested in dating Asian/Chinese ladies. I was talking to one of my Asian girlfriends, i mean a friend who is a girl...I'm not trying to sound like Hugh Hefener here.:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin: Funny thing tho, there is a guy in my town who walks around in his dressing gown n slippers and carries a carrier bag full of biscuits around with him, everyone stays well clear of him..I guess if you are a millionaire and have a fleet of playboy bunnies with you, you are a hero, but if its a bag of biscuits your just a nutter, go figure...? Sorry, i digress...

Anyhow, she was the one who suggested i try internet dating, mainly because there is no 'new blood' in our group of friends. And as i am interested in Asian culture, i thought i'd try the Asian sites, which eventually led me to Chnlove. Anyway, she could not understand why i wanted to do this. She said she would never put her profile on any of these types of sites, and said she thought that anyone who was doing this was because they could not get a girl in their own country, and saw the guy's who wanted 'mail order brides' was only so they could control them and make them do everything for them (her words guy's, not mine) But to be honest, when reading thru the actual Chnlove forum, there was an American guy who said 'Get yourself a Chinese lady, you can tailor her to your needs and mould her to how you like...!!' I guess when you read posts like that, it would kinda make you think what she said was right. It does not help the rest of us here when others are saying this right??

So i thought i'd put what she said to the test, i joined a site called 'dating direct' I don't know if they have sites in other countries, but it is a non-international site were the furthest away you can look is 100miles. You can also put what nationality you are looking for in your search. So i put maximum distance of 100 miles (not far at all when the last girl i was writing to was in China...!) Age group 27-40 and pressed search. In the results there was over 260 Chinese girls all within this distance of my home, way more than on Asianeuro, or Chineselove links....So i guess some of the things she said were correct, as there were more girls on this one site than any of the actual 'Asian' dating sites. Just thought some of the guy's maybe interested in this.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 04:28:22 pm by wilsbrough »
Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!