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What husband mean in Chinese character

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Spanish is restructed also.  instead of saying it forwards like "get to work"  you would say "to work get"  other wise the mexicans
laugh at you....ha:icon_cheesygrin:  However, they do know the english meaning of "paycheck"


--- Quote from: 'chen yan' pid='22490' dateline='1257816406' ---

--- Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='22452' dateline='1257795342' ---
Chen Ye,

When I was younger, my parents used a different word. They always say, X's Lao Po or Lao Gong which I understand to be wife/husband. Am I wrong? I still use that in my daily conversations.

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You are right ,RegnisTheGreat. "Lao po" or "Lao Gong" is used in daily conversation. "Qi Zi" or "Zhang Fu" is used in formal occasion.

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Haha, and just in the same vein, "Lao Wai" is foreigner, our old Prime Minister, is "Lao Lee"... you old rascal is "chou xiaozi" :icon_cheesygrin:

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: 'brett' pid='22429' dateline='1257772670' ---
I've learnt about 60 characters now, and I am finding it easier to remember new ones. I can't yet remember how to write many of them, but I can read them.

My spoken Mandarin is ???? but my teacher thinks my pronunciation is quite good and it's better than some of the guys in the class. Remembering the words what I have most difficulty with, but it's partly due to the lack of time I have to study. I can recommend going to a Chinese class though, it's a great way to get started :icon_cheesygrin:.

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I hope that you are going to the same part of China that your teacher is from!   I have just spend time in Hunan which is only the next province and their pronounciation of words is completely different than in southern Guangdong.  


different dialects  different cities

Sylvain D:
Now I better understand this sentence : "wo shi lao wai" :D
I've been exposed to some difficulties with the sentences to be restructured but I can understand, because sometimes, the meaning is not easy at all.
Well, I'm also going on studying on chinese, I can remember many character but difficult to write them back on a paper...except a few ones... :blush:


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